F. G. Andrews
The Plano Star Courier, April 28, 1927
Magnolia, Miss., April 19 – Mr. and Mrs. F. G. celebrated their 61st anniversary of their marriage Sunday at their farm home seven miles east of Tylertown in the presence of their six children, 34 grand-children, thirty great-grandchildren, and a large number of other relatives and friends, many of whom came from quite a distance. The crowd assembled early in the morning and remained until late in the afternoon. Devotional exercises were conducted in the forenoon, several songs being sung, prayer, offered and words of congratulations expressed by several visitors.
At noon a sumptuous dinner was spread on a long table under the friendly shade of the ___ oak trees which thickly studded the ground and everybody invited to partake. In the afternoon, addresses were delivered by Dr. H. L. Carruth of Kokomo, and Rev. A. F. Davis of Tylertown, both of whom dwelt upon the beautiful home life of the aged couple and stressed the importance of a well regulated Christian home as the foundation of good government, and exhorted the young people to emulate the example the aged couple whom they have come to honor.
Mr. Andrews is 82 years old and a Confederate veteran, having served throughout the war between the States as a member of Brent’s Rifles, Company K, 38th Mississippi regiment. There are only seven members of that company now living, namely: Jesse R. Brumfield, W. H. H. Brumfield, A. F. Lampton, William Parker, Milton Jones, Oped Sartin and F. G. Andrews, all being over 80 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were married April 18, 1866, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lamptom, which stood on the same spot where their home is now located. The farm was settled by William Lamptom in 1851 and has been in possession of the family ever since. Mrs. Andrews is 83 years old and is one of three children of William Lamptom now living, the others being Mrs. Lizzie Toney, 86 years old, of Kokomo, and A. F. Lamptom, 81 years old, of Tylertown.
Notwithstanding their age, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews are in possession of all their faculties, enjoy good health and work every day on their farm.
Mrs. Andrews is an aunt of W. M. Lamptom, of Magnolia and W. E. Lampton, of Columbia, and Thad B. Lamptom of Jackson, leading bankers and merchants of Mississippi.
F. G. Andrews is a brother of Tom Andrews, industrious farmer and highly respected citizen, who lives a few miles west of Plano. These two Andrews brothers are the only surviving members of a family of eight children.
The Plano Star Courier, April 28, 1927
Magnolia, Miss., April 19 – Mr. and Mrs. F. G. celebrated their 61st anniversary of their marriage Sunday at their farm home seven miles east of Tylertown in the presence of their six children, 34 grand-children, thirty great-grandchildren, and a large number of other relatives and friends, many of whom came from quite a distance. The crowd assembled early in the morning and remained until late in the afternoon. Devotional exercises were conducted in the forenoon, several songs being sung, prayer, offered and words of congratulations expressed by several visitors.
At noon a sumptuous dinner was spread on a long table under the friendly shade of the ___ oak trees which thickly studded the ground and everybody invited to partake. In the afternoon, addresses were delivered by Dr. H. L. Carruth of Kokomo, and Rev. A. F. Davis of Tylertown, both of whom dwelt upon the beautiful home life of the aged couple and stressed the importance of a well regulated Christian home as the foundation of good government, and exhorted the young people to emulate the example the aged couple whom they have come to honor.
Mr. Andrews is 82 years old and a Confederate veteran, having served throughout the war between the States as a member of Brent’s Rifles, Company K, 38th Mississippi regiment. There are only seven members of that company now living, namely: Jesse R. Brumfield, W. H. H. Brumfield, A. F. Lampton, William Parker, Milton Jones, Oped Sartin and F. G. Andrews, all being over 80 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews were married April 18, 1866, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lamptom, which stood on the same spot where their home is now located. The farm was settled by William Lamptom in 1851 and has been in possession of the family ever since. Mrs. Andrews is 83 years old and is one of three children of William Lamptom now living, the others being Mrs. Lizzie Toney, 86 years old, of Kokomo, and A. F. Lamptom, 81 years old, of Tylertown.
Notwithstanding their age, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews are in possession of all their faculties, enjoy good health and work every day on their farm.
Mrs. Andrews is an aunt of W. M. Lamptom, of Magnolia and W. E. Lampton, of Columbia, and Thad B. Lamptom of Jackson, leading bankers and merchants of Mississippi.
F. G. Andrews is a brother of Tom Andrews, industrious farmer and highly respected citizen, who lives a few miles west of Plano. These two Andrews brothers are the only surviving members of a family of eight children.