Blue Ridge Baptist Church
Very little is recorded about the Church during its first twenty years of existence. Walter B. Wilson’s Scrapbooks states that the Baptist Church of Blue Ridge was organized in 1869. Mr. Wilson was editor of McKinney Daily Courier-Gazette at one time. Mrs. John Braswell said that at first all church services were held in the school house, with Baptists, Methodists, Church of Christ, and Primitive Baptists alternating their services. Rev. Wm. Dunn was called as pastor in 1886.
The decade of 1900-1910 brought G. B. Airhart, J. E. Morgan, J. W. Summer, and G. M. Cook as pastors.
Pastors during 1910-1919 were Joseph Pearce, G. A. Dale, J. R. Hilger, W. A. Hancock.
1920-1929, pastors were J. R. Rampey and J. R. Hilger. In 1926 with Bro. Hilger as pastor, the church built the present sanctuary and adjoining classrooms. It was remodeled many times.
During the Depression of the 30’s pastors were G. O. Key, C. V. Roberts, J. R. Hilger, A. W. Cunningham, G. O. key, and E. E. Gilbert. In 1935 the grand total of all expenditures was only $384.
During the war years of 1940-1949, E. E. Gilbert and J. F. Bolin served as the last half-time pastors. Full time pastors were E. C. Coleman, R. E. Corzine, E. C. Coleman, J. W. Lasater, and I. E. Driggers. Training Union was begun, the baptistery was installed, the Brotherhood was organized, and the Church bought its first parsonage and also a building that was attached to the back of the church building.
During 1950-1959, under the leadership of I. E. Driggers, Ray Cox, Johnny Ashley, and W. S. Milton, the auditorium was celotexed, florescent lights were installed, a better cooling system installed, and a new piano purchased.
Pastors in the 60’s were W. S. Milton and R. M. Collinsworth. Church membership and Sunday School attendance increased steadily. Improvements were made in the auditorium. A new parsonage was purchased.
The Church built a $17,500 education building and completed it in mid 1967. Church records were updated and a weekly bulletin was printed. New robes were purchased for the choir. A new organ was bought at a cost of $1,595. In April 1969, the note on the education building was paid off, just 22 months from the first installment.
Pastors in the 70’s included R. M. Collinsworth, Clint Sonnamaker, Joe Dan Fowler, Roger Jarboe, and Frank Reeves. Parking areas were added. Improvements were made in the auditorium. The property east of the education building was bought. Deacons ordained were Ronald Branch, Othel (Buck) Mahan, Bill Ross, and Marshall Smith. Terry Douglas and Bobby Riddle were licensed to preach.
The Decade of the 80’s began with Rev. Delton Beall as pastor. The “Stapp” property east of the church was bought. A new church sign became a reality. The church adopted a budget of $48,647. Sunday School enrollment increased from 121 to 230. 91 members have been added to the Church – 43 by baptism 48 by letter and statement. Church Training has been reorganized with an average attendance of 50. Gifts to the Co-operative Program for 1980 were $2,561.58, and increase of 42% over 1979. 1981 gifts to the Co-operative Program are running 68% over 1980. Budget receipts have doubled those for 1980.
1869-1980 - compiled by Faye Hudson
1981 & following - recorded by Wanda Williams
1981 - 1989, pastors were Delton Beall, Barry Beames, and Stanley Shamburger. Music/Youth Ministers were Ed Perkins, Jay Shepherd, Randall Terry, Bill Nave, and Dean Whitaker. New (used) choir robes were purchased. The church hired its very first secretary in 1981. A copier was purchased in June 1983. The front porch was enclosed, making a foyer, November 1983. A metal building was built in 1984 - housing 6 classrooms, storage room, kitchen, and fellowship hall. The church offices were moved to the brick building in 1986. In 1988 handicap parking places were erected and central heat and air was put in the parsonage. Vinyl siding was put on the sanctuary in 1989. Deacons ordained in 1989 were Ronnie Chilton, M.W. (Chub) Johnson, Robert Todd, Ronny Graham, and Johnny Williams.
1990 - 1999, pastors were Stanley Shamburger, Brian Edmonds, and Johnnie R. Jones.
