Oliver Hedgcoxe

One of the most interesting and certainly the most controversial of the pioneers of Collin County was Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe. His parents, John Oliver and Mary Ann Pool Hedgcoxe, were both born in Sussex County, England. Henry was born in London in 1800 and came to America with his parents, leaving London on the ship George Washington on May 27, 1819, and landing at Baltimore sixty-two days later. That same year they settled in Clark County, Indiana, where both parents died and were buried.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Parks by whom he had seven children: Henry Oliver II, John Oliver, Robert Forsey (Foss), Harriett, Mary Ann, Henrietta Marie, and Harrison Goodwin. The second wife's name is unknown, but she bore him three children: William Henry, Felix Goodwin, and Humphrey Marshall.
In 1843, Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe came to Collin County as the agent for the stockholders of the Peters Colony. He proved to be a diligent and efficient representative of the company, but his activities precipitated a controversy with land locators, speculators, and some colonists. After supervising the surveying of the land and the issuing of titles in Peters Colony, Hedgcoxe moved sometime before 1857 to Austin where he died on June 14, 1860, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery.
A HISTORY OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS by Stambaugh and Stambaugh
The Texas State Historical Association, Austin:1958
One of the most interesting and certainly the most controversial of the pioneers of Collin County was Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe. His parents, John Oliver and Mary Ann Bool Hedgcoxe, were both born in Sussex County, England, he on June 26, 1764, and she on August 3, 1763. Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe was born in London in 1800 and came to America with his parents, leaving London on the ship George Washington on May 27, 1819, and landing at Baltimore sixty-two days later. During the same year they settled in Clark County, Indiana, where both parents died and were buried.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Parks but the name of his second wife could not be ascertained. The children of Henry Oliver and Elizabeth Hedgcoxe were Henry Oliver II, John Oliver, Robert Farsey (Foss), Harriett, Mary Ann, Henrietta Maria, and Harrison Goodwin. There were also three children by his second wife: William Henry, Felix Goodwin, and Humphrey Marshall.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe II, born in Indiana on June 19, 1823, married three times. His first wife was Ophelia Jane Dorsey, whom he married in 1845 in Jeffersonville, Indiana. In 1850 he married Louisa Jane Atkinson, who died in 1855. On May 1, 1856, he married Laura Seay Atkinson, a relative of his second wife. Of their three children only one, Otto, reached maturity. Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe II died on October 8, 1872, and his wife on December 22, 1874. Both were buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery. Mrs. Laura Hedgcoxe Cahoon, daughter of Otto, was living in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1956.
John Oliver Hedgcoxe, who was born in Indiana on January 26, 1825, was married twice, first to Shelby Ann Atkinson and then to Abbie O. Simpson. His second wife died in 1894 and he on April 20, 1909. Both were buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery. He had one child, J. Grundy, by his first wife and none by his second.
Robert Farsey Hedgcoxe was married in 1857 to Julia Ann James in Collin County. He died in November, 1897, and she on April 13, 1913. Both were buried in Pecan Grove cemetery at McKinney. Their children were Mrs. Henrietta Hedgcoxe Quisenberry, Robert Edward, Mrs. Mary Isabel Perkins, Henry Oliver, Mrs. Cora Alice Yarbrough, James Walter, Mrs. Harriett Bush Hagy, Lee Roy, Myrtle Hedgcoxe Bush, Wilbur Leland, and William McMurray. So far as is known Mrs. Hagy is the only one of these children living in 1957. She resides with her daughter, Miss Geraldine Hagy, on the farm on which the Muncey family was massacred by Indians in 1841. [See account elsewhere]. Their home is on the right side of Rowlett Creek and about 5000 yards below the bridge on United States Highway 75.
Robert Farsey Hedgcoxe and wife also reared their granddaughter, Miss Etta Quisenberry, who is a former teacher and now lives in Allen. She spent much time collecting this information on the Hedgcoxe family, which she made available to the writers.
Harriett Hedgcoxe, daughter of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I, married twice, the first time to Jasper Griffing in Indiana. They had one daughter, Harriett. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Harriett Griffing came to Texas with her father. Later she married Oliver Bush, who had several children by his first wife, then deceased. Harriett and Oliver had one son, O. H. Bush, who was born on September 7, 1862, and died on September 30, 1914. Harriett died on March 15, 1918, and she, her husband, and her son were all buried in Rowiett Creek cemetery.
