McKinney First Christian Church
(McKinney) Daily Courier-Gazette, August 12, 1897
The Order of The Big Parade.
The Civic Organization That Participated-An Address by Judge Tom Brown-A Very Enjoyable Time.
McKinney Tex., Aug. 5-The cornerstone of the First Christian church was laid here to-day with imposing ceremonies.
All churches participated.
Promptly at 10 o'clock a. m., at tap of the city bell, a precession of Sunday school children started from the Baptist church on South Tennessee street. The following churches were represented and marched each under charge of its superintendent, in the order named: Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Episcopal and Christian, preceded by the city brass band and followed by the ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star. To the uninitiated it will be necessary to say that each of "the five points" was represented by appropriate colors, thus: The white ray by a carriage draped in white and five lady occupants also in white. The other rays, red, yellow, blue and green, were represented, while the carriage for the officers and its occupants were decorated in purple white and gold. As soon as the rear of the procession reached the southeast corner of the square the Masonic body was ready to fall in, having previously marched from their lodge room forming on East Louisiana street, and observed the following order: 1. Master Masons; 2. R. A. Masons; 3. Knights Templar; 4. Grand lodge officers, after which the fire department joined in, consisting of five trucks tastefully trimmed in the colors of the Order of the Eastern Star, out of compliment to the ladies of that order. The fire boys, to the number of about fifty, made a very imposing appearance. They are all volunteers and the very best young men of the town. Their banding together for the purpose of protecting the homes and property of their neighbors argues energy and courage.
A large number of citizens in their carriages swelled the procession into the largest ever seen in this city. The Houston and Texas Central railway and the Sherman, Shreveport and Southern railway ran special trains, and brought large Masonic delegations, while the rich and populous country round about poured in to do honor to the occasion.
When the head of the procession reached the building after parading the square and principal streets it opened ranks and thus the grand officers and official ladies reached the platform where the cornerstone was laid in due and ancient form by the following representatives of the grand lodge of Texas: E. H. Bowlby, G. M.; John Church, D. G. M.; H. E. Smith, S. G. W.; John D. Page, J. G. W.; W. B. Newsome, G. T.; R. F. Dowell, G. S.; S. K. Hallam, G. C.; W. M. Abernathy, G. M.; John W. Hamilton, P. A.; and C. H. Wysong, G. J.
Judge W. K. Homan of Dallas, orator of the day, delivered a short address, congratulating the people on the intense interest manifested on the occasion of laying the cornerstone of a temple dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, dwelling on the importance of laying a proper foundation and discussing the underlying principles and the wonderful growth of the organization for which the building was being erected.
At the conclusion a representative of each point of the (Eastern) Star laid a bouquet of corresponding color upon the stone, repeating the words: "Peace be to this house," and Elder Hallam closed the proceedings with an appropriate prayer.
Articles Deposited in Cornerstone.
Among the deposits were: A roll of the officers and members of the church, engrossed on parchment, numbering 306; a similar roll of the membership of St. John's lodge No. 51, being 111 members; a list of the contributors to the structure; lists of Sunday schools and Christian Endeavor societies; copies of the Christian Courier of Dallas, and other church papers; copies of the county papers and of The Dallas Morning News of this date; a copy of the Holy Scriptures donated by St. John's Lodge, and a copy of the New Testament, which belonged to little Edwin Newsome, recently deceased, between the folds of which was the contribution for mission purposes which the little fellow had intended to give on the Sunday when he was stricken down. There was also deposited a photograph of the old building and history of the Christian church at McKinney since its organization in 1848, till the present time reads as follows:
Church organized April 1, 1848.
The congregation was organized April 1, 1848, by Elder J. B. Wilmeth, for many years county and district clerk of Collin county. The meeting at which the church was organized was probably held in a new barn. The meetings were afterwards held in the court house, and later in a schoolhouse under the Masonic hall, on the lot now occupied by the residence of Jesse Shain.
First Church House Erected in 1859.
During this period the congregation was ministered to by J. B. Wilmeth, Dr. Cartwright, J. Gough Jones and B. F. Hall, with some regularity. In 1859 the first house of worship was erected on the lot now occupied by the pastor's cottage. In 1878 this building was torn down and repaired, and it having been injured in a cyclone, was again remodeled in 1879. In this house the congregation had continued to worship to the present time.
From 1858 to 1876 the pulpit was supplied by, B. F. Hall, James T. Muse, T. W. Caskey, C. M. Wilmeth, R. C. Horn, and perhaps others.
Occasional sermons were preached by many of the pioneer preachers of Texas, among whom are still remembered Brothers Clark and Polly.
Since 1877 the church has been continuously served by the following pastors for the time indicated: Kirk Baxter 77,78; Elder Skiles 79, 80; J. B. Faulkner 81, 82, 83; C. W. Sewell 84, 85, 86; J. P. Pinkerton 87, 88, 89; D. W. Pritchett 90, 91, 92: A. P. Terrell 93, 94; S. W. Crutcher 95, 96; and the present incumbent since Jan. 1, 1897.
Great Gen. Gano Meeting in 1872.
In 1872 a notable meeting was conducted by Gen. R. M. Gano of Dallas, during which there were more than fifty conversions, among them Brother R. C. (Cope) White, one of the present elders. Meetings have been held at various times by Addison and Randolph Clark, J. M. Tennison, J. J. Lockhart, B. B. Saunders and Frank Talmage. It was in Bro. Lockhart's meeting, during the pastorate of D. W. Pritchett, that I. D. Newsome, whose liberality with that of his sons has made the building possible, was added to the church. His two sons had been members of the church several years before.
Newsomes Build Church.