Music/Youth Ministers were Jason Bishop, Terry Wiggins - youth only, Scot McTee - music only, and Denton Wood – music only
Ceiling fans were installed in the sanctuary, wings and choir loft. Padded chairs were purchased for the wings. A tape ministry was begun in April 1993, (taking service tapes to the shut-ins). A new sound system was purchased in June 1993. In November 1995, Bibles were purchased for the pews. The 1991 edition of the Baptist Hymnal was purchased in July 1996. New carpet and pew pads were installed in the sanctuary. A Dodge - 15 passenger - Van was purchased in June 1997. A lighted sign with message space was installed over the brick sign in February 1998. The parsonage had a fire in May 1997 and repairs were completed on it in April 1998. The church took a big leap of faith and purchased 40 acres on Hwy. 78 for the price of $120,000.00. The papers were signed at Attorney Jody Aston’s office on November 3, 1999. Trustees that signed the papers were Robert Todd, Roy Littrell and Russell (Rusty) Carter. The loan was secured from the First National Bank in Trenton. The City and the church worked together at Christmas to collect food for the food pantry to benefit the needy in the community. There were 19 food baskets delivered. The City presented at check to the FBC Food Pantry in the amount of $650.00 (this was money raised through the City’s Christmas Parade and activities).
The new millennium – year 2000 began with Johnnie R. Jones as pastor and Denton Wood as minister of music and Cheryl Graves as interim youth minister.
A sign was purchased for the new property on Hwy. 78. The sign reads:
Future Home of…
First Baptist Church
Blue Ridge
NOW at 307 W FM 545
The year 2001 began and on February 27th, the final payment was made on the land – 16 months from the signing of the note. In May, Oleg Brudnyy was called as minister to the youth.
The year 2002 saw dirt work done on the new land in preparation for the new building. Josh Arnold was called as youth minister 2-10-02 and served until 11-9-03. Eddie and Dana Kent became the you directors in Nov. 2003. Jim Bowling became the interim music minister and served until 8-10-03 when Cory Fothergill was called as minister of music. AWANA Clubs have seen an enrollment of 300.
October 2003 saw a bond program begin to finance the new building and $1,000,000 in bonds was sold in one day.
July 18, 2004 the first service was held in the new location (316 Hwy 78 N.) Johnnie Jones was still pastor, Cory Fothergill was minister of music. October 30th was Cory’s last day as minister of music.
Larry Schone and Brother Johnnie lead the music until April 16, 2006, when Allan Strickland became the interim music minister.
September 2006 was the opening of the Little Blessings Preschool for 18 months through 4 years old. The preschool meets on Tuesday and Thursday each week following the same school calendar as the BRISD.
February 18, 2007, a new era began with the calling of the first full time associate pastor of student ministries – Matt Henslee. On March 11, 2007, John Salles was called as bi-vocational minister of music.
Matt Henslee resigned as associate pastor of student ministries effective March 31, 2008. Johnnie Jones resigned as pastor (due to medical problems) effective August 31, 2008.
March 21, 2009, the bell from the old church building was mounted on its tower at the new church facility. Brian Hawkins was called as pastor and began his ministry on 8-9-09. Little Blessings day care was opened June 1, 2010. Brian Hawkins resigned as pastor and his last day as pastor was January 2, 2011. Shawn Bailey became pastor on November 13, 2011.
