Newspaper. Mrs. Cordelia Frances Lanier died Monday night at her home, 1511 North College Street, after an extended illness. She was born December 17, 1870 in Folsome Dale, Ky., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Brown. She had lived in Collin County most of her life, and was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hunter of McKinney; four sons, Jack Lanier of Prosper; Ellis Lanier of McKinney; Bennie Lanier of Temple and Houston Lanier of San Francisco, Calif.; two half-sisters, Mrs. T. L. Curry and Mrs. Kate Stibbins, both of McKinney; three half-brothers, R. R. Brown of Sherman; Dale Brown of Graford and John Brown of McKinney. Her husband died several months ago. Funeral arrangements are pending with Crouch-Moore Funeral Home. |
Newspaper. Mrs. Dorothy Johnston of Dallas and her mother, Mrs. Beulah Mitchell of Plano, visited with their cousins, Mrs. Eula Hunter and Clarence Cox in McKinney, Monday, April 8. Mrs. Jack Lanier of Frisco also visited with them. Mrs. Johnston has devoted much time in studying the family tree of Laniers. Her great, great, grandmother was Mary Ann Lanier Cox. In the research, Mrs. Johnston has purchased books on the family from Admiral and Mrs. Ingersoll of Washington, D. C. They have spent twenty years research on the Lanier family in the States and also in Europe. Mr. is a descendant of the family, going back to France to Nicholas Lanier in 1632. After discussions on the book, Mrs. Johnston suggested placing it in the Library in McKinney. Since the family of Laniers came here in an early day, all agreed, and after leaving the Library, pictures were taken of the donors by Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Lanier. The donors are: Mrs. Eula Hunter, Mr. Clarence Cox, Mrs. Beulah Allen Mitchell, Mrs. Jack Lanier, Mrs. Dorothy Mitchell Johnston. |