Immediately upon entering on his work the present pastor began agitating the question of a new house of worship in keeping with the wealth and influence of the congregation and the needs of the Master's work. Frequent conferences were held with influential brethren on the subject. During a meeting held by the pastor in March, 1897, the house was not large enough on several occasions to accommodate the audience. I. D. Newsome and sons, after carefully considering the matter, proposed to build for the church a house of worship to cost about $14,000 on the condition that the congregation would raise a sufficient amount to lift the incumbrance on lot, remodel the dwelling house thereon for the pastor's residence, and to furnish the house when completed, furniture to include a pipe organ and furnaces for heating. The proposition was accepted and a committee consisting of J. L. White, Plummer Harris and the pastor was appointed to raise the necessary funds. On the second Lord's day in April $7000 had been pledged, and it was announced that the building would be erected. The subscription has since been increased to $8000, including the proceeds of the sale of the old parsonage. The building and furniture alone will cost about $20,000. The entire property of the church is estimated to be worth $25,000. A list of the contributors with the amounts given is placed in the corner stone. J. L. White headed it with $750, D. C. Hill and L. H. Graves each gave $500, while Jesse Shain gave $1000 to be applied toward the purchase of the organ. But others with equal liberality in proportion to their means gave as a free will of offering to the Lord. Those who have made the larger offerings as well as the brethren who have built the church feel that their brethren and sisters who have given so freely out of their poverty have done more than they. So that the humblest disciple that has done what he could is an equal partner with them in this noble work. The roll of officers and members, engrossed on parchment and placed in the corner stone, shows the membership to be 306 on Aug. 5, 1897.
Profoundly grateful to God, who has permitted us to celebrate the fiftieth year of our history as a church by erecting this magnificent building for his worship, we pray him that the coming years may be equally blessed in building of the spiritual edifice. To him be glory and honor throughout the age of ages. Amen!
Speech by Judge T. J. Brown.
The citizens of McKinney invited all present to a picnic dinner at the city park, where an address of welcome was delivered by Hon. J. M. Pearson, the mayor, and Judge T. J. Brown of the supreme court (of Texas) then delighted the people with a talk on old times, detailing many of the stirring reminiscences of early pioneer life.
The business men without exception closed their doors from 10 o'clock to 2 in order to participate, and every detail was carried out in the most happy manner. The munificent donation of the church building by I. D. Newsome and his two sons, the liberality of the church members and outsiders in contributing to the furnishing, heating and organ the spirit of good will and brotherly feeling manifested, all conspired to made the occasion one to be long and gratefully remembered by the citizens of McKinney.
Corner Stone Notes.
The extreme heat compelled a great many to seek their home for relief.
Little Miss Goldie Warden, sponsor of Hook and Ladder Co. No. 2, was the recipient of much attention during the parade.
His excellency Mayor J. M. Pearson and Hon. Tom Perkins formed a team of robust and respectable appearance which graced the parade.
The ceremonies of this occasion, under the auspices of St. John's Lodge, were the first corner stone laying, according to Masonic ceremony, ever performed in Collin county.
Quite a delegation from Tennehill Lodge, of Dallas, were present and took part in the corner stone laying exercised. They remained over night and attended the meeting of St. John's lodge.
Every one of the twelve lodges in the county, as well as representatives from various other North Texas lodges, were in the line of march. By common assent, this was the most notable event in Masonry in the history of Collin county.
Several old Masons present testified to the practical value of Masonry which none deny. Instances in their long careers were heard cited where life and property were rescued from the destroyer by the mysterious wand of this hoary order of antiquity.
A new epoch has evidently dawned upon the congregation that will worship in this new temple of God. Such a spirit seemed prevalent on this occasion in every breast, and the sentiment almost realized.
Hope shall change to glad fruition;
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.
The ladies are very grateful to the fire boys for decorating in Eastern Star colors out of respect for the order. The boys cannot be discounted for gallantry to the ladies, loyalty to the city and general efficiency for unpaid firefighters.
Three marshals were in charge of the procession. Prof. J. B. Dodson was marshal in charge of the Sunday School children: A. B. Carroll, W. P., was in charge of ladies of the Eastern Star and Hon. W .M. Abernathy grand marshal of the day.
In the announcement of deposits it was said that a copy of the first and last issues of The McKinney DEMOCRAT would be deposited. This was a slight error. It was a copy of the last issue and a copy of our illustrated edition issued in 1891 containing a synopsis of the county's history and other valuable information.
I. D. Newsome, the pioneer McKinney merchant, spread the mortar for the laying of the corner stone. It was fitting that Mr. Newsome perform this act, as the beautiful new edifice, when completed, will stand a material monument to the generosity of himself and two worthy sons, W. B. and E. A. Newsome.
The large number of veteran Masons in line of march was a cause of remark on every side. Several were in the procession whose entrance into the mysteries of the order dates back more than half a century. Among the oldest might be mentioned Col. Jot Woodall, Esq. W. R. H. Mack, Dr. Gale, J. H. Jenkins, C. H. Wysong and C. J. Aston, of Farmersville.
When the procession was waiting at the Baptist church for orders to move a quaint old couple from the rurals came along the Dallas road on their way into town. Not being aware of the important event to come off in McKinney that day they were naturally surprised when they came in view of the long, gorgeous column lined up ready to march. The fire engine being in the rear attracted their attention first. Critically scanning the engine, the old fellow remarked to his spouse "that 'ar must be a music box." "Y-a-s," replied the old lady, "an' it's a powerful fine on' too." "You bet," came the ready assent and then they scrutinized the next in line which they pronounced "mity purty hen roosts." These were Hook and Ladder Wagons Nos. 1 and 2 so beautifully decorated in the Eastern Star colors. But the energetic fire boys are not to be blamed for feeling a little ruffled at these cruel, those innocent remarks. For 48 hours they worked faithfully in rubbing up the engine and tastefully arranging buntings and decorations, after which, then to have their engine dubbed a "music box" and their wagons "purty hen roosts"-well, it was provoking.
The Eastern Stars were the central feature of the parade, though the whole was very creditable to Masons and others participating. The ladies of the order were borne in six carriages tastefully decorated in colors harmonizing with the costumes of their respective occupants. Four white horses drew the first carriage which was decorated in royal purple and white, and contained the following officers: Worthy Matron, Mrs. W. B. Newsome; Worthy Patron A. B. Carroll (the only gentleman occupant of any of the carriages); Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. Dr. T. W. Wiley; Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. J. L. Lovejoy. Second carriage, blue decorations, Misses Judith English, Lizzie Crouch, Kate Page, Mrs. Howell E. Smith, Mrs. W. E. Marshall. Third carriage, yellow decorations, Misses Mame Page, Joe B. Davis, Fannie Bagley, Nettie Barnes and Mrs. D. T. Pardue. Fourth carriage, white decorations, Miss Dora Barnes, Mesdames W. M. Abernathy, W. D. Davis, T. J. Melton, and Mrs. Dr. J. E. Gibson. Fifth carriage, green decorations, Misses Pearl Nelson, Fannie Abernathy, Mattie Dowell, Emma Walden, and Mrs. John Johnson, Jr. Sixth carriage, red decorations, Misses Ella B. Newsome, Bessie Nelson, Ollie Plemmons, Allie Dowell and Mrs. Dr. J. C. N. Smith. The effect produced by the charming ladies and beautiful decorated horses and carriages in the parade were truly a feast for the eye and cultured taste seldom enjoyed by the people of any town, and speke volumes for the energy of A. B. Carroll and Mrs. W.. B. Newsome, under whose direction success crowned every detail of the affair and double met the most sanguine expectation.