1967 - 1968
Mrs. Annie Perkins, Mr. Roy Snow
1968 - 1969
Mr. Clarence Box, Mrs. Nona Braswell, Mrs. Flora Bell Crabtree, Mrs. Annie Grounds, Mrs. Minnie Lamm, Mrs. Lucy Mulder, Mrs. Irene Sims
1969 - 1970
Rev. Clyde Braswell, Mrs. Myrtis Riddle, Miss Eura Tallant, Mrs. Sarah Tree, Mrs. E. L. Williams, Mrs. J. S. Wilson,
Mr. J. S. Wilson, deacon
1970 - 1971
Mrs. John Braswell, Mrs. Marcus Duckworth, Mrs. Phenis Metheny, Mr. Arthur Nevils, Mr. J. W. Press, deacon
1971 - 1972
Mr. M. B. Duckworth, Mr. A. J. Jenkins, Mrs. Clotile Rogers, Miss Bertie Scott, Mrs. Eloise Montgomery
1972 - 1973
Mr. David Ear Boren, Miss Jancie Lee Goff, Mr. James Goff, Jr., Mr. James Montgomery, Mrs. Flossie Hedrich,
Mrs. Beatrice Parker, Mrs. Cora Press
1973 - 1974
Rev. J. T. Hudson, Mrs. Eugene Douglas
1974 - 1975
Mrs. Louise Abston, Mr. Olyn Hendricks, Mr. Tilman Riley, Mr. Minet Walker
1975 - 1976
Mr. Kenneth Dixon, Mr. F. V. Kemp, Deacon
1976 - 1977
Mr. Erwin Drain
1977 - 1978
Mrs. Edna Jenkins, Mr. Lon Stapp, Deacon
1978 - 1979
Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Mrs. Versie Morris, Mr. Oscar Calhoun, Mrs. Opal Hendricks
1979 - 1980
Mr. Leonard Allen, Mr. John Braswell, Mr. Valree Harmon, Mr. John Todd
1980 - 1981
Mrs. Goldie Womble, Mr. John Todd, Mr. Leonard Allen, Mrs. Valree Harmon, Herbie Brian
1981 - 1982
Mrs. Bessie Barker, Mrs. Vera Calhoun, Mr. Price Kinamon, Deacon, Miss Flora McTee, Mrs. Lucille Mulder, Miss Louise Nation, Mrs. Hattie Stapp, Mrs. Vallie Stults, Mrs. Aline Terrell, Mrs. Winnie Terrell, Mr. John Wilson, Deacon
1982 - 1983
Mrs. Edna Bunch, Mrs. Ada Calloway, Mr. Arthur Mulder, Mrs. Hazel Reynolds, Mr. William Terry
1983 - 1984
Mr. Bill Atteberry, Mrs. Rosa Calhoun, Mr. Calvin Douglas, Mrs. Iva McCarley, Mrs. Cora Mae McDonald, Mr. Forest Tree, Mr. C. O. Williams
1984 - 1985
1985 - 1986
Mrs. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. Lee Ferguson
1986 - 1987
Mrs. Mae Branch, Miss Rhoda Jones, Mrs. Rubye Maxwell, Mr. Truman Webb, Deacon, Miss Georgia White
1987 - 1988
Mrs. Ira Box, Mr. Bennie Cully, Mr. Art Hoffman, Miss Faye Hudson, Mrs. Winnie Langham, Mr. Horace McDonald
1988 - 1989
Mrs. Oma Hudson, Mrs. Eva Sparks, Mrs. Arnetha Brooks
1989 - 1990
Mr. Doyle Sagely, Mrs. Gertrude Press, Mr. Ira Box, Mrs. Letha Braswell, Mr. Eugene Douglas, Deacon, Mrs. Faye Baker, Mr. John D. Truelove, Deacon, Mrs. Maeola Kemp
1990 - 1991
Mr. Marvin Braswell, Mrs. Velma Kemp, Mrs. Retha Walston, Mr. John Gay, Mrs. Opal Denham, Mr. Homer Abston,
Mr. Edwin Langham, Mrs. Cora Teague
1991 - 1992
Mr. Bill White, Mr. Clifford Martin, Mrs. Sandra Higdon
1992 - 1993
Mr. Bob Morgan, Deacon, Mr. Clifford Kemp, Deacon, Mr. Ray Parker
1993 - 1994
Mr. Tony McDonald, Mrs. Effie Beckwith
1994 - 1995
Mrs. Roxie Dickson, Mr. Tony Alan McDonald, Mrs. Mildred McLeod, Mr. J. L. Maxwell, Mr. Marshall Smith, Deacon
1995 - 1996
Mr. Jesse Moss, Jr., Mrs. Minnie Drain, Mrs. Ruby Rhodes, Mr. Tommie Palmer, Mr. Billy Gene Short
1996 - 1997
1997 - 1998
N. M. (Sandy) Short
1998 -1999
Mrs. Beula Mae Short, Mr. Lee Bourland, Deacon, Mrs. Florence Edwards
1999 - 2000
Mrs. Viola Allen,Mrs. Lillian Boren,Miss Janie Byars, Mr. Preston Beckwith
2000 - 2001
