On Saturday night, October 10th at 7:00 p.m., a Layman’s Service in honor and recognition of Mr. J. E. (Errett) Dickenson for his work in the First Christian Church and in the community, was held at the First Christian Church, Rev. Dennis Page, the pastor, presided.
Rev. Jesse Pugh from Cannon, a former pastor of the church, brought the message, recalling many memories of Mr. Errett. Charlie Wallis of Dallas presented Mrs. Lexie (Mr. Errett’s wife) with an orchid corsage and presented Mr. Errett with a modern translation of the Bible and a Plaque from the church reading “For over 50 years service”, after reminiscing about Mr. Errett. Mr. Dickenson has been a member of First Christian Church here since 1903, a Deacon for 55 years, an Elder for 50 years and a Sunday School Teacher for over 25 years.
Mrs. Earl Milrany and Miss Billie Wallis accompanied by Mrs. Charles Wright at the piano, brought the special music. The church was filled to capacity with friends and relatives who also appreciate Mr. Errett and his witness for Christ. His son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickenson of Fort Worth, were present. A social with cookies, punch and coffee was held following the service. Mr. Errett is also observing his 80th birthday this Thursday October 15th.
On Saturday night, October 10th at 7:00 p.m., a Layman’s Service in honor and recognition of Mr. J. E. (Errett) Dickenson for his work in the First Christian Church and in the community, was held at the First Christian Church, Rev. Dennis Page, the pastor, presided.
Rev. Jesse Pugh from Cannon, a former pastor of the church, brought the message, recalling many memories of Mr. Errett. Charlie Wallis of Dallas presented Mrs. Lexie (Mr. Errett’s wife) with an orchid corsage and presented Mr. Errett with a modern translation of the Bible and a Plaque from the church reading “For over 50 years service”, after reminiscing about Mr. Errett. Mr. Dickenson has been a member of First Christian Church here since 1903, a Deacon for 55 years, an Elder for 50 years and a Sunday School Teacher for over 25 years.
Mrs. Earl Milrany and Miss Billie Wallis accompanied by Mrs. Charles Wright at the piano, brought the special music. The church was filled to capacity with friends and relatives who also appreciate Mr. Errett and his witness for Christ. His son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickenson of Fort Worth, were present. A social with cookies, punch and coffee was held following the service. Mr. Errett is also observing his 80th birthday this Thursday October 15th.