Mary Ann Hedgcoxe married Felix Goodwin. Their children were Felix G., Leroy M., Mrs. Ben Herndon, Mrs. Fannie Gillespie, Oliver, and John. Mary Ann died on March 14, 1880, and was also buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery.
Henrietta Maria Hedgcoxe married John Stacy. To this union were born five children: Jasper, Arthur, Mrs. Iza Boggs, Mrs. Henrietta Vaughn, and Dr. Henry Stacy.
Harrison Goodwin Hedgcoxe, who was never married, died in Coleman County on August 31, 1915, and was buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery.
Information on the three children of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I by his second wife could not be obtained.
In 1843 Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I came to Collin County as the agent for the stockholders of Peters Colony, or the Texas Emigration and Land Company. He proved to be a diligent and efficient representative of the company but his activities precipitated a controversy with land locators, speculators, and some colonists. Many of his descendants now reside in Collin County. In addition to those already mentioned, Mrs. Wilbur Leland Hedgcoxe lives in Allen; Pat Garner Hedgcoxe, her son, is a graduate student in the University of Texas, and his brother, John Leland, lives on their old home place near the Bethany community, northwest of Plano.
Miss Etta Quisenberry of Allen has a letter written by Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe to one of his daughters in Collin County, dated October 21,1857; she also had one of his business cards.
After supervising the surveying of land and the issuing of titles in Peters Colony, Hedgcoxe moved to Austin sometime before 1857 where he died on June 14, 1860, and was buried in block so in Oakwood cemetery.29
29 “Interview with Miss Etta Quisenberry, Allen, October 26, 1956, and a letter from her dated October 30, 1956. Letter from Mrs. Laura Hedgcoxe Cahoon, Roswell, New Mexico, to J.L.S., November 15, 1956. Letter from Otto Clay Rice (great- grandson of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I), Pampa, to J.L.S., February 1, 1957. [J. L. S. is the author J. Lee Stambaugh The other author is Lillian Stambaugh.
One of the most interesting and certainly the most controversial of the pioneers of Collin County was Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe. His parents, John Oliver and Mary Ann Pool Hedgcoxe, were both born in Sussex County, England. Henry was born in London in 1800 and came to America with his parents, leaving London on the ship George Washington on May 27, 1819, and landing at Baltimore sixty-two days later. That same year they settled in Clark County, Indiana, where both parents died and were buried.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Parks by whom he had seven children: Henry Oliver II, John Oliver, Robert Forsey (Foss), Harriett, Mary Ann, Henrietta Marie, and Harrison Goodwin. The second wife's name is unknown, but she bore him three children: William Henry, Felix Goodwin, and Humphrey Marshall.
In 1843, Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe came to Collin County as the agent for the stockholders of the Peters Colony. He proved to be a diligent and efficient representative of the company, but his activities precipitated a controversy with land locators, speculators, and some colonists. After supervising the surveying of the land and the issuing of titles in Peters Colony, Hedgcoxe moved sometime before 1857 to Austin where he died on June 14, 1860, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery.
A HISTORY OF COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS by Stambaugh and Stambaugh
The Texas State Historical Association, Austin:1958
One of the most interesting and certainly the most controversial of the pioneers of Collin County was Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe. His parents, John Oliver and Mary Ann Bool Hedgcoxe, were both born in Sussex County, England, he on June 26, 1764, and she on August 3, 1763. Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe was born in London in 1800 and came to America with his parents, leaving London on the ship George Washington on May 27, 1819, and landing at Baltimore sixty-two days later. During the same year they settled in Clark County, Indiana, where both parents died and were buried.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Parks but the name of his second wife could not be ascertained. The children of Henry Oliver and Elizabeth Hedgcoxe were Henry Oliver II, John Oliver, Robert Farsey (Foss), Harriett, Mary Ann, Henrietta Maria, and Harrison Goodwin. There were also three children by his second wife: William Henry, Felix Goodwin, and Humphrey Marshall.
Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe II, born in Indiana on June 19, 1823, married three times. His first wife was Ophelia Jane Dorsey, whom he married in 1845 in Jeffersonville, Indiana. In 1850 he married Louisa Jane Atkinson, who died in 1855. On May 1, 1856, he married Laura Seay Atkinson, a relative of his second wife. Of their three children only one, Otto, reached maturity. Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe II died on October 8, 1872, and his wife on December 22, 1874. Both were buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery. Mrs. Laura Hedgcoxe Cahoon, daughter of Otto, was living in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1956.
John Oliver Hedgcoxe, who was born in Indiana on January 26, 1825, was married twice, first to Shelby Ann Atkinson and then to Abbie O. Simpson. His second wife died in 1894 and he on April 20, 1909. Both were buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery. He had one child, J. Grundy, by his first wife and none by his second.
Robert Farsey Hedgcoxe was married in 1857 to Julia Ann James in Collin County. He died in November, 1897, and she on April 13, 1913. Both were buried in Pecan Grove cemetery at McKinney. Their children were Mrs. Henrietta Hedgcoxe Quisenberry, Robert Edward, Mrs. Mary Isabel Perkins, Henry Oliver, Mrs. Cora Alice Yarbrough, James Walter, Mrs. Harriett Bush Hagy, Lee Roy, Myrtle Hedgcoxe Bush, Wilbur Leland, and William McMurray. So far as is known Mrs. Hagy is the only one of these children living in 1957. She resides with her daughter, Miss Geraldine Hagy, on the farm on which the Muncey family was massacred by Indians in 1841. [See account elsewhere]. Their home is on the right side of Rowlett Creek and about 5000 yards below the bridge on United States Highway 75.
Robert Farsey Hedgcoxe and wife also reared their granddaughter, Miss Etta Quisenberry, who is a former teacher and now lives in Allen. She spent much time collecting this information on the Hedgcoxe family, which she made available to the writers.
Harriett Hedgcoxe, daughter of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I, married twice, the first time to Jasper Griffing in Indiana. They had one daughter, Harriett. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Harriett Griffing came to Texas with her father. Later she married Oliver Bush, who had several children by his first wife, then deceased. Harriett and Oliver had one son, O. H. Bush, who was born on September 7, 1862, and died on September 30, 1914. Harriett died on March 15, 1918, and she, her husband, and her son were all buried in Rowiett Creek cemetery.
Mary Ann Hedgcoxe married Felix Goodwin. Their children were Felix G., Leroy M., Mrs. Ben Herndon, Mrs. Fannie Gillespie, Oliver, and John. Mary Ann died on March 14, 1880, and was also buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery.
Henrietta Maria Hedgcoxe married John Stacy. To this union were born five children: Jasper, Arthur, Mrs. Iza Boggs, Mrs. Henrietta Vaughn, and Dr. Henry Stacy.
Harrison Goodwin Hedgcoxe, who was never married, died in Coleman County on August 31, 1915, and was buried in Rowlett Creek cemetery.
Information on the three children of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I by his second wife could not be obtained.
In 1843 Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I came to Collin County as the agent for the stockholders of Peters Colony, or the Texas Emigration and Land Company. He proved to be a diligent and efficient representative of the company but his activities precipitated a controversy with land locators, speculators, and some colonists. Many of his descendants now reside in Collin County. In addition to those already mentioned, Mrs. Wilbur Leland Hedgcoxe lives in Allen; Pat Garner Hedgcoxe, her son, is a graduate student in the University of Texas, and his brother, John Leland, lives on their old home place near the Bethany community, northwest of Plano.
Miss Etta Quisenberry of Allen has a letter written by Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe to one of his daughters in Collin County, dated October 21,1857; she also had one of his business cards.
After supervising the surveying of land and the issuing of titles in Peters Colony, Hedgcoxe moved to Austin sometime before 1857 where he died on June 14, 1860, and was buried in block so in Oakwood cemetery.29
29 “Interview with Miss Etta Quisenberry, Allen, October 26, 1956, and a letter from her dated October 30, 1956. Letter from Mrs. Laura Hedgcoxe Cahoon, Roswell, New Mexico, to J.L.S., November 15, 1956. Letter from Otto Clay Rice (great- grandson of Henry Oliver Hedgcoxe I), Pampa, to J.L.S., February 1, 1957. [J. L. S. is the author J. Lee Stambaugh The other author is Lillian Stambaugh.