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, November 23, 1923
Dr. Clifford B. Weaver, who is serving his third year as pastor of the First Christian Church of this city, kindly prepared at our request the following statement of the informal exercises attending the replacement of the box in the corner stone of that church edifice which at present is undergoing extensive repairs. Robt. H. Brown of McKinney is contractor. The improvements when completed will cost about $15,000. This large, brick church, when these repairs are made, will be one of the most commodious and handsome structures of our city or county:
Informal But Impressive Service.
With very simple, brief, and yet beautifully appropriate ceremony the original corner stone of the First Christian Church and its unopened box were again sealed Thursday afternoon, Nov. 22, 1923, at four-thirty o’clock in the presence of those gathered in the street and on the steps at the south side of the church auditorium, which is now undergoing repairs.
It was exactly 26 years, 3 months and 17 days since the box and its contents had been placed in the stone and the mortar spread by I. D. Newsome, Sr., father of E. A. and W. B. Newsome, all of whom, except the last named, have passed away.
The ceremony on August 5, 1897, was a most elaborate affair. It was not planned that Friday’s program should be any other than the most simple, but it was felt that some recognition should be given the new task which is now under way. On this occasion the gathered assembly united in singing one verse of “My Faith Looks up to Thee,” and then Walter B. Wilson, who has faithfully kept a fine history of McKinney through the years by means of clippings preserved in scrap book form, was present and read a few excerpts from the description of the original day twenty-six years ago. In this were detailed a full list of the contents of the original box, which had been kept by Sam J. Massie and unopened since the removal of the corner stone to its present position. After Mr. Wilson’s recital, Mr. Massie, as chairman of the present building committee, duly again deposited the box in its former resting place after which the workmen raised over it the heavy cap stone and again it was sealed, perhaps never to be seen again by any of those present, save possibly the very young children.
In the stone directly west of this and which stone had faced west, another receptacle had been made and a copper box fitting into the same.
The building committee, composed of Sam J. Massie, J. H. Merritt and Alfred M. Scott, were asked to receive and deposit the following items from the hands of the pastor, Clifford S. Weaver:
Contents of New Corner Stone Box.
A copy of the New Testament, Acts of Apostles, John’s Gospel in Greek, Spanish, Slovak and Japanese; Mark’s Gospel in French and Chinese and also John 3:16, the “Golden Text” of the Bible in two hundred sixty nine languages bound in a little booklet announcing as deposit was made that the Gospel in all of these languages was symbolic of the mission of the church to the whole world.
Geo. W. Fox is chairman of finances of the present enterprise and Jesse Graves receives and pays out the money and now a complete list of those who had given up to this time was placed in the box, also a printed directory showing a membership of 847 and a list of the Sunday School council presented by Ula A. Saunders. A copy of the Daily Courier-Gazette of Nov. 21, 1923, which contained the announcement of this gathering, was furnished for deposit by Walter B. Wilson and S. O. Scott, in a feeling manner, offered a ten dollar Confederate bill in memory of S. H. Fox and other pioneers who have gone on, as well as mentioning R. C. Horn of the old Confederate Veterans who was standing by his side. A ten thousand German mark bill from Mr. Sol Wiseman. With this Eric. B. Wilson sealed the box and Joe E. Largent, representing the trustees, deposited the box in the stone and the workmen covered it over and Elder R. C. Horn led in a helpful and feeling prayer for God’s blessing and the assembly adjourned just as the town clock was striking five, with rejoicing and thanksgiving that thus far the Lord had led them. Many realized as not before that God’s workmen pass on and away but His work goes forward and so each succeeding generation must provide stalwart men and true to “carry on.”
Present Church Organization.
The following is a list of the present Official Board of the First Christian church on the date (Nov. 22, 1923) of the replacement of the corner stone: Rev. Clifford S. Weaver, pastor. Elders - Dr. M. S. Metz, F. C. Thompson, C. J. Hunter, R. C. Horn, Wallace Wilson, Jesse G. Graves, Ernest Wilson, W. H. Franklin.
Deacons - R. L. Jackson, Giles McKinney, Alfred Scott, Ula Saunders, E. W. Sweeney, Dick Massie, Wm. J. Edwards, Jesse Jarrell, A. J. Martin, L. L. Elliott, Chas. Nelson, R. L. Moulden, Chas. Graves, S. O. Scott, T. F. Everett, Joe Barnes, Oscar Goddard, Joe E. Largent, Wick Graves, Jno. W. Thomas, Orlia J. Moss, D. H. Faulkner, Will F. Horn, Greenberry Adams, Walter H. Bush, Jr., H. L. Davis, M. H. Woodruff, Jas. H. Merritt, Will F. Bush.
The unexpired term of beloved Plummer Harris was taken and is being ably filled by Judge R. L. Moulden and the place thus made vacant in the list of deacons was taken by Paschal Kerby. Dr. M. S. Metz is chairman of the Board and John W. Thomas is clerk. Dick Faulkner is the treasurer.
Sunday School.
Ernest Wilson, Supt., Ula Saunders, Secretary; Miss Bernice Adams, Associate Secretary.
Intermediate Dept. - Orlia J. Moss, Supt.; Junior - Mrs. Ula Saunders, Supt.; Primary - Mrs. Geo. James, Supt.;
Beginners - Mrs. O. S. Hines, Supt.; Cradle Roll - Mrs. W. C. Robinson, Supt.
