Courier Gazette, 1967
Mrs. W. L. Lovelady, who was 90 years of age Sunday, April 16, was honored by members of the T. E. L. Sunday School class of the First Baptist church Sunday morning. She was presented with an orchid corsage from the Class, by Mrs. J. M. Furr, president.
Mrs. Lovelady is an active member of the class and seldom misses, unless she is out of town, or sick, which is not often. She was also recognized by the pastor, Rev. Bailey Stone, at the morning worship.
Mrs. Lovelady, who has spent most of her life in Collin County was reared in the Altoga-Ardath community, eight miles East of McKinney. She is the former Minnie Strode.
She recently returned by plane from a ten days visit with her son, E. M. Lovelady and family in El Paso.
Mrs. Lovelady, actrive and in good health for her years, does all her own housework, and sewing and spends most of her time working in the yard with her flowers. It will be remembered that two years ago she entered the sewing contest of the Collin County Cotton Festival.
Her birthday anniversary Sunday was a most enjoyable occasion, in which she received many cards and calls from relative and friends. Her grandson, Burton Lovelady and family of Richardson visited in her home Sunday afternoon.
Courier Gazette, 1967
Mrs. W. L. Lovelady, who was 90 years of age Sunday, April 16, was honored by members of the T. E. L. Sunday School class of the First Baptist church Sunday morning. She was presented with an orchid corsage from the Class, by Mrs. J. M. Furr, president.
Mrs. Lovelady is an active member of the class and seldom misses, unless she is out of town, or sick, which is not often. She was also recognized by the pastor, Rev. Bailey Stone, at the morning worship.
Mrs. Lovelady, who has spent most of her life in Collin County was reared in the Altoga-Ardath community, eight miles East of McKinney. She is the former Minnie Strode.
She recently returned by plane from a ten days visit with her son, E. M. Lovelady and family in El Paso.
Mrs. Lovelady, actrive and in good health for her years, does all her own housework, and sewing and spends most of her time working in the yard with her flowers. It will be remembered that two years ago she entered the sewing contest of the Collin County Cotton Festival.
Her birthday anniversary Sunday was a most enjoyable occasion, in which she received many cards and calls from relative and friends. Her grandson, Burton Lovelady and family of Richardson visited in her home Sunday afternoon.