Mt. Pisgah - near Copeville
McKinney Daily Courier-Gazette, June 20, 1912
Mt. Pisgah.
Miss Nora McBee who is our splendid news gatherer was enthusiastic in praising the Democrat-Gazette and we are under obligations for a good dinner and for the first peaches of the season.
R. B. Young, for 27 hears a citizen of this community, and who owns a good farm there, and the only one in his section who is raising broom corn as an experiment, joins our big army of readers by subscribing for the Democrat-Gazette.
J. D. Parvin on his way to Texas from Tennessee several years ago, kept outside of Arkansas while en route in order that people could not give him the "horse laugh." Likes a good paper, but both tomahawk and scalping knife had to get busy before he would give up the dollar. We are quite sure that he'll be a booster after reading the first copy of the Democrat-Gazette.
W. S. Cox who, in 1890 go married to Mrs. L. E. Horton and to whom six children, two dead, were born. Misses Ruth and Lillie are the two daughters now at home with their parents. A good and splendidly improved farm enables Mr. Cox to make an easy and honest living for his family, while the Democrat-Gazette (and which any one can get a whole year for one dollar) will furnish the county and home news each week.
J. B. Seay a veteran of the Civil war and a Texan since 1860, was born June 16th, 1836 and was seventy-six years of age last Sunday. Enjoys reading the Democrat-Gazette.
Prof. J. T. Procter was harvesting but had a little time to discuss politics. Has been wise may years for this writer "scalped" him years ago for the Democrat-Gazette and he's still a booster for this, his favorite family paper.
W. D. Proctor, brother of the above, left Tennessee for Texas seven years ago. In that time has acquired a good home and four children. Intends to keep abreast of the times by reading the Democrat-Gazette.
I. H. Houston, a native of Kaufman county and in 1886 got married to Miss Mattie Davidson only six children were born to make life full of troubles for Henry. He owns over two hundred and fifty acres of land, has a good and substantial farm, house, barn, and water to let. He and this writer back in the eighties and down in Kaufman county attended the same church, Sunday school and when it suited the fair one, would often smile at the same pretty girl. Has been a reader of the Democrat-Gazette for many years and we are mighty glad that he gave us a dollar to push it along another year.
McKinney Daily Courier-Gazette, June 20, 1912
Mt. Pisgah.
Miss Nora McBee who is our splendid news gatherer was enthusiastic in praising the Democrat-Gazette and we are under obligations for a good dinner and for the first peaches of the season.
R. B. Young, for 27 hears a citizen of this community, and who owns a good farm there, and the only one in his section who is raising broom corn as an experiment, joins our big army of readers by subscribing for the Democrat-Gazette.
J. D. Parvin on his way to Texas from Tennessee several years ago, kept outside of Arkansas while en route in order that people could not give him the "horse laugh." Likes a good paper, but both tomahawk and scalping knife had to get busy before he would give up the dollar. We are quite sure that he'll be a booster after reading the first copy of the Democrat-Gazette.
W. S. Cox who, in 1890 go married to Mrs. L. E. Horton and to whom six children, two dead, were born. Misses Ruth and Lillie are the two daughters now at home with their parents. A good and splendidly improved farm enables Mr. Cox to make an easy and honest living for his family, while the Democrat-Gazette (and which any one can get a whole year for one dollar) will furnish the county and home news each week.
J. B. Seay a veteran of the Civil war and a Texan since 1860, was born June 16th, 1836 and was seventy-six years of age last Sunday. Enjoys reading the Democrat-Gazette.
Prof. J. T. Procter was harvesting but had a little time to discuss politics. Has been wise may years for this writer "scalped" him years ago for the Democrat-Gazette and he's still a booster for this, his favorite family paper.
W. D. Proctor, brother of the above, left Tennessee for Texas seven years ago. In that time has acquired a good home and four children. Intends to keep abreast of the times by reading the Democrat-Gazette.
I. H. Houston, a native of Kaufman county and in 1886 got married to Miss Mattie Davidson only six children were born to make life full of troubles for Henry. He owns over two hundred and fifty acres of land, has a good and substantial farm, house, barn, and water to let. He and this writer back in the eighties and down in Kaufman county attended the same church, Sunday school and when it suited the fair one, would often smile at the same pretty girl. Has been a reader of the Democrat-Gazette for many years and we are mighty glad that he gave us a dollar to push it along another year.