Mrs. Luella Langham, Mrs. Bonnie Pate, Ivyl Cunnyngham – deacon, Sarah Smith
2001 - 2002
Mrs. Irene Williams, Mr. Robert (Bobby) Branch, Mrs. Dahlia Chilton, Mr. Steven McDonald
2002 - 2003
Mr. Bobby Scribner, Mrs. Estelle Sellers, Mr. Alvin Bishop, Mrs. Pauline Durham, Mr. Bert Hedrich, Mrs. Blanch Hedrich
2003 - 2004
Mrs. Tracey Love
2004 - 2005
Mrs. Elsie Braswell, Mrs. Ruth Baker, Mr. Leo Watkins, Mrs. Robbie Wilson
2005 - 2006
Mrs. Oneeda Riley, Mr. Ronald Braswell
2006 - 2007
Mrs. Rosa Martin, Mrs. Roberta Bishop
2007 - 2008
Mrs. Clara Kinamon, Mrs. Hattie Terry, Mr. Terry Redden
2008 - 2009
Mrs. Ann Boren, Mrs. Penny White, Mr. E.W. Richardson
2009 - 2010
Mrs. Carroll Hammonds, Mrs. Wanda McCarley, Mrs. Opal Short, Ms. Linda Dixon
Mr. James Freeman,Mr. Travis Bunch, Mrs. Martha Isham, Mrs. Joyce Smith
Music/Youth Ministers
Sept. 1968 - Aug. 1970 Ricky Russell
interim H. T. Wright
June 1972 - Oct. 1974 Leroy Willis
June 1975 - Oct. 1975 Nicky Chambley
Nov. 1975 - Oct. 1976 Ken Lilley
1977 - May 1978 Jim Boren
June 1978 - June 1980 Joe Stults
June 1980 - Sept. 1981 Ed Perkins
Oct. 1981 - May 1983 Jay Shepherd
March 1984 - Dec. 1985 Randall Terry
interim John Martin
Feb. 1986 - June 1987 Bill Nave
interim Jed Wood
Sept. 1987 - Oct. 1991 Dean Whitaker
interim Dick Winters
Jan. 1993 - Feb. 1996 Jason Bishop
July 1996 - Aug. 1997 Scot McTee - Music Only
Jan. 1997 - May 1998 Terry Wiggins - Youth Only
interim Janis Hodges - music
interim Cheryl Graves – youth
May 2000 – August. 2002 Denton Wood - music
May 2001 Oleg Brudnyy – youth
Feb. 2002 - Josh Arnold – youth
August. 2002 –Aug. 2003 Jim Bowling – interim music
Nov. 2003 – Sept. 2006 Eddie & Dana Kent – interim youth
April 14, 2006 – Dec. 24, 2006 Allan Strickland – interim music
March 12, 2007 – March 2008 Matthew Henslee – Associate Pastor of Student Ministries (youth)
March 12, 2007 - John Salles – Music
1968-1971 Price Kinnamon
1972-1977 Benny Douglas
1978-1978 Johnny Williams
1988-1989 Jim Venable
1990-1994 Preston Beckwith
1995-1999 Randall Brockman
1999 -2008 Ted Graves
Richard Hall
Tracy Scoggin
2008- Jim Shivers
1968-1969 J. W. Mayo
1970-1971 Ronald Branch
1972-1973 Robert Middleton
1974 John Parker
1975-1976 Roland Pryor
1977 H. I. Cunnyngham
1978-1979 Morris Hall
1980-1981 Dwayne Atteberry
1982-1985 Buck Moore
1986-1987 Ronnie Chilton
1988 Elizabeth Davis
1989 - None
1968-1970 Lois Branch
1971 Joyce Smith
1971-1973 Wanda Williams
1974-1977 Lorene Douglas
1978 Oneeda Riley
1979 Charlotte Morgan
1980- Wanda Williams
1967-1973 F.V. (Jake) Kemp
1973-1980 Buck Mahan
1980 -1987 Jim Venable
1987-1993 Bob Morgan
1993-1996 M. W. (Chub) Johnson
1996-1999 Terry Douglas
1999 - M. W. (Chub) Johnson
Ricky Hodges
Kevin Dauster
2009 -2010 Robert Todd
2010- Phil Mankins
Very little is recorded about the Church during its first twenty years of existence. Walter B. Wilson’s Scrapbooks states that the Baptist Church of Blue Ridge was organized in 1869. Mr. Wilson was editor of McKinney Daily Courier-Gazette at one time. Mrs. John Braswell said that at first all church services were held in the school house, with Baptists, Methodists, Church of Christ, and Primitive Baptists alternating their services. Rev. Wm. Dunn was called as pastor in 1886.
