Catherine Malone
Granny Malone
Marks 108th Birthday
With Party, Cake
Mrs. Catherine E. Malone, for nearly half a century a resident of McKinney but who, for the past few years has resided at Pilot Point, celebrated her eighth birthday recently.
Mrs. Malone, affectionately known as "Granny" to her many friends, was actually 108 years of age but said that she started counting all over again when she passed the century mark.
She celebrated the occasion with a special cake and a birthday party.
Mrs. Malone, who is credited with having read her Bible through more than 50 times, has survived five wars and was at Appomattox when Gen. Lee surrendered to end the War Between the States. She remembers having shaken hands with the general on that historic occasion nearly 100 years ago when she was a girl of 15.
Marks 108th Birthday
With Party, Cake
Mrs. Catherine E. Malone, for nearly half a century a resident of McKinney but who, for the past few years has resided at Pilot Point, celebrated her eighth birthday recently.
Mrs. Malone, affectionately known as "Granny" to her many friends, was actually 108 years of age but said that she started counting all over again when she passed the century mark.
She celebrated the occasion with a special cake and a birthday party.
Mrs. Malone, who is credited with having read her Bible through more than 50 times, has survived five wars and was at Appomattox when Gen. Lee surrendered to end the War Between the States. She remembers having shaken hands with the general on that historic occasion nearly 100 years ago when she was a girl of 15.