Col. R. D. Allison
Col. R. D. Allison
submitted by Ric Davis
R. D. ALLISON, Surgeon Dentist, McKinney, Tex.., (At the store of J. H. ALLISON & Co.). Would respectfully inform the citizens of Collin county that he has just received from the Eastern cities, a full supply of Dental Tools and Material by which he is enabled to do all kinds of work in the latest and most approved style. He is prepared to extract teeth .... without giving the least pain. Dr. J. W. COBB, of Dallas will be associated with me in the practice. Call and examine work and prices.
Democratic Central Committee of Collin County. Col. M. W. ALLEN, Chairman; Col. R. D. ALLISON; Dr. A. GULLETT; Buford HENRY; Dr. T. W. WILEY; Thomas BRADLEY; Jno. W. MURRAY, Sec’y.
J. M. THROCKMORTON, Thos. J. BROWN, & A. DEARMOND, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, McKinney.
W. ANDREWS and Jas. L. GRAY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, McKinney.
J. H. JENKINS and T. C. GOODNER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. McKinney
Joseph BLEDSOE, Attorney and Counselor at Law and General and Collecting Agent, McKinney.
R. J. BROWNING, Attorney at Law, McKinney.
Dr. J. S. CARRINGTON, Lately of Plano, formerly of Louisiana, McKinney.
R. D. ALLISON, Surgeon Dentist, McKinney.
McKinney Messenger. June 8, 1872, Vol. 17, No. 1. James W. Thomas, Editor and Proprietor.
G. W. CAMERON. General Land and Insurance Agent, McKinney, Collin Co., Texas. References: E. F. BROWN, JENKINS & GOODNER, Col. Thos. MURRAY, Jordan O. STRAUGHAN, I. D. NEWSOME, G. A. FOOTE, R. D. ALLISON, Joseph BLEDSOE.
Nothing Like Leather, and the place to get it is at A. & W. HUNSTABLE’s. Manufacturers and dealers in Boots and Shoes, ALLISON Building, West Side Public Square.
The choir are requested to meet at the court house at 6 o’clock p.m. sharp on Tuesday, the 24th. Miss Sarah Thomas, organist. The choir is composed of the following: Misses Alma ANDERSON, Eva BURGER, Zora SHORT, Alice THOMAS, Tony BURGER, Mamie DOUTHETT, Florence MURRAY, Addie MAYES, Willie WARDEN, Annie PLEMMONS, Lula ALLISON, Lula DORSEY, Cora CUMMINGS, Della ALLISON, Lillie MAYES, Sarah BERRY, Ollie PLEMMONS, Mesdames Lou STOFER, Will BRISTOL, Daisy SIMS, J. R. GOUGH, Nellie COLLINS, Messrs. G. E. DOUTHETT, C. H. LAKE, S. J. B. PLEMMONS, Plummer HARRIS, J. L. HILL, Bob WARWICK, J. B. ROGERS, E. W. OBENSHAIN, William O’GWIN, A. J. ADAMS and R. L. MAY.
Mr. Scott ALLISON, after trying Abilene and Benison for some time, has returned to McKINNEY and will make his home here as of old.
Mrs. BURNLEY has taken charge of the ALLISON House, and having thoroughly renovated it, will be prepared to take care of transient and regular boarders.
R. D. ALLISON. Local Dentist. Has opened an office in the city of McKinney, at the Allison Hall, for the practice of Dentistry, in all its branches. Treatment of sore mouth and gums a speciality. Will wait on all who desire it at their residences. Charges to suit the times. June 27th, 1877.
T. J. BROWN, guardian, & c. Vs. R. D. ALLISON. Judgment for plaintiff for $700 and foreclosing lien on property
Col. ALLISON is painting and improving his property in this city.
[Ex-Confederate] Re-Union Notes. The citizens of Nashville, Tenn will send Col. ALLISON a Tennessee State flag to be presented to the ex-Confederate Tennesseans on the 7th of August. --- Capt. E. R. STIFF has been unanimously selected as chairman on supplies. Captain Ed is the right man in the right place. --- Col. Murray of the finance committee says the citizens are donating most liberally in aid of the Re-Union. --- Hon. W. H. TROLLINGER writes that the attendance from Denton, Pilot Point, Collinsville, Dexter, Whitesboro, Gainesville and West will be very large. --- John W. HAMILTON requests every lady and gentleman, married and single, who will assist in decorating the court-house and speaker’s stands to meet on Saturday, 28 and organize for work. --- The following parties agree to carry provision, &c.: Wm WARDEN, Jack JENKINS, Ira SELLERS, Dick MITCHEL, John McDONALD, Ed SAYE, D. SCARBOROUGH, Isaac DOTSON, W. L. GRAVES, John BURNES, W. N. PRUETT, Wm. McCARLEY, and Joe BIRDWELL. ---The following gentlemen are requested to aid in the work: Wiley MANNING, Tom WORMAN, Tom BOWMAN, Rufus SMITH, Joe ACREAGE, Capt. BRISTOL, W. D. L. BARNETT.