The decade of 1900-1910 brought G. B. Airhart, J. E. Morgan, J. W. Summer, and G. M. Cook as pastors.
Pastors during 1910-1919 were Joseph Pearce, G. A. Dale, J. R. Hilger, W. A. Hancock.
1920-1929, pastors were J. R. Rampey and J. R. Hilger. In 1926 with Bro. Hilger as pastor, the church built the present sanctuary and adjoining classrooms. It was remodeled many times.
During the Depression of the 30’s pastors were G. O. Key, C. V. Roberts, J. R. Hilger, A. W. Cunningham, G. O. key, and E. E. Gilbert. In 1935 the grand total of all expenditures was only $384.
During the war years of 1940-1949, E. E. Gilbert and J. F. Bolin served as the last half-time pastors. Full time pastors were E. C. Coleman, R. E. Corzine, E. C. Coleman, J. W. Lasater, and I. E. Driggers. Training Union was begun, the baptistery was installed, the Brotherhood was organized, and the Church bought its first parsonage and also a building that was attached to the back of the church building.
During 1950-1959, under the leadership of I. E. Driggers, Ray Cox, Johnny Ashley, and W. S. Milton, the auditorium was celotexed, florescent lights were installed, a better cooling system installed, and a new piano purchased.
Pastors in the 60’s were W. S. Milton and R. M. Collinsworth. Church membership and Sunday School attendance increased steadily. Improvements were made in the auditorium. A new parsonage was purchased.
The Church built a $17,500 education building and completed it in mid 1967. Church records were updated and a weekly bulletin was printed. New robes were purchased for the choir. A new organ was bought at a cost of $1,595. In April 1969, the note on the education building was paid off, just 22 months from the first installment.
Pastors in the 70’s included R. M. Collinsworth, Clint Sonnamaker, Joe Dan Fowler, Roger Jarboe, and Frank Reeves. Parking areas were added. Improvements were made in the auditorium. The property east of the education building was bought. Deacons ordained were Ronald Branch, Othel (Buck) Mahan, Bill Ross, and Marshall Smith. Terry Douglas and Bobby Riddle were licensed to preach.
The Decade of the 80’s began with Rev. Delton Beall as pastor. The “Stapp” property east of the church was bought. A new church sign became a reality. The church adopted a budget of $48,647. Sunday School enrollment increased from 121 to 230. 91 members have been added to the Church – 43 by baptism 48 by letter and statement. Church Training has been reorganized with an average attendance of 50. Gifts to the Co-operative Program for 1980 were $2,561.58, and increase of 42% over 1979. 1981 gifts to the Co-operative Program are running 68% over 1980. Budget receipts have doubled those for 1980.
1869-1980 - compiled by Faye Hudson
1981 & following - recorded by Wanda Williams
1981 - 1989, pastors were Delton Beall, Barry Beames, and Stanley Shamburger. Music/Youth Ministers were Ed Perkins, Jay Shepherd, Randall Terry, Bill Nave, and Dean Whitaker. New (used) choir robes were purchased. The church hired its very first secretary in 1981. A copier was purchased in June 1983. The front porch was enclosed, making a foyer, November 1983. A metal building was built in 1984 - housing 6 classrooms, storage room, kitchen, and fellowship hall. The church offices were moved to the brick building in 1986. In 1988 handicap parking places were erected and central heat and air was put in the parsonage. Vinyl siding was put on the sanctuary in 1989. Deacons ordained in 1989 were Ronnie Chilton, M.W. (Chub) Johnson, Robert Todd, Ronny Graham, and Johnny Williams.
1990 - 1999, pastors were Stanley Shamburger, Brian Edmonds, and Johnnie R. Jones.