Women’s Missionary Society—Mrs. W. W. McDowell, Pres. Mrs. W. T. Largent, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Ben Oates, Treas.; Mrs. H. D. Mouson, Secy.
Elizabeth Ross Missionary Circle — Mrs. W. C. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Chas. Graves, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Harry White, Secy.; Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Treas.
Ella Jenkins Circle—- Mrs. J. P. Harding, Pres.; Mrs. Harry White, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Benge Quisenberry, Treas.
Ladies’ Aid Society — Mrs. F. M. Warden, Pres.; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. P. Dowell and Mrs. S. F. Cook; Mrs. S. O. Scott, Treas.
Christian Endeavor Society — Miss Geneva Horn, Pres.; Miss Mildred Joplin, Vice-Pres.; Miss Lucy Joplin, Secy.; Miss Vesta Rose, Treas.
(McKinney) Daily Courier-Gazette , July 18, 1925, p 1.
by Mrs. J. Ollie Smith
Editors Note: The data for this article was obtained from a scrap book of Walter B. Wilson and from notes given by Rev. R. C. Horn, who though old in years has the alert mind of a man many years younger. Rev. Horn related many interesting stories to the writer of this article of the ministers, with whom he preached and labored, paving the way for the fellowship the First Christian Church now enjoys.
During the seventy odd years of the life of the First Christian Church of McKinney, a few of the members have had the privilege of seeing the growth of this wonderful congregation from a few faithful members who first met in a shed, which was erected by Joe Bounds, the father of Mrs. H. M. Garnett, into a small frame building, which was destroyed by a storm and into a brick structure, which was dedicated in 1887 on August 12th. This building was given by I. D. Newsome and sons, W. B. Newsome, now of Dallas, and E. A. Newsome, deceased.
The present beautiful edifice was finished last year being remodeled from the old building.
From the founding of the church here on April 1, 1848 by Elder J. B. Wilmeth, for many years county and district clerk, the congregation was ministered to by J. B. Wilmeth, Dr. Cartwright, J. Gough Jones and B. F. Hall with some regularity.
From 1858 to 1876 the pulpit was supplied by B. F. Hall, James C. Muse, T. W. Caskey, C. M. Wilmeth, Rev. R. C. Horn and perhaps others.
Occasional sermons were preached by many of the pioneer preachers of Texas, among whom were Brothers Randolph Clark, H. N. O. Polly, Charles Carlton, Addison Clark, J. M. Tennison, J. J. Lockhart, H. B. Saunders, and Frank Talmadge.
The first regular pastor of the First Church here was Rev. J. B. Wilmot of Dallas, who would preach two Sundays a month and two Sundays at the First Church in Dallas. Rev. Wilmot was a good preacher and well liked by the congregation. He was succeeded by Rev. Kirk Baxter, who also preached half the time here and half time in Dallas. Kirk Baxter was a man of splendid education, a musician and poet. He also wrote for newspapers and periodicals. Rev. Baxter was a school mate and life-long friend of Rev. Noel (Knowles) Shaw, who was killed by a train on the Wilson Creek Crossing south of town. Rev. Shaw was on his way to McKinney to hold a meeting in the Christian Church.
Rev. J. F. Skiles was the first full time pastor of the church. He was a young man of good family, education and made a well liked pastor.
Rev. J. B. Faulkner followed Brother Skiles. Rev. Faulkner was a Kentuckian by birth. He had the distinction of preaching in every school house in Collin County and a record of baptizing 5,000 people. He was the father of Mrs. Tom Perkins of this City and grandfather of the writer of this article.
Bro. C. W. Sewell was pastor for two years and a most popular man. He baptized numbers of people. He was born in Tennessee and had four brothers, who were also preachers. They were Cobb Sewell, Texas Sewell, Elijah Sewell and Jesse Sewell.
J. P. Pinkerton was a fine preacher and was born in Kentucky. He was the son of Dr. Pinkerton, who was a classmate of Alexander Campbell and Rev. Stone. Rev. D. W. Pritchett was a very intellectual man, a forceful preacher. It was during his ministry that the plans for the new church were started and Bro. Pritchett worked untiringly toward this goal. He performed the marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Perkins.
Rev. A. P. Terrell was pastor of the church for the next two years and was well liked by the congregation. He was a man of keen intellect. After leaving here he studied osteopathy, following that profession until his death.
Rev. D. (S.) W. Crutcher, a Kentuckian by birth came to the pastorate here from Missouri, where he received a fine education. He was pastor for about two years.
S. K. Hallam came to this church from Dallas, and it was during his ministry in 1897 that the new brick church was dedicated. Rev. Hallam now is living in South Texas.
Rev. J. A. Farris was a very devout and beloved pastor. He dedicated the Vineland Church by which Bro. R. C. Horn was pastor for a number of years and which has given us a splendid number of members to the First Church here. Bro. Farris has a son, Ellsworth Farris, who was a missionary to Africa.
Rev. R. R. Hamlin, one of the most beloved pastors, was a man of splendid education. He was educated in Johnson Bible College, where so many of our wonderful preachers of today received their education. Mrs. F. B. Pope of this city is a daughter of Bro. Hamlin.
Rev. G. L. Bush was a graduate of Transylvania University and was a very forceful preacher. His father was one of the leading evangelists of the state. Rev. Bush and family now reside in Carrollton, Missouri, where he has been pastor of the First Church there for thirteen years.
Rev. J. M. Bell was one of the most efficient and intellectual preachers of his day. Rev. Bell is in New York state in the reality business.
Rev. Philip King was also a man of education, and will ever be a remembered factor in the building of the brotherhood.
Rev. W. P. Jennings was a beloved pastor, friend and neighbor. He was a graduate of the Bible College in Lexington, classmate of E. H. Holmes, son-in-law of Rev. R. C. Horn. Rev. Jennings is pastor of the First Church in Lubbock, Texas now.
Rev. V. W. Wallace was one of the most powerful preachers the church ever had. He was a man of wonderful education, keen intellect and well liked. Rev. Wallace is now engaged in evangelistic work.
This my friends brings us to our present beloved pastor, Rev. C. S. Weaver, who with his good wife have been with us through sorrow, happiness, good times and bad times. They are true friends and we can truthfully say, the best parson and parson’s wife in the world.