Office of the McKinney Academy Association. The legally organized system of public schools is now radically different from the system at the time of the organization of the Association in 1870. The young, vigorous, enterprising and energetic officers of the city are anxious and willing to make the public schools of the city what the citizens .... desire. Stock shares in the Association have therefore.... been transferred to the City of McKinney for the purposes of education. [Those] transferring shares are: I. F. GRAVES, E. R. STIFF, R. R. CARR, T. W. WILEY, T. H. MURRAY, R. M. BOARD, J. P. DOWELL, W. L. BOYD, I. D. NEWSOME, T. J. BROWN, W. H. ANDREWS, B. M. E. SMITH, B. W. RHINE, R. D. ALLISON, R. DeARMOND, Sol FITZHUGH, J. J. FAIRES, JESSE SHAIN, W. B. LOGAN, M. A. SPURGEON, A. CHANDLER, J. L. FAIRES, J. B. STIFF, J. M. BENGE, Buford HENRY, Geo. WHITE. [Signed] Geo. WHITE.
Mrs. ALLISON, after a residence of several years in Tennessee, returned to McKinney last week, and will remain among her children for a time at least.
Misses Lula ALLISON, Bessie NELSOL, Josie DAVIS, Josie TALKINGTON, Foncie ROGERS, Midge FERGUSON, and Tot STOUFFER, and Messrs Johntie ROGERS and Scott ALLISON left Tuesday to attend the Epworth League meeting in Dallas.
Miss Eula STIMSON, Miss Myrtie BURGER, Walter B. WILSON and Scott ALLISON were elected delegates to the annual Epworth League conference.... Jontie ROGERS and J. H. FORBES alternates.
Delegates to the state and senatorial conventions selected by the populist county convention in McKinney:
Mrs. Scott ALLISON has returned from Norman, O. T.
Misses Lula ALLISON and May JOHNSON left Monday for a visit at Weatherford.
The Third party ...held their county convention at HEARD’s opera house and the convention was called to order by Col. R. D. ALLISON. E. W. KIRKPATRICS and J. T. BRAUCH were nominated for representatives; R. S. SNEED for tax collector; A. S. (Reely) GRAVES for treasurer; Henry SLATER for assessor; R. A. BAILEY for county clerk; W. M. BARRON for district clerk; John BOYLE [DOYLE ?] for county superintendent. Weather reported hot and dry.(1891)
G. W. LOWE and family, Chas. WILSON and Misses Lula and Ella BURTON attended services at Pleasant Grove Sunday.
submitted by Ric Davis
R. D. ALLISON, Surgeon Dentist, McKinney, Tex.., (At the store of J. H. ALLISON & Co.). Would respectfully inform the citizens of Collin county that he has just received from the Eastern cities, a full supply of Dental Tools and Material by which he is enabled to do all kinds of work in the latest and most approved style. He is prepared to extract teeth .... without giving the least pain. Dr. J. W. COBB, of Dallas will be associated with me in the practice. Call and examine work and prices.
Democratic Central Committee of Collin County. Col. M. W. ALLEN, Chairman; Col. R. D. ALLISON; Dr. A. GULLETT; Buford HENRY; Dr. T. W. WILEY; Thomas BRADLEY; Jno. W. MURRAY, Sec’y.
J. M. THROCKMORTON, Thos. J. BROWN, & A. DEARMOND, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, McKinney.
W. ANDREWS and Jas. L. GRAY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, McKinney.
J. H. JENKINS and T. C. GOODNER, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. McKinney
Joseph BLEDSOE, Attorney and Counselor at Law and General and Collecting Agent, McKinney.
R. J. BROWNING, Attorney at Law, McKinney.
Dr. J. S. CARRINGTON, Lately of Plano, formerly of Louisiana, McKinney.
R. D. ALLISON, Surgeon Dentist, McKinney.
McKinney Messenger. June 8, 1872, Vol. 17, No. 1. James W. Thomas, Editor and Proprietor.
G. W. CAMERON. General Land and Insurance Agent, McKinney, Collin Co., Texas. References: E. F. BROWN, JENKINS & GOODNER, Col. Thos. MURRAY, Jordan O. STRAUGHAN, I. D. NEWSOME, G. A. FOOTE, R. D. ALLISON, Joseph BLEDSOE.
Nothing Like Leather, and the place to get it is at A. & W. HUNSTABLE’s. Manufacturers and dealers in Boots and Shoes, ALLISON Building, West Side Public Square.
The choir are requested to meet at the court house at 6 o’clock p.m. sharp on Tuesday, the 24th. Miss Sarah Thomas, organist. The choir is composed of the following: Misses Alma ANDERSON, Eva BURGER, Zora SHORT, Alice THOMAS, Tony BURGER, Mamie DOUTHETT, Florence MURRAY, Addie MAYES, Willie WARDEN, Annie PLEMMONS, Lula ALLISON, Lula DORSEY, Cora CUMMINGS, Della ALLISON, Lillie MAYES, Sarah BERRY, Ollie PLEMMONS, Mesdames Lou STOFER, Will BRISTOL, Daisy SIMS, J. R. GOUGH, Nellie COLLINS, Messrs. G. E. DOUTHETT, C. H. LAKE, S. J. B. PLEMMONS, Plummer HARRIS, J. L. HILL, Bob WARWICK, J. B. ROGERS, E. W. OBENSHAIN, William O’GWIN, A. J. ADAMS and R. L. MAY.
