Born in Montgomery County Tennessee March 9, 1836. Grandson of William R. Davie, General in the American Revolution, Governor of North Carolina and founder of the University of North Carolina. G. J. Davie moved to Arkansas in 1860, enlisted in Company C of the Confederate Army Second Arkansas Mounted Infantry in 1861 under McCullough, went to Corinth in 1862. He was at the Re-organization after Second Corinth and was Captain of Company B Second Kentucky. He was wounded with two sabre strokes at Elkhorn, received a shotgun wound at Oak Hill on Wilson Creek, and surrendered under Taylor in Louisiana. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in Civil Engineering, moved to Nevada, Texas and followed his chosen profession of Engineer. Davie laid off the town of Nevada and was paid for his work with the gift of a choice lot which he gave to the Methodist congregation to build a church on (he was a Baptist). He was appointed Post Master of Nevada, Texas, December 18, 1893. He taught school at Prairie Grove. He was survived by nine children at his death January 8, 1907: James Mack Davie, Thomas Marion Davie, Monett Davie, Sallie Fannie Davie, Roland Gooch Davie, Mary B. Davie, Edna Belle Davie, Hallie Manson Davie, Gabe Jones Davie, Jr.; and was buried beside his wife who died November 10, 1893 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery (South Church) two miles south of Nevada, Texas.
Born in Montgomery County Tennessee March 9, 1836. Grandson of William R. Davie, General in the American Revolution, Governor of North Carolina and founder of the University of North Carolina. G. J. Davie moved to Arkansas in 1860, enlisted in Company C of the Confederate Army Second Arkansas Mounted Infantry in 1861 under McCullough, went to Corinth in 1862. He was at the Re-organization after Second Corinth and was Captain of Company B Second Kentucky. He was wounded with two sabre strokes at Elkhorn, received a shotgun wound at Oak Hill on Wilson Creek, and surrendered under Taylor in Louisiana. He was graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in Civil Engineering, moved to Nevada, Texas and followed his chosen profession of Engineer. Davie laid off the town of Nevada and was paid for his work with the gift of a choice lot which he gave to the Methodist congregation to build a church on (he was a Baptist). He was appointed Post Master of Nevada, Texas, December 18, 1893. He taught school at Prairie Grove. He was survived by nine children at his death January 8, 1907: James Mack Davie, Thomas Marion Davie, Monett Davie, Sallie Fannie Davie, Roland Gooch Davie, Mary B. Davie, Edna Belle Davie, Hallie Manson Davie, Gabe Jones Davie, Jr.; and was buried beside his wife who died November 10, 1893 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery (South Church) two miles south of Nevada, Texas.