Foote Baptist Church - Prosper

Foote has an active Baptist Church with regular preaching and Sunday School each Lord’s Day. Its average attendance is around forty-five during the winter months. Troy E. Scalf is the Superintendent and Rev. D. W. Grigg of McKinney is serving as pastor at the present time. His preaching appointments are on each First and Third Sundays of the month. The Church is also equipped with a large commodious tabernacle nearby suited for services in warm weather. However, both the tabernacle and the churches are equipped with natural gas heating facilities and both are being wired for electric lighting. Rural Electrification lines are already being strung, starting at the Denton County line and coming toward McKinney.
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, March 1,1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
The Foote Baptist Church building was moved to Chestnut Square in McKinney and renovated. The windows from the old Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church were added to the building. It is used for meetings and weddings.
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, March 1,1938
by Mrs. O. S. Scott
The Foote Baptist Church building was moved to Chestnut Square in McKinney and renovated. The windows from the old Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church were added to the building. It is used for meetings and weddings.