Plano Debating Society
McKinney, Tx, June 26, 1923
Forty Years Ago
At your request, I furnish what information I have concerning the former members of Plano Literary Debating Society, from 1883 or 1884 till the Spring 1891.
I hope it will be interesting to many; tiresome to none:
James M. Beverly, son of Rev. John Beverly, died in Plano about 21 years ago.
Arthur Ball, lives near Krum, in Denton county; farmer and stock raiser.
M. Dave Williams, merchant, Garland, Texas.
Alf McIlvain, is dead.
Joe R. Huffman, don't know.
Al E. Early, a few years ago lived at Frisco, Texas.
Prof. E. C. Hudson, served as postmaster of the Senate when R. Q. Mills was chairman of way and means committee.
Prof. T. G. Harris, Alpine, Texas; teaching, stock raising.
Chas. P. Sandifer, capitalist, Crowell, Texas.
W. A. (Gus) Stanley, Plano, Texas, insurance.
John Campbell, near Richardson, Texas; farmer, dealer in fine cattle.
Will Campbell, farmer in Foard county, Texas.
Oscar Cannon, died in Ft. Worth, Texas, several years ago. He was principal of ward School.
B. W. Hudgins, killed by train a few years ago in Panhandle of Texas.
Sam C. Hall, druggist, Garland, Texas, up to few years ago. He is some place in Oklahoma, I am told.
J. R. Hamilton, M. D., Washington, D. C.
Dennis Miller, M. D., Murphy, Texas.
Chas. F. Twing, abstracter; died in Dallas about 5 years ago.
Chas. Coit, brother of H. W. Coit of Renner; died about 30 years ago on his voyage to Africa as a missionary. He was bearing his own expenses.
J. D. Goldsmith, ex-County Judge, Johnson county, Texas; lawyer, banker and capitalist, Cleburne, Texas.
W. J. Gray, lawyer, trader, money maker, Cleburne, Texas.
L. B. (Larkin) Miller, M. D., Dallas, Texas.
H. P. O. Butler, bookkeeper, accountant, Ft. Worth, Texas.
Tom L. Hogle, don't know; home was in Weatherford while he attended school.
I. J. Martin, M. D., lies buried in Plano cemetery.
J. L. Aldridge, former editor and publisher Plano Star-Courier; farmer, Plano, Texas.
James Wetsel, formerly of Plano.
M. F. Reedy, connected in some way with Government in preservation of Forest Reserve and Yellowstone Park, Dallas, Texas.
L. B. (Fay) Weaver, farmer stock raiser, 6 miles norheast of Plano, Texas.
John W. Skiles, formerly of Plano, Texas.
T. C. McCormick, died several year ago while serving as District Clerk, Denton county, Texas.
W. H. (Henry) Butler, M. D., Carrollton, Dallas county, Texas.
J. S. (Shelton) Aldridge (one of the truest boy and one of the best friends I ever had) died at his home on his farm, on Spring creek, just west of Plano.
H. B. (Harry) Beaty, Arlington, Texas.
Prof. J. F. Roege, died in Washington, D. C., while in service of U. S. Government.
W. B. Beaty, formerly of Plano. I don't know about Wilkes Booth Beaty's present address.
Lee Alexander, Washington, D. C., in Treasury Department.
Ed Huguley, Plano, formerly; don't know now.
Meroney D. Brown, lawyer, Graham, Texas.
Harry S. Kendrick, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. Y. Beverly, was killed at Crowell, Texas, while serving as constable, Christmas of 1893.
R. W. Sandifer, former merchant of Plano; trader and financier.
J. W. Chrisman, was killed at Mansfield over 30 years ago.
J. W. Marshall, don't know; formerly of Garland, Texas.
W. H. Platt (brother of Mrs. T. O. Murray) taught at Garland; don't know present address.
W. P. Aldridge, farmer, banker, Plano.
H. Welch Aldridge, M. D., present address unknown to me.
George A. Moore, Crowell, Texas.
P. R. Terry, don't know.
A. R. Skiles-----
Henry T. Benton, Quannah, lost information.
J. Sam Weaver, Dallas, Texas; has farm and raises good cattle on his farm northeast of Plano.
E. O. Harrington, merchant, Plano.
Andrew T. Hunt, Dallas, last account.
John Bradshaw, some place in East Texas.
J. D. Cottrell, lawyer, Plano; ex-member Texas legislature.
George A. Kennady, farmer, stockman, Carrollton, Texas.
George N. Dennis, merchant, Farmers Branch, Texas.
T. B. Herring, don't know.
L. B. Bryant, don't know.
Will Olinger, don't know.
Wallace Hughston, McKinney, lawyer, ex-County Attorney Collin county, farmer, stock raiser.
John J. Russell, Highland Park, Dallas, Texas, cotton buyer, farmer.