(McKinney) Daily Courier-Gazette, August 12, 1897
The Order of The Big Parade.
The Civic Organization That Participated-An Address by Judge Tom Brown-A Very Enjoyable Time.
McKinney Tex., Aug. 5-The cornerstone of the First Christian church was laid here to-day with imposing ceremonies.
All churches participated.
Promptly at 10 o'clock a. m., at tap of the city bell, a precession of Sunday school children started from the Baptist church on South Tennessee street. The following churches were represented and marched each under charge of its superintendent, in the order named: Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Episcopal and Christian, preceded by the city brass band and followed by the ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star. To the uninitiated it will be necessary to say that each of "the five points" was represented by appropriate colors, thus: The white ray by a carriage draped in white and five lady occupants also in white. The other rays, red, yellow, blue and green, were represented, while the carriage for the officers and its occupants were decorated in purple white and gold. As soon as the rear of the procession reached the southeast corner of the square the Masonic body was ready to fall in, having previously marched from their lodge room forming on East Louisiana street, and observed the following order: 1. Master Masons; 2. R. A. Masons; 3. Knights Templar; 4. Grand lodge officers, after which the fire department joined in, consisting of five trucks tastefully trimmed in the colors of the Order of the Eastern Star, out of compliment to the ladies of that order. The fire boys, to the number of about fifty, made a very imposing appearance. They are all volunteers and the very best young men of the town. Their banding together for the purpose of protecting the homes and property of their neighbors argues energy and courage.
A large number of citizens in their carriages swelled the procession into the largest ever seen in this city. The Houston and Texas Central railway and the Sherman, Shreveport and Southern railway ran special trains, and brought large Masonic delegations, while the rich and populous country round about poured in to do honor to the occasion.
When the head of the procession reached the building after parading the square and principal streets it opened ranks and thus the grand officers and official ladies reached the platform where the cornerstone was laid in due and ancient form by the following representatives of the grand lodge of Texas: E. H. Bowlby, G. M.; John Church, D. G. M.; H. E. Smith, S. G. W.; John D. Page, J. G. W.; W. B. Newsome, G. T.; R. F. Dowell, G. S.; S. K. Hallam, G. C.; W. M. Abernathy, G. M.; John W. Hamilton, P. A.; and C. H. Wysong, G. J.
Judge W. K. Homan of Dallas, orator of the day, delivered a short address, congratulating the people on the intense interest manifested on the occasion of laying the cornerstone of a temple dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, dwelling on the importance of laying a proper foundation and discussing the underlying principles and the wonderful growth of the organization for which the building was being erected.
At the conclusion a representative of each point of the (Eastern) Star laid a bouquet of corresponding color upon the stone, repeating the words: "Peace be to this house," and Elder Hallam closed the proceedings with an appropriate prayer.
Articles Deposited in Cornerstone.
Among the deposits were: A roll of the officers and members of the church, engrossed on parchment, numbering 306; a similar roll of the membership of St. John's lodge No. 51, being 111 members; a list of the contributors to the structure; lists of Sunday schools and Christian Endeavor societies; copies of the Christian Courier of Dallas, and other church papers; copies of the county papers and of The Dallas Morning News of this date; a copy of the Holy Scriptures donated by St. John's Lodge, and a copy of the New Testament, which belonged to little Edwin Newsome, recently deceased, between the folds of which was the contribution for mission purposes which the little fellow had intended to give on the Sunday when he was stricken down. There was also deposited a photograph of the old building and history of the Christian church at McKinney since its organization in 1848, till the present time reads as follows:
Church organized April 1, 1848.
The congregation was organized April 1, 1848, by Elder J. B. Wilmeth, for many years county and district clerk of Collin county. The meeting at which the church was organized was probably held in a new barn. The meetings were afterwards held in the court house, and later in a schoolhouse under the Masonic hall, on the lot now occupied by the residence of Jesse Shain.
First Church House Erected in 1859.
During this period the congregation was ministered to by J. B. Wilmeth, Dr. Cartwright, J. Gough Jones and B. F. Hall, with some regularity. In 1859 the first house of worship was erected on the lot now occupied by the pastor's cottage. In 1878 this building was torn down and repaired, and it having been injured in a cyclone, was again remodeled in 1879. In this house the congregation had continued to worship to the present time.
From 1858 to 1876 the pulpit was supplied by, B. F. Hall, James T. Muse, T. W. Caskey, C. M. Wilmeth, R. C. Horn, and perhaps others.
Occasional sermons were preached by many of the pioneer preachers of Texas, among whom are still remembered Brothers Clark and Polly.
Since 1877 the church has been continuously served by the following pastors for the time indicated: Kirk Baxter 77,78; Elder Skiles 79, 80; J. B. Faulkner 81, 82, 83; C. W. Sewell 84, 85, 86; J. P. Pinkerton 87, 88, 89; D. W. Pritchett 90, 91, 92: A. P. Terrell 93, 94; S. W. Crutcher 95, 96; and the present incumbent since Jan. 1, 1897.
Great Gen. Gano Meeting in 1872.
In 1872 a notable meeting was conducted by Gen. R. M. Gano of Dallas, during which there were more than fifty conversions, among them Brother R. C. (Cope) White, one of the present elders. Meetings have been held at various times by Addison and Randolph Clark, J. M. Tennison, J. J. Lockhart, B. B. Saunders and Frank Talmage. It was in Bro. Lockhart's meeting, during the pastorate of D. W. Pritchett, that I. D. Newsome, whose liberality with that of his sons has made the building possible, was added to the church. His two sons had been members of the church several years before.
Newsomes Build Church.
