Joe Godwin
Weekly Democrat-Gazette, January 2, 1896
At 4 o’clock Sunday evening, Dec. 29, 1895, a large number of relatives and friends assembled at the residence of Mr. David Benton Reed to witness the nuptials of their daughter, Miss Minnie, to Mr. Joe Godwin. Elder John McKinney spoke the words that made them husband and wife, after which the guests were ushered into the dining room where an elegant repast was served. The happy you couple will go into housekeeping in a short time, and we wish them all the joy that a life time can afford.
Weekly Democrat-Gazette, January 2, 1896
At 4 o’clock Sunday evening, Dec. 29, 1895, a large number of relatives and friends assembled at the residence of Mr. David Benton Reed to witness the nuptials of their daughter, Miss Minnie, to Mr. Joe Godwin. Elder John McKinney spoke the words that made them husband and wife, after which the guests were ushered into the dining room where an elegant repast was served. The happy you couple will go into housekeeping in a short time, and we wish them all the joy that a life time can afford.