Tom Airhart
McKinney Courier May 12, 1938
By Dint of Hard Labor, Good Business Management and Frugality He Has Acquired and Improved 600 acre farm Saddle Horse and Roan Beef Cattle Breeder Friend of Several Governors and More Widely Known Over Texas Than Perhaps Any Other "Real Dirt" Farmer.
Probably there is no better known farmer in the entire county than is Tom Airhart of New Life School community and Democratic leader of the Valdasta voting box. He has been a member of the Democratic County Executive committee for twenty-five years. While always taking an active part in politics, he has never held any office other than road overseer or school trustee.
He was the staunch friend of United State Senator Joseph Weldon Bailey, Governor O. B. Colquitt, always a friend of Governor Jim Ferguson and Governor Miriam A. (Ma) Ferguson, having visited in their home in the Governor's Mansion, at Austin, a staunch friend of former Congressman C. B. Randell and our present Congressman and Democratic Majority Leader Sam Rayburn.
Through his political connections has made friends perhaps in every county in Texas. Tom's full name is Thomas Morgan Airhart, but he says it is too long a name for him and so he prefers "Tom" for short.
He was born, at Salem, Indiana, May 2, 1866; came to Texas with his parents, John and Louisa Airhart, in 1881. His mother was before her marriage, Miss Louisa Davis, a sister of Alex Davis, who was the grandfather of former District Clerk Halsell S. Davis.
Mr. Airhart obtained very little schooling, but being possessed of a bright mind and plenty of hard, common sense, he has made a success much above the average man on the farm now owning practically 600 acres of good land in a body.
He has always been a hard worker and says he has probably cleared more woodland and put it into cultivation than any other one man in Collin County.
His farm land is in a good state of cultivation. When many other farmers are buying corn and oats to feed, they go to Tom's big farm to buy, because he nearly always has a surplus to sell.
He specializes in livestock, especially in breeding and training saddle horses and in raising roan Durham cattle of the best blood.
Mr. Airhart is a great admirer of Hon. Coke Stevenson, former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas during two legislative sessions and now a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor.
Mr. Stevenson recently visited the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Airhart on the farm. Mr. Airhart has twice introduced Governor James E. Ferguson when the latter came to McKinney to fill speaking engagements
Mr. Airhart says that in religion, he is a "chicken-eating" Methodist in belief and doctrine, including falling from grace. He has four brothers living James Airhart of Big Spring, Texas; Rev. G. B. Airhart, a Baptist preacher of McKinney; John V. Airhart of Valdasta and Rev. W. G. Airhart, a minister of Greenville, Texas, and a noted chicken breeder and fancier of that county.
One of his several sisters now all deceased, Mrs. Sam Osburn, of McKinney, died a few years ago. Another sister, Mrs. Will Smith, also lived here.
Tom Airhart is a man of positive convictions and fearless in their expression, but he is always willing for the other fellow to likewise think, believe and be what his conscience may lead him to be.
He is the soul of hospitality and friendliness. He cleaned off the pretty grove in his pasture for the annual reunion of his wife's relatives, killed and had barbecued one of his finest, fat young beef cattle for the occasion and which all enjoyed to the utmost. He did his best to make all present enjoy the event to the fullest. Mr. Airhart paid a glowing tribute in his afternoon talk to the character and integrity of the early settlers and especially to the parents of his dead wife and helpmate through so many years.
McKinney Courier May 12, 1938
By Dint of Hard Labor, Good Business Management and Frugality He Has Acquired and Improved 600 acre farm Saddle Horse and Roan Beef Cattle Breeder Friend of Several Governors and More Widely Known Over Texas Than Perhaps Any Other "Real Dirt" Farmer.
Probably there is no better known farmer in the entire county than is Tom Airhart of New Life School community and Democratic leader of the Valdasta voting box. He has been a member of the Democratic County Executive committee for twenty-five years. While always taking an active part in politics, he has never held any office other than road overseer or school trustee.
He was the staunch friend of United State Senator Joseph Weldon Bailey, Governor O. B. Colquitt, always a friend of Governor Jim Ferguson and Governor Miriam A. (Ma) Ferguson, having visited in their home in the Governor's Mansion, at Austin, a staunch friend of former Congressman C. B. Randell and our present Congressman and Democratic Majority Leader Sam Rayburn.
Through his political connections has made friends perhaps in every county in Texas. Tom's full name is Thomas Morgan Airhart, but he says it is too long a name for him and so he prefers "Tom" for short.
He was born, at Salem, Indiana, May 2, 1866; came to Texas with his parents, John and Louisa Airhart, in 1881. His mother was before her marriage, Miss Louisa Davis, a sister of Alex Davis, who was the grandfather of former District Clerk Halsell S. Davis.
Mr. Airhart obtained very little schooling, but being possessed of a bright mind and plenty of hard, common sense, he has made a success much above the average man on the farm now owning practically 600 acres of good land in a body.
He has always been a hard worker and says he has probably cleared more woodland and put it into cultivation than any other one man in Collin County.
His farm land is in a good state of cultivation. When many other farmers are buying corn and oats to feed, they go to Tom's big farm to buy, because he nearly always has a surplus to sell.
He specializes in livestock, especially in breeding and training saddle horses and in raising roan Durham cattle of the best blood.
Mr. Airhart is a great admirer of Hon. Coke Stevenson, former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Texas during two legislative sessions and now a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor.
Mr. Stevenson recently visited the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Airhart on the farm. Mr. Airhart has twice introduced Governor James E. Ferguson when the latter came to McKinney to fill speaking engagements
Mr. Airhart says that in religion, he is a "chicken-eating" Methodist in belief and doctrine, including falling from grace. He has four brothers living James Airhart of Big Spring, Texas; Rev. G. B. Airhart, a Baptist preacher of McKinney; John V. Airhart of Valdasta and Rev. W. G. Airhart, a minister of Greenville, Texas, and a noted chicken breeder and fancier of that county.
One of his several sisters now all deceased, Mrs. Sam Osburn, of McKinney, died a few years ago. Another sister, Mrs. Will Smith, also lived here.
Tom Airhart is a man of positive convictions and fearless in their expression, but he is always willing for the other fellow to likewise think, believe and be what his conscience may lead him to be.
He is the soul of hospitality and friendliness. He cleaned off the pretty grove in his pasture for the annual reunion of his wife's relatives, killed and had barbecued one of his finest, fat young beef cattle for the occasion and which all enjoyed to the utmost. He did his best to make all present enjoy the event to the fullest. Mr. Airhart paid a glowing tribute in his afternoon talk to the character and integrity of the early settlers and especially to the parents of his dead wife and helpmate through so many years.