Music/Youth Ministers were Jason Bishop, Terry Wiggins - youth only, Scot McTee - music only, and Denton Wood – music only
Ceiling fans were installed in the sanctuary, wings and choir loft. Padded chairs were purchased for the wings. A tape ministry was begun in April 1993, (taking service tapes to the shut-ins). A new sound system was purchased in June 1993. In November 1995, Bibles were purchased for the pews. The 1991 edition of the Baptist Hymnal was purchased in July 1996. New carpet and pew pads were installed in the sanctuary. A Dodge - 15 passenger - Van was purchased in June 1997. A lighted sign with message space was installed over the brick sign in February 1998. The parsonage had a fire in May 1997 and repairs were completed on it in April 1998. The church took a big leap of faith and purchased 40 acres on Hwy. 78 for the price of $120,000.00. The papers were signed at Attorney Jody Aston’s office on November 3, 1999. Trustees that signed the papers were Robert Todd, Roy Littrell and Russell (Rusty) Carter. The loan was secured from the First National Bank in Trenton. The City and the church worked together at Christmas to collect food for the food pantry to benefit the needy in the community. There were 19 food baskets delivered. The City presented at check to the FBC Food Pantry in the amount of $650.00 (this was money raised through the City’s Christmas Parade and activities).
The new millennium – year 2000 began with Johnnie R. Jones as pastor and Denton Wood as minister of music and Cheryl Graves as interim youth minister.
A sign was purchased for the new property on Hwy. 78. The sign reads:
Future Home of…
First Baptist Church
Blue Ridge
NOW at 307 W FM 545
The year 2001 began and on February 27th, the final payment was made on the land – 16 months from the signing of the note. In May, Oleg Brudnyy was called as minister to the youth.
The year 2002 saw dirt work done on the new land in preparation for the new building. Josh Arnold was called as youth minister 2-10-02 and served until 11-9-03. Eddie and Dana Kent became the you directors in Nov. 2003. Jim Bowling became the interim music minister and served until 8-10-03 when Cory Fothergill was called as minister of music. AWANA Clubs have seen an enrollment of 300.
October 2003 saw a bond program begin to finance the new building and $1,000,000 in bonds was sold in one day.
July 18, 2004 the first service was held in the new location (316 Hwy 78 N.) Johnnie Jones was still pastor, Cory Fothergill was minister of music. October 30th was Cory’s last day as minister of music.
Larry Schone and Brother Johnnie lead the music until April 16, 2006, when Allan Strickland became the interim music minister.
September 2006 was the opening of the Little Blessings Preschool for 18 months through 4 years old. The preschool meets on Tuesday and Thursday each week following the same school calendar as the BRISD.
February 18, 2007, a new era began with the calling of the first full time associate pastor of student ministries – Matt Henslee. On March 11, 2007, John Salles was called as bi-vocational minister of music.
Matt Henslee resigned as associate pastor of student ministries effective March 31, 2008. Johnnie Jones resigned as pastor (due to medical problems) effective August 31, 2008.
March 21, 2009, the bell from the old church building was mounted on its tower at the new church facility. Brian Hawkins was called as pastor and began his ministry on 8-9-09. Little Blessings day care was opened June 1, 2010. Brian Hawkins resigned as pastor and his last day as pastor was January 2, 2011. Shawn Bailey became pastor on November 13, 2011.