J. C. Cannaday (brother of J. B. Cannady of McKinney) don't know.
Ab. A. Angle, New Castle, Young county, Texas; stock man.
J. H. Webb, druggist, Whitesboro Texas.
Chas. G. Cloud, Dallas, Texas.
"Robob" R. Ward, died in Dallas many years ago.
Will Lovelace, farmer, Vickery, Dallas county, Texas.
Jim H. Pickett, former clerk Graham & Gulledge, Plano.
J. Barnery Lewis, don't know.
Henry Bowman, Plano, contractor, good road builder Texas and Arizona.
Richard Bowman, dead; secretary to Gov. T. M. Campbell; lawyer, legislator.
Tom Dye, M. D.; farmer near Renner, Texas.
John Huffman, reared on White Rock, below Lebanon; present postoffice unknown.
Austin Miller, merchant, Dallas, Texas.
Alfred Mays, some place in Colorado, owner of summer resort.
E. C. Newton, don't know.
Court E. Overaker, Dallas, Texas; accountant and auditor Revenue Department U. S. Government.
John Reedy, A. B., A. M., Ph. D., some college in Illinois; formerly with S. M. U. Dallas.
Chas. Saeglin, Panhandle of Texas.
Austin Allen, dead; clerk, bookkeeper.
Sannie Blank, painter, decorator.
James Loveace, farmer on G. W. Bowman old homestead, Plano.
Charley Dennis, Methodist preacher, now at Gainesville, Texas; former presiding elder McKinney district.
Prof. J. G. Dodson, died in Dallas few years ago.
George Lovelace, farmer, Plano Texas.
Render Moore, Dallas, Texas.
Will I. Ford, lawyer; stockholder, manager Texas Electric Express, Dallas, Texas.
Aston Kendrick, clerk, McKinney, Texas.
Chas. Aldridge, farmer, capitalist, Plano, Texas.
J. R. Dickerson, teacher, Murphy, Texas.
R. N. Webb, Wichita Falls, Texas, oil man.
Henry Cochran, Charley Smith, Joe Skiles, John Lively, J. M. Allen, J. S. Dobbins attended school after I quit, don't know much of them.
Mr. Editors, these are the boys whose names appear as members of the Debating Society. Many who attended Plano Institute never joined the Society.
When I promised to give you this, I had no idea of the space it required. You are at liberty to cut out any or all of it, without offending. As I said in the beginning, I hope it will be interesting to some.
Yours truly,
George P. Brown
McKinney, Tx, June 26, 1923
Forty Years Ago
At your request, I furnish what information I have concerning the former members of Plano Literary Debating Society, from 1883 or 1884 till the Spring 1891.
I hope it will be interesting to many; tiresome to none:
James M. Beverly, son of Rev. John Beverly, died in Plano about 21 years ago.
Arthur Ball, lives near Krum, in Denton county; farmer and stock raiser.
M. Dave Williams, merchant, Garland, Texas.
Alf McIlvain, is dead.
Joe R. Huffman, don't know.
Al E. Early, a few years ago lived at Frisco, Texas.
Prof. E. C. Hudson, served as postmaster of the Senate when R. Q. Mills was chairman of way and means committee.
Prof. T. G. Harris, Alpine, Texas; teaching, stock raising.
Chas. P. Sandifer, capitalist, Crowell, Texas.
W. A. (Gus) Stanley, Plano, Texas, insurance.
John Campbell, near Richardson, Texas; farmer, dealer in fine cattle.
Will Campbell, farmer in Foard county, Texas.
Oscar Cannon, died in Ft. Worth, Texas, several years ago. He was principal of ward School.
B. W. Hudgins, killed by train a few years ago in Panhandle of Texas.
Sam C. Hall, druggist, Garland, Texas, up to few years ago. He is some place in Oklahoma, I am told.
J. R. Hamilton, M. D., Washington, D. C.
Dennis Miller, M. D., Murphy, Texas.
Chas. F. Twing, abstracter; died in Dallas about 5 years ago.
Chas. Coit, brother of H. W. Coit of Renner; died about 30 years ago on his voyage to Africa as a missionary. He was bearing his own expenses.
J. D. Goldsmith, ex-County Judge, Johnson county, Texas; lawyer, banker and capitalist, Cleburne, Texas.
W. J. Gray, lawyer, trader, money maker, Cleburne, Texas.
L. B. (Larkin) Miller, M. D., Dallas, Texas.
H. P. O. Butler, bookkeeper, accountant, Ft. Worth, Texas.
Tom L. Hogle, don't know; home was in Weatherford while he attended school.
I. J. Martin, M. D., lies buried in Plano cemetery.
J. L. Aldridge, former editor and publisher Plano Star-Courier; farmer, Plano, Texas.
James Wetsel, formerly of Plano.
M. F. Reedy, connected in some way with Government in preservation of Forest Reserve and Yellowstone Park, Dallas, Texas.
