Alta Mae Betty
McKinney Courier-Gazette, September 13, 1912
Miss Alta Mae and Clifton Haislip were married Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents on South Main street, Rev. C. B. Fladger officiating. The ceremony was witnessed only by the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion, an improvised altar of ferns and palms being arranged in the parlor, in front of which the bridal party stood during the marriage service. Miss Hattie Neathery played Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The bride wore a traveling costume of royal blue, with hat and all accessories to match. Following the ceremony an informal reception was held, during which an ice course was served.
Mrs. Herman Peevy, Mrs. Horace Bumpass and Misses Lena Leverette, Kate Ball and Beatrice Bale assisted in receiving the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Hailsip left on the 10:40 train for Dallas and from there went to Commerce, where they will make their home. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Betty and has many lifelong friends here who are interested in her welfare and happiness. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Haislip and has grown from childhood to maturity in Farmersville among the friends who now extend congratulations and best wishes. The young couple received a number of beautiful wedding gifts. – Farmersville Times.
McKinney Courier-Gazette, September 13, 1912
Miss Alta Mae and Clifton Haislip were married Tuesday morning at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents on South Main street, Rev. C. B. Fladger officiating. The ceremony was witnessed only by the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion, an improvised altar of ferns and palms being arranged in the parlor, in front of which the bridal party stood during the marriage service. Miss Hattie Neathery played Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The bride wore a traveling costume of royal blue, with hat and all accessories to match. Following the ceremony an informal reception was held, during which an ice course was served.
Mrs. Herman Peevy, Mrs. Horace Bumpass and Misses Lena Leverette, Kate Ball and Beatrice Bale assisted in receiving the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Hailsip left on the 10:40 train for Dallas and from there went to Commerce, where they will make their home. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Betty and has many lifelong friends here who are interested in her welfare and happiness. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Haislip and has grown from childhood to maturity in Farmersville among the friends who now extend congratulations and best wishes. The young couple received a number of beautiful wedding gifts. – Farmersville Times.