Courier Gazette, Nov. 11, 1922
The remains of Mrs. Dora Ellen Evans were laid to rest in the Family burying ground near Lebanon Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Evans, who was the mother of Mrs. W. A. Lake and a sister of Mrs. Mattie Gulledge, died at a Dallas Sanitarium Saturday afternoon after an operation on the day previous.
Deceased was born Dec. 20th, 1855, and was 67 years of age at death. She was married to Thomas Evans, May 1st, 1873, to which union were born seven children all of whom survive except one. Two brothers, J. M. Dunaway and Foster Dunaway, of Oklahoma, and one sister, Mrs. Mattie Gulledge of this place survive. Her companion preceded her to the Great Beyond some years ago, and she was living with her sons at Dallas. She joined the Methodist church early in life and lived a consecrated, Christian life, setting the example of noble, clean living before her children.
The surviving children are: John E. Evans, Snyder, Okla.; Mrs. Casteel, Dallas; Clifton, Foster, and Pasco Evans, of Dallas.
Many years ago deceased lived near Lebanon and was well known to many people in this neighborhood.
Funeral services were held in the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. B. Fielder having charge of the services, Rev. McLeroy assisting. A beautiful tribute was paid the memory of the deceased by the attendance of friends, and the splendid floral offering.
The Journal extends the sympathy of the community to the bereaved in the hour of their sadness.
Courier Gazette, Nov. 11, 1922
The remains of Mrs. Dora Ellen Evans were laid to rest in the Family burying ground near Lebanon Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Evans, who was the mother of Mrs. W. A. Lake and a sister of Mrs. Mattie Gulledge, died at a Dallas Sanitarium Saturday afternoon after an operation on the day previous.
Deceased was born Dec. 20th, 1855, and was 67 years of age at death. She was married to Thomas Evans, May 1st, 1873, to which union were born seven children all of whom survive except one. Two brothers, J. M. Dunaway and Foster Dunaway, of Oklahoma, and one sister, Mrs. Mattie Gulledge of this place survive. Her companion preceded her to the Great Beyond some years ago, and she was living with her sons at Dallas. She joined the Methodist church early in life and lived a consecrated, Christian life, setting the example of noble, clean living before her children.
The surviving children are: John E. Evans, Snyder, Okla.; Mrs. Casteel, Dallas; Clifton, Foster, and Pasco Evans, of Dallas.
Many years ago deceased lived near Lebanon and was well known to many people in this neighborhood.
Funeral services were held in the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. B. Fielder having charge of the services, Rev. McLeroy assisting. A beautiful tribute was paid the memory of the deceased by the attendance of friends, and the splendid floral offering.
The Journal extends the sympathy of the community to the bereaved in the hour of their sadness.