Immediately upon entering on his work the present pastor began agitating the question of a new house of worship in keeping with the wealth and influence of the congregation and the needs of the Master's work. Frequent conferences were held with influential brethren on the subject. During a meeting held by the pastor in March, 1897, the house was not large enough on several occasions to accommodate the audience. I. D. Newsome and sons, after carefully considering the matter, proposed to build for the church a house of worship to cost about $14,000 on the condition that the congregation would raise a sufficient amount to lift the incumbrance on lot, remodel the dwelling house thereon for the pastor's residence, and to furnish the house when completed, furniture to include a pipe organ and furnaces for heating. The proposition was accepted and a committee consisting of J. L. White, Plummer Harris and the pastor was appointed to raise the necessary funds. On the second Lord's day in April $7000 had been pledged, and it was announced that the building would be erected. The subscription has since been increased to $8000, including the proceeds of the sale of the old parsonage. The building and furniture alone will cost about $20,000. The entire property of the church is estimated to be worth $25,000. A list of the contributors with the amounts given is placed in the corner stone. J. L. White headed it with $750, D. C. Hill and L. H. Graves each gave $500, while Jesse Shain gave $1000 to be applied toward the purchase of the organ. But others with equal liberality in proportion to their means gave as a free will of offering to the Lord. Those who have made the larger offerings as well as the brethren who have built the church feel that their brethren and sisters who have given so freely out of their poverty have done more than they. So that the humblest disciple that has done what he could is an equal partner with them in this noble work. The roll of officers and members, engrossed on parchment and placed in the corner stone, shows the membership to be 306 on Aug. 5, 1897.
Profoundly grateful to God, who has permitted us to celebrate the fiftieth year of our history as a church by erecting this magnificent building for his worship, we pray him that the coming years may be equally blessed in building of the spiritual edifice. To him be glory and honor throughout the age of ages. Amen!
Speech by Judge T. J. Brown.
The citizens of McKinney invited all present to a picnic dinner at the city park, where an address of welcome was delivered by Hon. J. M. Pearson, the mayor, and Judge T. J. Brown of the supreme court (of Texas) then delighted the people with a talk on old times, detailing many of the stirring reminiscences of early pioneer life.
The business men without exception closed their doors from 10 o'clock to 2 in order to participate, and every detail was carried out in the most happy manner. The munificent donation of the church building by I. D. Newsome and his two sons, the liberality of the church members and outsiders in contributing to the furnishing, heating and organ the spirit of good will and brotherly feeling manifested, all conspired to made the occasion one to be long and gratefully remembered by the citizens of McKinney.
Corner Stone Notes.
The extreme heat compelled a great many to seek their home for relief.
Little Miss Goldie Warden, sponsor of Hook and Ladder Co. No. 2, was the recipient of much attention during the parade.
His excellency Mayor J. M. Pearson and Hon. Tom Perkins formed a team of robust and respectable appearance which graced the parade.
The ceremonies of this occasion, under the auspices of St. John's Lodge, were the first corner stone laying, according to Masonic ceremony, ever performed in Collin county.
Quite a delegation from Tennehill Lodge, of Dallas, were present and took part in the corner stone laying exercised. They remained over night and attended the meeting of St. John's lodge.
Every one of the twelve lodges in the county, as well as representatives from various other North Texas lodges, were in the line of march. By common assent, this was the most notable event in Masonry in the history of Collin county.
Several old Masons present testified to the practical value of Masonry which none deny. Instances in their long careers were heard cited where life and property were rescued from the destroyer by the mysterious wand of this hoary order of antiquity.
A new epoch has evidently dawned upon the congregation that will worship in this new temple of God. Such a spirit seemed prevalent on this occasion in every breast, and the sentiment almost realized.
Hope shall change to glad fruition;
Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.
The ladies are very grateful to the fire boys for decorating in Eastern Star colors out of respect for the order. The boys cannot be discounted for gallantry to the ladies, loyalty to the city and general efficiency for unpaid firefighters.
Three marshals were in charge of the procession. Prof. J. B. Dodson was marshal in charge of the Sunday School children: A. B. Carroll, W. P., was in charge of ladies of the Eastern Star and Hon. W .M. Abernathy grand marshal of the day.
In the announcement of deposits it was said that a copy of the first and last issues of The McKinney DEMOCRAT would be deposited. This was a slight error. It was a copy of the last issue and a copy of our illustrated edition issued in 1891 containing a synopsis of the county's history and other valuable information.
I. D. Newsome, the pioneer McKinney merchant, spread the mortar for the laying of the corner stone. It was fitting that Mr. Newsome perform this act, as the beautiful new edifice, when completed, will stand a material monument to the generosity of himself and two worthy sons, W. B. and E. A. Newsome.
The large number of veteran Masons in line of march was a cause of remark on every side. Several were in the procession whose entrance into the mysteries of the order dates back more than half a century. Among the oldest might be mentioned Col. Jot Woodall, Esq. W. R. H. Mack, Dr. Gale, J. H. Jenkins, C. H. Wysong and C. J. Aston, of Farmersville.
When the procession was waiting at the Baptist church for orders to move a quaint old couple from the rurals came along the Dallas road on their way into town. Not being aware of the important event to come off in McKinney that day they were naturally surprised when they came in view of the long, gorgeous column lined up ready to march. The fire engine being in the rear attracted their attention first. Critically scanning the engine, the old fellow remarked to his spouse "that 'ar must be a music box." "Y-a-s," replied the old lady, "an' it's a powerful fine on' too." "You bet," came the ready assent and then they scrutinized the next in line which they pronounced "mity purty hen roosts." These were Hook and Ladder Wagons Nos. 1 and 2 so beautifully decorated in the Eastern Star colors. But the energetic fire boys are not to be blamed for feeling a little ruffled at these cruel, those innocent remarks. For 48 hours they worked faithfully in rubbing up the engine and tastefully arranging buntings and decorations, after which, then to have their engine dubbed a "music box" and their wagons "purty hen roosts"-well, it was provoking.
The Eastern Stars were the central feature of the parade, though the whole was very creditable to Masons and others participating. The ladies of the order were borne in six carriages tastefully decorated in colors harmonizing with the costumes of their respective occupants. Four white horses drew the first carriage which was decorated in royal purple and white, and contained the following officers: Worthy Matron, Mrs. W. B. Newsome; Worthy Patron A. B. Carroll (the only gentleman occupant of any of the carriages); Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. Dr. T. W. Wiley; Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. J. L. Lovejoy. Second carriage, blue decorations, Misses Judith English, Lizzie Crouch, Kate Page, Mrs. Howell E. Smith, Mrs. W. E. Marshall. Third carriage, yellow decorations, Misses Mame Page, Joe B. Davis, Fannie Bagley, Nettie Barnes and Mrs. D. T. Pardue. Fourth carriage, white decorations, Miss Dora Barnes, Mesdames W. M. Abernathy, W. D. Davis, T. J. Melton, and Mrs. Dr. J. E. Gibson. Fifth carriage, green decorations, Misses Pearl Nelson, Fannie Abernathy, Mattie Dowell, Emma Walden, and Mrs. John Johnson, Jr. Sixth carriage, red decorations, Misses Ella B. Newsome, Bessie Nelson, Ollie Plemmons, Allie Dowell and Mrs. Dr. J. C. N. Smith. The effect produced by the charming ladies and beautiful decorated horses and carriages in the parade were truly a feast for the eye and cultured taste seldom enjoyed by the people of any town, and speke volumes for the energy of A. B. Carroll and Mrs. W.. B. Newsome, under whose direction success crowned every detail of the affair and double met the most sanguine expectation.
