White's Grove - McKinney
White's Grove was located southwest of downtown McKinney near the present-day junction of Eldorado and Hardin Blvd. It was named for Collin County's first official surveyor, George White. It had a Baptist and a Methodist church, as well as a school. The Williams Cemetery is the last reminder of White's Grove.
McKinney Daily Courier Gazette, March 3, 1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
It was our pleasure to be a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Grogan, a leading farm couple of the White's Grove community. This good lady has a large flock of Rhode Island Red and the White Leghorn chickens, from which she gathers many eggs. She also has a promising lot of baby chicks, which she is raising. This worthy couple have five children: Turner Grogan, a clerk with Lane's Grocery, at McKinney; Charley Grogan, who is connected with the Fairview Grocery, three miles south of McKinney; Mrs. Wallace Williams of Dallas; Miss Lena Belle and V. H. Grogan Jr., both at home. At the time of our call Miss Lena Belle, was visiting friends in Dallas.
White's Grove has a two-teacher school with Miss Margaret Duckworth and Mrs. Weeks as teachers. The former has been teaching at White's Grove for three years. Both of these teachers are efficient and well liked. However, Miss Duckworth, who lives in McKinney, has just resigned her position to accept a place on the faculty of the Celina High School. Mrs. George Weeks is principal of the White's Grove School. Mrs. Pauline Slater has been chosen to succeed Miss Duckworth as the other teacher.
The White's Grove Methodist Church has preaching every Third Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Webb of Allen. Sunday School is held every Sunday morning with an average attendance of forty or fifty during the winter months. Wilfred Williams is the faithful Superintendent.
This Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette scribe also enjoyed a visit for a few minutes with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hinsley. We regretted to find that Mr. Hinsley was ill in bed. Mrs. Hinsley is our faithful reporter at White's Grove for the Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette. She also sometimes acts as correspondent for the Mount Olive Church community, which is located not so far from White's Grove. The Mount Olive Church is a Baptist organization with an old burying ground adjacent.
The people of the Mount Olive and White's Grove communities usually attend services at both churches. Sometimes, they go as a body to attend preaching from one church to the other. This is certainly a fine example to set of genuine Christian fraternity between the denominations. It reflects very creditably upon the broad minded spirit and brotherly love existing between the people of these two communities.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hinsley is located off the highway, some little distance, surrounded by beautiful native grass pasture with papershell pecan trees growing over it for shade. These trees are also set along the driveway, leading to the home. The trees are enclosed in wirenetting pens with iron posts to hold them and to prevent damage to the young trees from the stock as they are grazing on the pasture. This fine couple have reared two lovely daughters, both now married. One of them, Mrs. Melvin Gant, and her husband live on their farm near Blythe's Chapel. They are the parents of two children, Melvin Jr. (Sonny Boy) and Shirley Ann. The other daughter is Mrs. Ernest Massey, whose husband Rev. Ernest Massey is a busy young school teacher and Baptist minister, who lives at Hamlin in West Texas. Rev. Mr. Massey's parents live at McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Hinsley have a right to be proud of their children and grandchildren.
We also had the privilege of stopping in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rayle, who live near the Mount Olive Baptist Church, some distance west of White's Grove. They told us of the good attendance and interest at Sunday School each Sunday, where Prof. Bean is the Superintendent and Rev. John R. Hilson of Greenville is pastor of the church.
The Mount Olive Church and Williams graveyard, adjoining are in the community where Grafton Williams settled and headrighted a large body of land in the very beginning of Collin County history. He reared a large family of children. One of his sons, Will Williams, is still living in this community. Vernon Williams and sister, Miss Lottie Williams, are grandchildren of Grafton Williams, who live in their pretty big two-story farm residence located on the McKinney-Frisco pike.
White's Grove takes its name from the late George White, another pioneer settler, who died many years ago, on his farm in this community. He was a farmer, stockman, land surveyor, successful business man and civic leader of ? ? and usefulness in his day previous to the Civil War and in the seventies and eighties following that strife. One of his daughters, Mrs. Dr. W. T. Hoard, still lives in McKinney. George White was a benefactor of his day. The White's Grove School and church are monuments to his name. Another one of his benefactions was the donation of a part of beautiful McKinney High School and L. A. Scott Junior High School campus in McKinney.
Two other citizens of the White's Grove community of outstanding prominence in the life of McKinney and Collin County were the late Gen. E. W. Kirkpatrick and the late John H. Ferguson. The former was a nationally known nurseryman, originator of new varieties of fruit and nuts, especially of pecans, who was State Commander of the Confederate Veterans when he died some years ago. John H. Ferguson was a successful farmer and extensive farm owner and manager, who for several years, was President of the big McKinney Cotton Mill and a business and civic leader in McKinney for a third of a century before his death, which occurred just a few years ago.