L. B. (Fay) Weaver, farmer stock raiser, 6 miles norheast of Plano, Texas.
John W. Skiles, formerly of Plano, Texas.
T. C. McCormick, died several year ago while serving as District Clerk, Denton county, Texas.
W. H. (Henry) Butler, M. D., Carrollton, Dallas county, Texas.
J. S. (Shelton) Aldridge (one of the truest boy and one of the best friends I ever had) died at his home on his farm, on Spring creek, just west of Plano.
H. B. (Harry) Beaty, Arlington, Texas.
Prof. J. F. Roege, died in Washington, D. C., while in service of U. S. Government.
W. B. Beaty, formerly of Plano. I don't know about Wilkes Booth Beaty's present address.
Lee Alexander, Washington, D. C., in Treasury Department.
Ed Huguley, Plano, formerly; don't know now.
Meroney D. Brown, lawyer, Graham, Texas.
Harry S. Kendrick, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. Y. Beverly, was killed at Crowell, Texas, while serving as constable, Christmas of 1893.
R. W. Sandifer, former merchant of Plano; trader and financier.
J. W. Chrisman, was killed at Mansfield over 30 years ago.
J. W. Marshall, don't know; formerly of Garland, Texas.
W. H. Platt (brother of Mrs. T. O. Murray) taught at Garland; don't know present address.
W. P. Aldridge, farmer, banker, Plano.
H. Welch Aldridge, M. D., present address unknown to me.
George A. Moore, Crowell, Texas.
P. R. Terry, don't know.
A. R. Skiles-----
Henry T. Benton, Quannah, lost information.
J. Sam Weaver, Dallas, Texas; has farm and raises good cattle on his farm northeast of Plano.
E. O. Harrington, merchant, Plano.
Andrew T. Hunt, Dallas, last account.
John Bradshaw, some place in East Texas.
J. D. Cottrell, lawyer, Plano; ex-member Texas legislature.
George A. Kennady, farmer, stockman, Carrollton, Texas.
George N. Dennis, merchant, Farmers Branch, Texas.
T. B. Herring, don't know.
L. B. Bryant, don't know.
Will Olinger, don't know.
Wallace Hughston, McKinney, lawyer, ex-County Attorney Collin county, farmer, stock raiser.
John J. Russell, Highland Park, Dallas, Texas, cotton buyer, farmer.
J. C. Cannaday (brother of J. B. Cannady of McKinney) don't know.
Ab. A. Angle, New Castle, Young county, Texas; stock man.
J. H. Webb, druggist, Whitesboro Texas.
Chas. G. Cloud, Dallas, Texas.
"Robob" R. Ward, died in Dallas many years ago.
Will Lovelace, farmer, Vickery, Dallas county, Texas.
Jim H. Pickett, former clerk Graham & Gulledge, Plano.
J. Barnery Lewis, don't know.
Henry Bowman, Plano, contractor, good road builder Texas and Arizona.
Richard Bowman, dead; secretary to Gov. T. M. Campbell; lawyer, legislator.
Tom Dye, M. D.; farmer near Renner, Texas.
John Huffman, reared on White Rock, below Lebanon; present postoffice unknown.
Austin Miller, merchant, Dallas, Texas.
Alfred Mays, some place in Colorado, owner of summer resort.
E. C. Newton, don't know.
Court E. Overaker, Dallas, Texas; accountant and auditor Revenue Department U. S. Government.
John Reedy, A. B., A. M., Ph. D., some college in Illinois; formerly with S. M. U. Dallas.
Chas. Saeglin, Panhandle of Texas.
Austin Allen, dead; clerk, bookkeeper.
Sannie Blank, painter, decorator.
James Loveace, farmer on G. W. Bowman old homestead, Plano.
Charley Dennis, Methodist preacher, now at Gainesville, Texas; former presiding elder McKinney district.
Prof. J. G. Dodson, died in Dallas few years ago.
George Lovelace, farmer, Plano Texas.
Render Moore, Dallas, Texas.
Will I. Ford, lawyer; stockholder, manager Texas Electric Express, Dallas, Texas.
Aston Kendrick, clerk, McKinney, Texas.
Chas. Aldridge, farmer, capitalist, Plano, Texas.
J. R. Dickerson, teacher, Murphy, Texas.
R. N. Webb, Wichita Falls, Texas, oil man.
Henry Cochran, Charley Smith, Joe Skiles, John Lively, J. M. Allen, J. S. Dobbins attended school after I quit, don't know much of them.
Mr. Editors, these are the boys whose names appear as members of the Debating Society. Many who attended Plano Institute never joined the Society.
When I promised to give you this, I had no idea of the space it required. You are at liberty to cut out any or all of it, without offending. As I said in the beginning, I hope it will be interesting to some.
Yours truly,
George P. Brown