Wood Harris
McKinney Democrat, August 27, 1896
Saturday morning, the painful intelligence of the death of Rev. Wood Harris was conveyed to his friends in this city by a telegram to Hon. J. A. Evans announcing the sad event, which occurred Friday morning. Everyone seemed shocked at the news as no one was aware of his illness.
Rev. Harris lived on his farm just southwest of McKinney for fifty years and more, where he reared a large family and continued to reside until last October when he moved to Beeville, Texas. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his death. A daughter, Mrs. Belle Stockard, was buried in McKinney the 18th of last month, she having, also, died at Beeville. The living children are Mrs. J. A. Evans and George H. Harris of McKinney, Mrs, Louie Benjamin of Denison, Mack, Miss Daisy, Buck and Beecher, who were with their father when he passed away. The deceased was a brother-in-law of E. W. Kirkpatrick, J. F. Stimson and Dick Howard of this city and a son of the late Eastmah Harris. He was a minister of the Baptist church and highly respected by his large circle of acquaintances everywhere.
His interment took place Saturday at Beeville. THE DEMOCRAT joins the many sorrowing friends of his old home in extending sincere condolence to the bereaved family and relatives.
McKinney Democrat, August 27, 1896
Saturday morning, the painful intelligence of the death of Rev. Wood Harris was conveyed to his friends in this city by a telegram to Hon. J. A. Evans announcing the sad event, which occurred Friday morning. Everyone seemed shocked at the news as no one was aware of his illness.
Rev. Harris lived on his farm just southwest of McKinney for fifty years and more, where he reared a large family and continued to reside until last October when he moved to Beeville, Texas. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his death. A daughter, Mrs. Belle Stockard, was buried in McKinney the 18th of last month, she having, also, died at Beeville. The living children are Mrs. J. A. Evans and George H. Harris of McKinney, Mrs, Louie Benjamin of Denison, Mack, Miss Daisy, Buck and Beecher, who were with their father when he passed away. The deceased was a brother-in-law of E. W. Kirkpatrick, J. F. Stimson and Dick Howard of this city and a son of the late Eastmah Harris. He was a minister of the Baptist church and highly respected by his large circle of acquaintances everywhere.
His interment took place Saturday at Beeville. THE DEMOCRAT joins the many sorrowing friends of his old home in extending sincere condolence to the bereaved family and relatives.