1967 - 1968
Mrs. Annie Perkins, Mr. Roy Snow
1968 - 1969
Mr. Clarence Box, Mrs. Nona Braswell, Mrs. Flora Bell Crabtree, Mrs. Annie Grounds, Mrs. Minnie Lamm, Mrs. Lucy Mulder, Mrs. Irene Sims
1969 - 1970
Rev. Clyde Braswell, Mrs. Myrtis Riddle, Miss Eura Tallant, Mrs. Sarah Tree, Mrs. E. L. Williams, Mrs. J. S. Wilson,
Mr. J. S. Wilson, deacon
1970 - 1971
Mrs. John Braswell, Mrs. Marcus Duckworth, Mrs. Phenis Metheny, Mr. Arthur Nevils, Mr. J. W. Press, deacon
1971 - 1972
Mr. M. B. Duckworth, Mr. A. J. Jenkins, Mrs. Clotile Rogers, Miss Bertie Scott, Mrs. Eloise Montgomery
1972 - 1973
Mr. David Ear Boren, Miss Jancie Lee Goff, Mr. James Goff, Jr., Mr. James Montgomery, Mrs. Flossie Hedrich,
Mrs. Beatrice Parker, Mrs. Cora Press
1973 - 1974
Rev. J. T. Hudson, Mrs. Eugene Douglas
1974 - 1975
Mrs. Louise Abston, Mr. Olyn Hendricks, Mr. Tilman Riley, Mr. Minet Walker
1975 - 1976
Mr. Kenneth Dixon, Mr. F. V. Kemp, Deacon
1976 - 1977
Mr. Erwin Drain
1977 - 1978
Mrs. Edna Jenkins, Mr. Lon Stapp, Deacon
1978 - 1979
Mrs. Pearl McDonald, Mrs. Versie Morris, Mr. Oscar Calhoun, Mrs. Opal Hendricks
1979 - 1980
Mr. Leonard Allen, Mr. John Braswell, Mr. Valree Harmon, Mr. John Todd
1980 - 1981
Mrs. Goldie Womble, Mr. John Todd, Mr. Leonard Allen, Mrs. Valree Harmon, Herbie Brian
1981 - 1982
Mrs. Bessie Barker, Mrs. Vera Calhoun, Mr. Price Kinamon, Deacon, Miss Flora McTee, Mrs. Lucille Mulder, Miss Louise Nation, Mrs. Hattie Stapp, Mrs. Vallie Stults, Mrs. Aline Terrell, Mrs. Winnie Terrell, Mr. John Wilson, Deacon
1982 - 1983
Mrs. Edna Bunch, Mrs. Ada Calloway, Mr. Arthur Mulder, Mrs. Hazel Reynolds, Mr. William Terry
1983 - 1984
Mr. Bill Atteberry, Mrs. Rosa Calhoun, Mr. Calvin Douglas, Mrs. Iva McCarley, Mrs. Cora Mae McDonald, Mr. Forest Tree, Mr. C. O. Williams
1984 - 1985
1985 - 1986
Mrs. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. Lee Ferguson
1986 - 1987
Mrs. Mae Branch, Miss Rhoda Jones, Mrs. Rubye Maxwell, Mr. Truman Webb, Deacon, Miss Georgia White
1987 - 1988
Mrs. Ira Box, Mr. Bennie Cully, Mr. Art Hoffman, Miss Faye Hudson, Mrs. Winnie Langham, Mr. Horace McDonald
1988 - 1989
Mrs. Oma Hudson, Mrs. Eva Sparks, Mrs. Arnetha Brooks
1989 - 1990
Mr. Doyle Sagely, Mrs. Gertrude Press, Mr. Ira Box, Mrs. Letha Braswell, Mr. Eugene Douglas, Deacon, Mrs. Faye Baker, Mr. John D. Truelove, Deacon, Mrs. Maeola Kemp
1990 - 1991
Mr. Marvin Braswell, Mrs. Velma Kemp, Mrs. Retha Walston, Mr. John Gay, Mrs. Opal Denham, Mr. Homer Abston,
Mr. Edwin Langham, Mrs. Cora Teague
1991 - 1992
Mr. Bill White, Mr. Clifford Martin, Mrs. Sandra Higdon
1992 - 1993
Mr. Bob Morgan, Deacon, Mr. Clifford Kemp, Deacon, Mr. Ray Parker
1993 - 1994
Mr. Tony McDonald, Mrs. Effie Beckwith
1994 - 1995
Mrs. Roxie Dickson, Mr. Tony Alan McDonald, Mrs. Mildred McLeod, Mr. J. L. Maxwell, Mr. Marshall Smith, Deacon
1995 - 1996
Mr. Jesse Moss, Jr., Mrs. Minnie Drain, Mrs. Ruby Rhodes, Mr. Tommie Palmer, Mr. Billy Gene Short
1996 - 1997
1997 - 1998
