Daily Courier-Gazette, December 30, 1910
Young People of Two Prominent Families United in Marriage By Elder McKinney.
On Christmas day, Eld. John M. McKinney of this city united in marriage W. O. (Ollie) McMennnamy and Miss Catherine Drake, while the young people were seated in a buggy in front of Mr. McKinney’s house. Several friends accompanied them and witnessed the ceremony. The groom is a most worthy young man, a citizen of McKinney, son of W. J. McMennamy of New Hope, one of the county’s best citizens. The bride is an excellent young woman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Drake, who live southeast of McKinney and who are also accounted of the best and most desirable citizens. These papers tender best wishes and congratulations and the hope that their days may be many in old Collin, and attended with every happiness that earth can afford.
Daily Courier-Gazette, December 30, 1910
Young People of Two Prominent Families United in Marriage By Elder McKinney.
On Christmas day, Eld. John M. McKinney of this city united in marriage W. O. (Ollie) McMennnamy and Miss Catherine Drake, while the young people were seated in a buggy in front of Mr. McKinney’s house. Several friends accompanied them and witnessed the ceremony. The groom is a most worthy young man, a citizen of McKinney, son of W. J. McMennamy of New Hope, one of the county’s best citizens. The bride is an excellent young woman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Drake, who live southeast of McKinney and who are also accounted of the best and most desirable citizens. These papers tender best wishes and congratulations and the hope that their days may be many in old Collin, and attended with every happiness that earth can afford.