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, November 23, 1923
Dr. Clifford B. Weaver, who is serving his third year as pastor of the First Christian Church of this city, kindly prepared at our request the following statement of the informal exercises attending the replacement of the box in the corner stone of that church edifice which at present is undergoing extensive repairs. Robt. H. Brown of McKinney is contractor. The improvements when completed will cost about $15,000. This large, brick church, when these repairs are made, will be one of the most commodious and handsome structures of our city or county:
Informal But Impressive Service.
With very simple, brief, and yet beautifully appropriate ceremony the original corner stone of the First Christian Church and its unopened box were again sealed Thursday afternoon, Nov. 22, 1923, at four-thirty o’clock in the presence of those gathered in the street and on the steps at the south side of the church auditorium, which is now undergoing repairs.
It was exactly 26 years, 3 months and 17 days since the box and its contents had been placed in the stone and the mortar spread by I. D. Newsome, Sr., father of E. A. and W. B. Newsome, all of whom, except the last named, have passed away.
The ceremony on August 5, 1897, was a most elaborate affair. It was not planned that Friday’s program should be any other than the most simple, but it was felt that some recognition should be given the new task which is now under way. On this occasion the gathered assembly united in singing one verse of “My Faith Looks up to Thee,” and then Walter B. Wilson, who has faithfully kept a fine history of McKinney through the years by means of clippings preserved in scrap book form, was present and read a few excerpts from the description of the original day twenty-six years ago. In this were detailed a full list of the contents of the original box, which had been kept by Sam J. Massie and unopened since the removal of the corner stone to its present position. After Mr. Wilson’s recital, Mr. Massie, as chairman of the present building committee, duly again deposited the box in its former resting place after which the workmen raised over it the heavy cap stone and again it was sealed, perhaps never to be seen again by any of those present, save possibly the very young children.
In the stone directly west of this and which stone had faced west, another receptacle had been made and a copper box fitting into the same.
The building committee, composed of Sam J. Massie, J. H. Merritt and Alfred M. Scott, were asked to receive and deposit the following items from the hands of the pastor, Clifford S. Weaver:
Contents of New Corner Stone Box.
A copy of the New Testament, Acts of Apostles, John’s Gospel in Greek, Spanish, Slovak and Japanese; Mark’s Gospel in French and Chinese and also John 3:16, the “Golden Text” of the Bible in two hundred sixty nine languages bound in a little booklet announcing as deposit was made that the Gospel in all of these languages was symbolic of the mission of the church to the whole world.
Geo. W. Fox is chairman of finances of the present enterprise and Jesse Graves receives and pays out the money and now a complete list of those who had given up to this time was placed in the box, also a printed directory showing a membership of 847 and a list of the Sunday School council presented by Ula A. Saunders. A copy of the Daily Courier-Gazette of Nov. 21, 1923, which contained the announcement of this gathering, was furnished for deposit by Walter B. Wilson and S. O. Scott, in a feeling manner, offered a ten dollar Confederate bill in memory of S. H. Fox and other pioneers who have gone on, as well as mentioning R. C. Horn of the old Confederate Veterans who was standing by his side. A ten thousand German mark bill from Mr. Sol Wiseman. With this Eric. B. Wilson sealed the box and Joe E. Largent, representing the trustees, deposited the box in the stone and the workmen covered it over and Elder R. C. Horn led in a helpful and feeling prayer for God’s blessing and the assembly adjourned just as the town clock was striking five, with rejoicing and thanksgiving that thus far the Lord had led them. Many realized as not before that God’s workmen pass on and away but His work goes forward and so each succeeding generation must provide stalwart men and true to “carry on.”
Present Church Organization.
The following is a list of the present Official Board of the First Christian church on the date (Nov. 22, 1923) of the replacement of the corner stone: Rev. Clifford S. Weaver, pastor. Elders - Dr. M. S. Metz, F. C. Thompson, C. J. Hunter, R. C. Horn, Wallace Wilson, Jesse G. Graves, Ernest Wilson, W. H. Franklin.
Deacons - R. L. Jackson, Giles McKinney, Alfred Scott, Ula Saunders, E. W. Sweeney, Dick Massie, Wm. J. Edwards, Jesse Jarrell, A. J. Martin, L. L. Elliott, Chas. Nelson, R. L. Moulden, Chas. Graves, S. O. Scott, T. F. Everett, Joe Barnes, Oscar Goddard, Joe E. Largent, Wick Graves, Jno. W. Thomas, Orlia J. Moss, D. H. Faulkner, Will F. Horn, Greenberry Adams, Walter H. Bush, Jr., H. L. Davis, M. H. Woodruff, Jas. H. Merritt, Will F. Bush.
The unexpired term of beloved Plummer Harris was taken and is being ably filled by Judge R. L. Moulden and the place thus made vacant in the list of deacons was taken by Paschal Kerby. Dr. M. S. Metz is chairman of the Board and John W. Thomas is clerk. Dick Faulkner is the treasurer.
Sunday School.
Ernest Wilson, Supt., Ula Saunders, Secretary; Miss Bernice Adams, Associate Secretary.
Intermediate Dept. - Orlia J. Moss, Supt.; Junior - Mrs. Ula Saunders, Supt.; Primary - Mrs. Geo. James, Supt.;
Beginners - Mrs. O. S. Hines, Supt.; Cradle Roll - Mrs. W. C. Robinson, Supt.