N. M. (Sandy) Short
1998 -1999
Mrs. Beula Mae Short, Mr. Lee Bourland, Deacon, Mrs. Florence Edwards
1999 - 2000
Mrs. Viola Allen,Mrs. Lillian Boren,Miss Janie Byars, Mr. Preston Beckwith
2000 - 2001
Mrs. Luella Langham, Mrs. Bonnie Pate, Ivyl Cunnyngham – deacon, Sarah Smith
2001 - 2002
Mrs. Irene Williams, Mr. Robert (Bobby) Branch, Mrs. Dahlia Chilton, Mr. Steven McDonald
2002 - 2003
Mr. Bobby Scribner, Mrs. Estelle Sellers, Mr. Alvin Bishop, Mrs. Pauline Durham, Mr. Bert Hedrich, Mrs. Blanch Hedrich
2003 - 2004
Mrs. Tracey Love
2004 - 2005
Mrs. Elsie Braswell, Mrs. Ruth Baker, Mr. Leo Watkins, Mrs. Robbie Wilson
2005 - 2006
Mrs. Oneeda Riley, Mr. Ronald Braswell
2006 - 2007
Mrs. Rosa Martin, Mrs. Roberta Bishop
2007 - 2008
Mrs. Clara Kinamon, Mrs. Hattie Terry, Mr. Terry Redden
2008 - 2009
Mrs. Ann Boren, Mrs. Penny White, Mr. E.W. Richardson
2009 - 2010
Mrs. Carroll Hammonds, Mrs. Wanda McCarley, Mrs. Opal Short, Ms. Linda Dixon
Mr. James Freeman,Mr. Travis Bunch, Mrs. Martha Isham, Mrs. Joyce Smith
Music/Youth Ministers
Sept. 1968 - Aug. 1970 Ricky Russell
interim H. T. Wright
June 1972 - Oct. 1974 Leroy Willis
June 1975 - Oct. 1975 Nicky Chambley
Nov. 1975 - Oct. 1976 Ken Lilley
1977 - May 1978 Jim Boren
June 1978 - June 1980 Joe Stults
June 1980 - Sept. 1981 Ed Perkins
Oct. 1981 - May 1983 Jay Shepherd
March 1984 - Dec. 1985 Randall Terry
interim John Martin
Feb. 1986 - June 1987 Bill Nave
interim Jed Wood
Sept. 1987 - Oct. 1991 Dean Whitaker
interim Dick Winters
Jan. 1993 - Feb. 1996 Jason Bishop
July 1996 - Aug. 1997 Scot McTee - Music Only
Jan. 1997 - May 1998 Terry Wiggins - Youth Only
interim Janis Hodges - music
interim Cheryl Graves – youth
May 2000 – August. 2002 Denton Wood - music
May 2001 Oleg Brudnyy – youth
Feb. 2002 - Josh Arnold – youth
August. 2002 –Aug. 2003 Jim Bowling – interim music
Nov. 2003 – Sept. 2006 Eddie & Dana Kent – interim youth
April 14, 2006 – Dec. 24, 2006 Allan Strickland – interim music
March 12, 2007 – March 2008 Matthew Henslee – Associate Pastor of Student Ministries (youth)
March 12, 2007 - John Salles – Music
1968-1971 Price Kinnamon
1972-1977 Benny Douglas
1978-1978 Johnny Williams
1988-1989 Jim Venable
1990-1994 Preston Beckwith
1995-1999 Randall Brockman
1999 -2008 Ted Graves
Richard Hall
Tracy Scoggin
2008- Jim Shivers
1968-1969 J. W. Mayo
1970-1971 Ronald Branch
1972-1973 Robert Middleton
1974 John Parker
1975-1976 Roland Pryor
1977 H. I. Cunnyngham
1978-1979 Morris Hall
1980-1981 Dwayne Atteberry
1982-1985 Buck Moore
1986-1987 Ronnie Chilton
1988 Elizabeth Davis
1989 - None
1968-1970 Lois Branch
1971 Joyce Smith
1971-1973 Wanda Williams
1974-1977 Lorene Douglas
1978 Oneeda Riley
1979 Charlotte Morgan
1980- Wanda Williams
1967-1973 F.V. (Jake) Kemp
1973-1980 Buck Mahan
1980 -1987 Jim Venable
1987-1993 Bob Morgan
1993-1996 M. W. (Chub) Johnson
1996-1999 Terry Douglas
1999 - M. W. (Chub) Johnson
Ricky Hodges
Kevin Dauster
2009 -2010 Robert Todd
2010- Phil Mankins