Longneck - Princeton
McKinney Daily Courier Gazette, February 21, 1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
Longneck proper is located one mile north of Princeton, at the junction of the McKinney-Farmersville-Greenville Highway No. 24 and the Longneck Road, running north from Princeton to High Point, or what was formerly Ardath, and on to Altoga. Mrs. Nancy McGarrah, who formerly was the Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette reporter, here, lately moved to Frisco with her family to reside. She and her husband sold their stock of groceries and filling station, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmonds. At the time of our visit Mrs. Edmonds was in charge of the store and busy serving customers. We were happy to form her acquaintance and to learn from her as our new representative at this point, that she was pleased at having the opportunity of serving the Longneck community and vicinity as our correspondent here. This duty will be a work of pleasure to Mrs. Edmonds, because it affords her the congenial task of keeping Longneck items and happenings represented in Collin County's oldest Weekly - the Democrat-Gazette, every week or two.
This is one of the old communities of East Collin, formerly, for a number of years, a schoolhouse stood at this place where many youngsters, now mature men and women, received their elementary free school education. However, a number of years ago, Longneck School was absorbed in the Princeton Independent School District, at which time a large two-story brick school building was erected, at Princeton, hardly one mile away, which the children in all grades attended and now have school advantages, equal to any community of its size and development, with Prof. E. L. Gantt as superintendent. The prominent young school man was born and reared just a few hundred yards north from the two Longneck stores and filling stations, he being a son of M. C. Gantt, a veteran farmer, still residing on his old home farm. The Daily Courier-Gazette will also carry the weekly or bi-weekly communications written by Mrs. Edmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds have one young son, Leonard, only five years old.
We also had the opportunity and pleasure of visiting in the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Skipper, located about three miles north of the Longneck store. We arrived during the noon hour, finding Mr. Skipper quietly resting from his farm work. He stated that he was rather behind with his farm work due to continued rainy weather, which has kept him out of his fields much of the time since he moved onto his recently purchased place on the first of the new year. He, his wife an daughter moved into this excellent farm home on the first of the year, coming from Waxahachie, Ellis County. Their place is well located on the highway with good improvements and conveniences for country life. This good Ellis County family are well pleased, so far, with their recently acquired Collin County blackland farm and also with the people of the community with whom they are glad to become neighbors and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Skipper have reared a family of ten children, all married except their two youngest ones, a son and a daughter. Their son, Eugene Skipper, is holding a position at Waxahachie. The other child at home, a daughter, Audry, attends Boyd High School in McKinney. Another of their married sons and family occupy one of the rent houses on Mr. Skipper's recently purchased farm, which he will help his father cultivate and run in the future.
Some mighty good farming land and well improved farm homes and places are located on the Longneck Road from Princeton to Altoga. This was formerly a Bois-d'Arc wooded strip of country that became some of the most productive farm land that the county had after it was cleared, fenced and put into cultivation, a number of years ago. Some of the Houston land of several acres extends from Bomar's Chapel to the Longneck Road on the east. It is bounded on the north by the McKinney-New Hope-Viney Grove No. 1-Ardath and Altoga road. A thrifty class of residents live in this section - all law abiding, hospitable people. We like to visit among them and hope to have the pleasure of calling on others in the Longneck vicinity as time passes along, and we have opportunity.
McKinney Daily Courier Gazette, February 21, 1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
Longneck proper is located one mile north of Princeton, at the junction of the McKinney-Farmersville-Greenville Highway No. 24 and the Longneck Road, running north from Princeton to High Point, or what was formerly Ardath, and on to Altoga. Mrs. Nancy McGarrah, who formerly was the Daily Courier-Gazette and Weekly Democrat-Gazette reporter, here, lately moved to Frisco with her family to reside. She and her husband sold their stock of groceries and filling station, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmonds. At the time of our visit Mrs. Edmonds was in charge of the store and busy serving customers. We were happy to form her acquaintance and to learn from her as our new representative at this point, that she was pleased at having the opportunity of serving the Longneck community and vicinity as our correspondent here. This duty will be a work of pleasure to Mrs. Edmonds, because it affords her the congenial task of keeping Longneck items and happenings represented in Collin County's oldest Weekly - the Democrat-Gazette, every week or two.
This is one of the old communities of East Collin, formerly, for a number of years, a schoolhouse stood at this place where many youngsters, now mature men and women, received their elementary free school education. However, a number of years ago, Longneck School was absorbed in the Princeton Independent School District, at which time a large two-story brick school building was erected, at Princeton, hardly one mile away, which the children in all grades attended and now have school advantages, equal to any community of its size and development, with Prof. E. L. Gantt as superintendent. The prominent young school man was born and reared just a few hundred yards north from the two Longneck stores and filling stations, he being a son of M. C. Gantt, a veteran farmer, still residing on his old home farm. The Daily Courier-Gazette will also carry the weekly or bi-weekly communications written by Mrs. Edmonds. Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds have one young son, Leonard, only five years old.
We also had the opportunity and pleasure of visiting in the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Skipper, located about three miles north of the Longneck store. We arrived during the noon hour, finding Mr. Skipper quietly resting from his farm work. He stated that he was rather behind with his farm work due to continued rainy weather, which has kept him out of his fields much of the time since he moved onto his recently purchased place on the first of the new year. He, his wife an daughter moved into this excellent farm home on the first of the year, coming from Waxahachie, Ellis County. Their place is well located on the highway with good improvements and conveniences for country life. This good Ellis County family are well pleased, so far, with their recently acquired Collin County blackland farm and also with the people of the community with whom they are glad to become neighbors and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Skipper have reared a family of ten children, all married except their two youngest ones, a son and a daughter. Their son, Eugene Skipper, is holding a position at Waxahachie. The other child at home, a daughter, Audry, attends Boyd High School in McKinney. Another of their married sons and family occupy one of the rent houses on Mr. Skipper's recently purchased farm, which he will help his father cultivate and run in the future.
Some mighty good farming land and well improved farm homes and places are located on the Longneck Road from Princeton to Altoga. This was formerly a Bois-d'Arc wooded strip of country that became some of the most productive farm land that the county had after it was cleared, fenced and put into cultivation, a number of years ago. Some of the Houston land of several acres extends from Bomar's Chapel to the Longneck Road on the east. It is bounded on the north by the McKinney-New Hope-Viney Grove No. 1-Ardath and Altoga road. A thrifty class of residents live in this section - all law abiding, hospitable people. We like to visit among them and hope to have the pleasure of calling on others in the Longneck vicinity as time passes along, and we have opportunity.