Brushy - 3 miles east of Farmersville along Brushy Creek
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, August 26, 1915
Since writing two weeks ago, have been engaged in teaching vocal music, attending protracted meetings and having a good time in general. At Brushy, three miles east of Farmersville, Rev. Umpries of Greenville has conducted a successful revival under a large tent on the school campus, resulting in several conversions and some additions to the Baptist church. There is an effort being made to consolidate the churches of Brushy and New Liberty and then build a home of worship near the line of division between the two communities and on land donated by Charley Tatum. The proposition I understand is meeting with favor and it very likely consolidation will be effected at an early day.
While attending the protracted services at Brushy, Sunday, the 15 inst. the writer was invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wisdom where he got on the outside of a splendid dinner and several contaloupes. [sic] Mr. Wisdom was formerly constable of Justice Precinct No. Two and established an enviable record for fearlessness and faithful discharge of duty. He has an even one hundred acres in cultivation and diversifies to the extent of raising oats, corn, sorghum, feterita and cotton. Closed a very successful singing school at New Liberty, three miles northeast of Farmersville Saturday evening the 21st and on another one here at my old home with an enrollment of forty the first lesson with others to follow.
While at New Liberty Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLeod entertained me, and while here I am the guest of Mr. and A. C. Stroup.
D. W. Leigh
Verona, Aug. 24
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, August 26, 1915
Since writing two weeks ago, have been engaged in teaching vocal music, attending protracted meetings and having a good time in general. At Brushy, three miles east of Farmersville, Rev. Umpries of Greenville has conducted a successful revival under a large tent on the school campus, resulting in several conversions and some additions to the Baptist church. There is an effort being made to consolidate the churches of Brushy and New Liberty and then build a home of worship near the line of division between the two communities and on land donated by Charley Tatum. The proposition I understand is meeting with favor and it very likely consolidation will be effected at an early day.
While attending the protracted services at Brushy, Sunday, the 15 inst. the writer was invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wisdom where he got on the outside of a splendid dinner and several contaloupes. [sic] Mr. Wisdom was formerly constable of Justice Precinct No. Two and established an enviable record for fearlessness and faithful discharge of duty. He has an even one hundred acres in cultivation and diversifies to the extent of raising oats, corn, sorghum, feterita and cotton. Closed a very successful singing school at New Liberty, three miles northeast of Farmersville Saturday evening the 21st and on another one here at my old home with an enrollment of forty the first lesson with others to follow.
While at New Liberty Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLeod entertained me, and while here I am the guest of Mr. and A. C. Stroup.
D. W. Leigh
Verona, Aug. 24