Mr. Scott ALLISON, after trying Abilene and Benison for some time, has returned to McKINNEY and will make his home here as of old.
Mrs. BURNLEY has taken charge of the ALLISON House, and having thoroughly renovated it, will be prepared to take care of transient and regular boarders.
R. D. ALLISON. Local Dentist. Has opened an office in the city of McKinney, at the Allison Hall, for the practice of Dentistry, in all its branches. Treatment of sore mouth and gums a speciality. Will wait on all who desire it at their residences. Charges to suit the times. June 27th, 1877.
T. J. BROWN, guardian, & c. Vs. R. D. ALLISON. Judgment for plaintiff for $700 and foreclosing lien on property
Col. ALLISON is painting and improving his property in this city.
[Ex-Confederate] Re-Union Notes. The citizens of Nashville, Tenn will send Col. ALLISON a Tennessee State flag to be presented to the ex-Confederate Tennesseans on the 7th of August. --- Capt. E. R. STIFF has been unanimously selected as chairman on supplies. Captain Ed is the right man in the right place. --- Col. Murray of the finance committee says the citizens are donating most liberally in aid of the Re-Union. --- Hon. W. H. TROLLINGER writes that the attendance from Denton, Pilot Point, Collinsville, Dexter, Whitesboro, Gainesville and West will be very large. --- John W. HAMILTON requests every lady and gentleman, married and single, who will assist in decorating the court-house and speaker’s stands to meet on Saturday, 28 and organize for work. --- The following parties agree to carry provision, &c.: Wm WARDEN, Jack JENKINS, Ira SELLERS, Dick MITCHEL, John McDONALD, Ed SAYE, D. SCARBOROUGH, Isaac DOTSON, W. L. GRAVES, John BURNES, W. N. PRUETT, Wm. McCARLEY, and Joe BIRDWELL. ---The following gentlemen are requested to aid in the work: Wiley MANNING, Tom WORMAN, Tom BOWMAN, Rufus SMITH, Joe ACREAGE, Capt. BRISTOL, W. D. L. BARNETT.
Office of the McKinney Academy Association. The legally organized system of public schools is now radically different from the system at the time of the organization of the Association in 1870. The young, vigorous, enterprising and energetic officers of the city are anxious and willing to make the public schools of the city what the citizens .... desire. Stock shares in the Association have therefore.... been transferred to the City of McKinney for the purposes of education. [Those] transferring shares are: I. F. GRAVES, E. R. STIFF, R. R. CARR, T. W. WILEY, T. H. MURRAY, R. M. BOARD, J. P. DOWELL, W. L. BOYD, I. D. NEWSOME, T. J. BROWN, W. H. ANDREWS, B. M. E. SMITH, B. W. RHINE, R. D. ALLISON, R. DeARMOND, Sol FITZHUGH, J. J. FAIRES, JESSE SHAIN, W. B. LOGAN, M. A. SPURGEON, A. CHANDLER, J. L. FAIRES, J. B. STIFF, J. M. BENGE, Buford HENRY, Geo. WHITE. [Signed] Geo. WHITE.
Mrs. ALLISON, after a residence of several years in Tennessee, returned to McKinney last week, and will remain among her children for a time at least.
Misses Lula ALLISON, Bessie NELSOL, Josie DAVIS, Josie TALKINGTON, Foncie ROGERS, Midge FERGUSON, and Tot STOUFFER, and Messrs Johntie ROGERS and Scott ALLISON left Tuesday to attend the Epworth League meeting in Dallas.
Miss Eula STIMSON, Miss Myrtie BURGER, Walter B. WILSON and Scott ALLISON were elected delegates to the annual Epworth League conference.... Jontie ROGERS and J. H. FORBES alternates.
Delegates to the state and senatorial conventions selected by the populist county convention in McKinney:
Mrs. Scott ALLISON has returned from Norman, O. T.
Misses Lula ALLISON and May JOHNSON left Monday for a visit at Weatherford.
The Third party ...held their county convention at HEARD’s opera house and the convention was called to order by Col. R. D. ALLISON. E. W. KIRKPATRICS and J. T. BRAUCH were nominated for representatives; R. S. SNEED for tax collector; A. S. (Reely) GRAVES for treasurer; Henry SLATER for assessor; R. A. BAILEY for county clerk; W. M. BARRON for district clerk; John BOYLE [DOYLE ?] for county superintendent. Weather reported hot and dry.(1891)
G. W. LOWE and family, Chas. WILSON and Misses Lula and Ella BURTON attended services at Pleasant Grove Sunday.