Women’s Missionary Society—Mrs. W. W. McDowell, Pres. Mrs. W. T. Largent, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Ben Oates, Treas.; Mrs. H. D. Mouson, Secy.
Elizabeth Ross Missionary Circle — Mrs. W. C. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Chas. Graves, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Harry White, Secy.; Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Treas.
Ella Jenkins Circle—- Mrs. J. P. Harding, Pres.; Mrs. Harry White, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Benge Quisenberry, Treas.
Ladies’ Aid Society — Mrs. F. M. Warden, Pres.; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. P. Dowell and Mrs. S. F. Cook; Mrs. S. O. Scott, Treas.
Christian Endeavor Society — Miss Geneva Horn, Pres.; Miss Mildred Joplin, Vice-Pres.; Miss Lucy Joplin, Secy.; Miss Vesta Rose, Treas.
(McKinney) Daily Courier-Gazette , July 18, 1925, p 1.
by Mrs. J. Ollie Smith
Editors Note: The data for this article was obtained from a scrap book of Walter B. Wilson and from notes given by Rev. R. C. Horn, who though old in years has the alert mind of a man many years younger. Rev. Horn related many interesting stories to the writer of this article of the ministers, with whom he preached and labored, paving the way for the fellowship the First Christian Church now enjoys.
During the seventy odd years of the life of the First Christian Church of McKinney, a few of the members have had the privilege of seeing the growth of this wonderful congregation from a few faithful members who first met in a shed, which was erected by Joe Bounds, the father of Mrs. H. M. Garnett, into a small frame building, which was destroyed by a storm and into a brick structure, which was dedicated in 1887 on August 12th. This building was given by I. D. Newsome and sons, W. B. Newsome, now of Dallas, and E. A. Newsome, deceased.
The present beautiful edifice was finished last year being remodeled from the old building.
From the founding of the church here on April 1, 1848 by Elder J. B. Wilmeth, for many years county and district clerk, the congregation was ministered to by J. B. Wilmeth, Dr. Cartwright, J. Gough Jones and B. F. Hall with some regularity.
From 1858 to 1876 the pulpit was supplied by B. F. Hall, James C. Muse, T. W. Caskey, C. M. Wilmeth, Rev. R. C. Horn and perhaps others.
Occasional sermons were preached by many of the pioneer preachers of Texas, among whom were Brothers Randolph Clark, H. N. O. Polly, Charles Carlton, Addison Clark, J. M. Tennison, J. J. Lockhart, H. B. Saunders, and Frank Talmadge.
The first regular pastor of the First Church here was Rev. J. B. Wilmot of Dallas, who would preach two Sundays a month and two Sundays at the First Church in Dallas. Rev. Wilmot was a good preacher and well liked by the congregation. He was succeeded by Rev. Kirk Baxter, who also preached half the time here and half time in Dallas. Kirk Baxter was a man of splendid education, a musician and poet. He also wrote for newspapers and periodicals. Rev. Baxter was a school mate and life-long friend of Rev. Noel (Knowles) Shaw, who was killed by a train on the Wilson Creek Crossing south of town. Rev. Shaw was on his way to McKinney to hold a meeting in the Christian Church.
Rev. J. F. Skiles was the first full time pastor of the church. He was a young man of good family, education and made a well liked pastor.
Rev. J. B. Faulkner followed Brother Skiles. Rev. Faulkner was a Kentuckian by birth. He had the distinction of preaching in every school house in Collin County and a record of baptizing 5,000 people. He was the father of Mrs. Tom Perkins of this City and grandfather of the writer of this article.
Bro. C. W. Sewell was pastor for two years and a most popular man. He baptized numbers of people. He was born in Tennessee and had four brothers, who were also preachers. They were Cobb Sewell, Texas Sewell, Elijah Sewell and Jesse Sewell.
J. P. Pinkerton was a fine preacher and was born in Kentucky. He was the son of Dr. Pinkerton, who was a classmate of Alexander Campbell and Rev. Stone. Rev. D. W. Pritchett was a very intellectual man, a forceful preacher. It was during his ministry that the plans for the new church were started and Bro. Pritchett worked untiringly toward this goal. He performed the marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Perkins.
Rev. A. P. Terrell was pastor of the church for the next two years and was well liked by the congregation. He was a man of keen intellect. After leaving here he studied osteopathy, following that profession until his death.
Rev. D. (S.) W. Crutcher, a Kentuckian by birth came to the pastorate here from Missouri, where he received a fine education. He was pastor for about two years.
S. K. Hallam came to this church from Dallas, and it was during his ministry in 1897 that the new brick church was dedicated. Rev. Hallam now is living in South Texas.
Rev. J. A. Farris was a very devout and beloved pastor. He dedicated the Vineland Church by which Bro. R. C. Horn was pastor for a number of years and which has given us a splendid number of members to the First Church here. Bro. Farris has a son, Ellsworth Farris, who was a missionary to Africa.
Rev. R. R. Hamlin, one of the most beloved pastors, was a man of splendid education. He was educated in Johnson Bible College, where so many of our wonderful preachers of today received their education. Mrs. F. B. Pope of this city is a daughter of Bro. Hamlin.
Rev. G. L. Bush was a graduate of Transylvania University and was a very forceful preacher. His father was one of the leading evangelists of the state. Rev. Bush and family now reside in Carrollton, Missouri, where he has been pastor of the First Church there for thirteen years.
Rev. J. M. Bell was one of the most efficient and intellectual preachers of his day. Rev. Bell is in New York state in the reality business.
Rev. Philip King was also a man of education, and will ever be a remembered factor in the building of the brotherhood.
Rev. W. P. Jennings was a beloved pastor, friend and neighbor. He was a graduate of the Bible College in Lexington, classmate of E. H. Holmes, son-in-law of Rev. R. C. Horn. Rev. Jennings is pastor of the First Church in Lubbock, Texas now.
Rev. V. W. Wallace was one of the most powerful preachers the church ever had. He was a man of wonderful education, keen intellect and well liked. Rev. Wallace is now engaged in evangelistic work.
This my friends brings us to our present beloved pastor, Rev. C. S. Weaver, who with his good wife have been with us through sorrow, happiness, good times and bad times. They are true friends and we can truthfully say, the best parson and parson’s wife in the world.