McKinney Daily Courier Gazette, March 3, 1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
It was our pleasure to be a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Grogan, a leading farm couple of the White's Grove community. This good lady has a large flock of Rhode Island Red and the White Leghorn chickens, from which she gathers many eggs. She also has a promising lot of baby chicks, which she is raising. This worthy couple have five children: Turner Grogan, a clerk with Lane's Grocery, at McKinney; Charley Grogan, who is connected with the Fairview Grocery, three miles south of McKinney; Mrs. Wallace Williams of Dallas; Miss Lena Belle and V. H. Grogan Jr., both at home. At the time of our call Miss Lena Belle, was visiting friends in Dallas.
White's Grove has a two-teacher school with Miss Margaret Duckworth and Mrs. Weeks as teachers. The former has been teaching at White's Grove for three years. Both of these teachers are efficient and well liked. However, Miss Duckworth, who lives in McKinney, has just resigned her position to accept a place on the faculty of the Celina High School. Mrs. George Weeks is principal of the White's Grove School. Mrs. Pauline Slater has been chosen to succeed Miss Duckworth as the other teacher.
The White's Grove Methodist Church has preaching every Third Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Webb of Allen. Sunday School is held every Sunday morning with an average attendance of forty or fifty during the winter months. Wilfred Williams is the faithful Superintendent.
This Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette scribe also enjoyed a visit for a few minutes with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hinsley. We regretted to find that Mr. Hinsley was ill in bed. Mrs. Hinsley is our faithful reporter at White's Grove for the Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette. She also sometimes acts as correspondent for the Mount Olive Church community, which is located not so far from White's Grove. The Mount Olive Church is a Baptist organization with an old burying ground adjacent.
The people of the Mount Olive and White's Grove communities usually attend services at both churches. Sometimes, they go as a body to attend preaching from one church to the other. This is certainly a fine example to set of genuine Christian fraternity between the denominations. It reflects very creditably upon the broad minded spirit and brotherly love existing between the people of these two communities.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hinsley is located off the highway, some little distance, surrounded by beautiful native grass pasture with papershell pecan trees growing over it for shade. These trees are also set along the driveway, leading to the home. The trees are enclosed in wirenetting pens with iron posts to hold them and to prevent damage to the young trees from the stock as they are grazing on the pasture. This fine couple have reared two lovely daughters, both now married. One of them, Mrs. Melvin Gant, and her husband live on their farm near Blythe's Chapel. They are the parents of two children, Melvin Jr. (Sonny Boy) and Shirley Ann. The other daughter is Mrs. Ernest Massey, whose husband Rev. Ernest Massey is a busy young school teacher and Baptist minister, who lives at Hamlin in West Texas. Rev. Mr. Massey's parents live at McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Hinsley have a right to be proud of their children and grandchildren.
We also had the privilege of stopping in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rayle, who live near the Mount Olive Baptist Church, some distance west of White's Grove. They told us of the good attendance and interest at Sunday School each Sunday, where Prof. Bean is the Superintendent and Rev. John R. Hilson of Greenville is pastor of the church.
The Mount Olive Church and Williams graveyard, adjoining are in the community where Grafton Williams settled and headrighted a large body of land in the very beginning of Collin County history. He reared a large family of children. One of his sons, Will Williams, is still living in this community. Vernon Williams and sister, Miss Lottie Williams, are grandchildren of Grafton Williams, who live in their pretty big two-story farm residence located on the McKinney-Frisco pike.
White's Grove takes its name from the late George White, another pioneer settler, who died many years ago, on his farm in this community. He was a farmer, stockman, land surveyor, successful business man and civic leader of ? ? and usefulness in his day previous to the Civil War and in the seventies and eighties following that strife. One of his daughters, Mrs. Dr. W. T. Hoard, still lives in McKinney. George White was a benefactor of his day. The White's Grove School and church are monuments to his name. Another one of his benefactions was the donation of a part of beautiful McKinney High School and L. A. Scott Junior High School campus in McKinney.
Two other citizens of the White's Grove community of outstanding prominence in the life of McKinney and Collin County were the late Gen. E. W. Kirkpatrick and the late John H. Ferguson. The former was a nationally known nurseryman, originator of new varieties of fruit and nuts, especially of pecans, who was State Commander of the Confederate Veterans when he died some years ago. John H. Ferguson was a successful farmer and extensive farm owner and manager, who for several years, was President of the big McKinney Cotton Mill and a business and civic leader in McKinney for a third of a century before his death, which occurred just a few years ago.