Funeral Rites
For Mrs. Magers 2:30 pm Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Maudie Mae Magers, who died Tuesday in Wysong Hospital, will beheld at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the Full Gospel Assembly of God church, Rev. Earl Rogers, officiating with burial in Pecan Grove Cemetery, Crouch-Moore Funeral Home has charge of arrangements. She was born in Kentucky December 20, 1884, the daughter of Samuel and Alice Pingleton. She had lived in this county a number of years. her residence was 709 Burris Street. Survivors are three sons: Jimmy Lee, Lester T. and Olvey H. Magers, all of McKinney; five daughters, Mrs. Etta Skelton, Bates, Ark.; Mrs. Laura Bullard, Mrs. Cora Billingsley and Mrs. Edna Gilreath, all of California; Mrs. Ruth Easterwood of Eden; 17 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren; three brothers, Web Pingleton, McKinney; Luther Pingleton, Commerce; Cade Pingleton of Oklahoma; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Walker and Mrs. Lela Renfro of Houston. |
Mrs. Magers Passes Away in Collin Hospital
Mrs. Maggie Lucille Magers, 46, died Sunday in Collin Memorial Hospital. She resided at 706 Clark Street and (w)as an employee of the Texas Textile Mills here. She was a member of the Nazarene Church. Funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Crouch-Moore Chapel, conducted by Rev. Earl Rogers, pastor of Full Gospel Assembly of God Church and Rev. W. O. Johnson, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene. Burial was made in Pecan Grove Cemetery. She was born in Oklahoma Feb. 2, 1920. Survivors are her father, Ben Hervey of Darko, Okla; her mother, Mrs. Lucie Goins of Hugo, Okla.; three sons, Howard Steve Harrison, Thomas and Larry Magers, all of McKinney; three daughters, Mrs. ___ Orr, New Mexico; Mrs. Donna Gilmore, Dallas; Miss Edna Magers, McKinney; nine grandchildren; three brothers, Tom and Leonard Hervey of Darko, Okla.; Lee Goins of McKinney; six sisters, Mrs. Cora Frazier, California; Mrs. Pearl Lair, Mrs. Marie Morrison, Miss Hazel Hervey, Mrs. Mary Jo Setter, all of Oklahoma, Mrs. Geneva Jones of California and several nieces and nephews. |