Miss Ona Mae Thompson Becomes Bride of Robert Chambers.
Newspaper, June 4, 1929.
Among the June weddings of interest to McKinney people, was the marriage of Miss Ona Mae Thompson of Chambersville to Robert Chambers of Rhea Mills, which took place in the home of Rev. J. M. Young in Howe, Texas, Saturday afternoon, June 1, at 4 o’clock, the Rev. Mr. Young officiating.
The couple was married in the presence of only a very few intimate friends as follows: Misses Jewel McMurray, Pauline Scribner, Velma Freeman, Inez Chambers and Melba Scribner and Roscoe Wallis, Louis Rivers and Chester Young. Miss Melba Scribner and Chester Young stood up with the couple during the impressive ceremony.
The fair young bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.. D. Thompson of the Chambersville community. She is a young lady who possesses poise and beauty and who is well-known in this city, where she attended the McKinney High school. She also attended Miss Mae Hall’s Business school, and for a few months held a position in the county attorney’s office here.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Chambers of the Rhea Mills community. He is a refined young man of high ambition who is receiving the congratulations and best wishes from a large circle of friends.
Following a brief honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Chambers will reside in Fort Worth, where he is employed with the Magnolia Petroleum company.
Miss Ona Mae Thompson Becomes Bride of Robert Chambers.
Newspaper, June 4, 1929.
Among the June weddings of interest to McKinney people, was the marriage of Miss Ona Mae Thompson of Chambersville to Robert Chambers of Rhea Mills, which took place in the home of Rev. J. M. Young in Howe, Texas, Saturday afternoon, June 1, at 4 o’clock, the Rev. Mr. Young officiating.
The couple was married in the presence of only a very few intimate friends as follows: Misses Jewel McMurray, Pauline Scribner, Velma Freeman, Inez Chambers and Melba Scribner and Roscoe Wallis, Louis Rivers and Chester Young. Miss Melba Scribner and Chester Young stood up with the couple during the impressive ceremony.
The fair young bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.. D. Thompson of the Chambersville community. She is a young lady who possesses poise and beauty and who is well-known in this city, where she attended the McKinney High school. She also attended Miss Mae Hall’s Business school, and for a few months held a position in the county attorney’s office here.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Chambers of the Rhea Mills community. He is a refined young man of high ambition who is receiving the congratulations and best wishes from a large circle of friends.
Following a brief honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Chambers will reside in Fort Worth, where he is employed with the Magnolia Petroleum company.