Thompson Gin - McKinney
McKinney Courier Gazette, August 9, 1938
McKinney Gin, Managed By Hubert And Click White. Gins Both First And Second Bales Arriving In McKinney Monday.
Thompson Gin, located in the Southwestern part of McKinney, of which Hubert and Click White are proprietors, ginned both the first and second bales of cotton, marketed here Monday by Floyd Morris and A. V. Greer, respectively.
The Thompson gin plant is one of the oldest in the county, having been originally started about the year 1894. It has been continuously operated since, having been rebuilt, modernized and otherwise improved from time to time. About four years ago Hubert and Click White purchased the plant, since which they have added much new machinery throughout, increasing the speed and efficiency in handling the cotton as it is brought to their plant during the ginning season. They expect to be busy throughout the remainder of the summer and fall and expect to gin about twenty or thirty bales this week, which will be the first of the season’s cotton. They specialize in the Roldo Rowden variety of cotton which they believe to be an early producer and good staple.
At the close of last year’s season they installed a new continental cotton drying machinery in their gin which aids in ginning green and damp cotton and also increases the grade of the lint.
Faithful Employees.
Most of the employees of the Thompson Gin have been working there for a number of years. Among them are W. T. Hartman, who has been with the plant for thirty-eight years. He is the foreman of the entire plant. His son, Jack Hartman has also been employed there for several years.
George Montgomery is the bookkeeper and weigher, having worked there for the past fifteen years. Billie Joe Blavey, foreman of the cotton house, have been with the plant eighteen years or more, and Arthur O’Brien has been employed there about ten years. Jim Duncan is the oiler, who has seen more than fifteen years serving with this reliable old McKinney gin plant and Ed Cogburn has probably been in the service of the plant longer than any other one man, having served for forty years. There are about a dozen other hands assisting throughout the plant. The White brothers oversee the plant, this being their fourth season to own the gin.
Each Bale “Tagged.”
They have devised an interesting method of identification for each bale, for their own use, in that they place a numbered tag in the middle of each bale they gin. On the tag they have their name and address and ___ that the spinner or manufacturer receiving and breaking into the bale, please write them and comment on the order in which the bale was ginned. They pride themselves on the kind of work they put out and are anxious to get an idea of how their work is received by other people. No doubt the cotton ginned at their plant will go to all parts of the world so they expect to receive letters from countries all over the world. They keep a record of the number of the bale as it is ginned and the grower of each. In this manner they can find out the destination of the cotton which should prove of much interest to all concerned.
McKinney Courier Gazette, August 9, 1938
McKinney Gin, Managed By Hubert And Click White. Gins Both First And Second Bales Arriving In McKinney Monday.
Thompson Gin, located in the Southwestern part of McKinney, of which Hubert and Click White are proprietors, ginned both the first and second bales of cotton, marketed here Monday by Floyd Morris and A. V. Greer, respectively.
The Thompson gin plant is one of the oldest in the county, having been originally started about the year 1894. It has been continuously operated since, having been rebuilt, modernized and otherwise improved from time to time. About four years ago Hubert and Click White purchased the plant, since which they have added much new machinery throughout, increasing the speed and efficiency in handling the cotton as it is brought to their plant during the ginning season. They expect to be busy throughout the remainder of the summer and fall and expect to gin about twenty or thirty bales this week, which will be the first of the season’s cotton. They specialize in the Roldo Rowden variety of cotton which they believe to be an early producer and good staple.
At the close of last year’s season they installed a new continental cotton drying machinery in their gin which aids in ginning green and damp cotton and also increases the grade of the lint.
Faithful Employees.
Most of the employees of the Thompson Gin have been working there for a number of years. Among them are W. T. Hartman, who has been with the plant for thirty-eight years. He is the foreman of the entire plant. His son, Jack Hartman has also been employed there for several years.
George Montgomery is the bookkeeper and weigher, having worked there for the past fifteen years. Billie Joe Blavey, foreman of the cotton house, have been with the plant eighteen years or more, and Arthur O’Brien has been employed there about ten years. Jim Duncan is the oiler, who has seen more than fifteen years serving with this reliable old McKinney gin plant and Ed Cogburn has probably been in the service of the plant longer than any other one man, having served for forty years. There are about a dozen other hands assisting throughout the plant. The White brothers oversee the plant, this being their fourth season to own the gin.
Each Bale “Tagged.”
They have devised an interesting method of identification for each bale, for their own use, in that they place a numbered tag in the middle of each bale they gin. On the tag they have their name and address and ___ that the spinner or manufacturer receiving and breaking into the bale, please write them and comment on the order in which the bale was ginned. They pride themselves on the kind of work they put out and are anxious to get an idea of how their work is received by other people. No doubt the cotton ginned at their plant will go to all parts of the world so they expect to receive letters from countries all over the world. They keep a record of the number of the bale as it is ginned and the grower of each. In this manner they can find out the destination of the cotton which should prove of much interest to all concerned.