Flesher Reunion
Daily Courier-Gazette
The Flesher Family annual reunion was held the past weekend at Billups Lake near Anna. The family met Saturday night at the lakeside cabin for homemade ice cream and cake and on Sunday a bounteous picnic was served. Swimming and boating were enjoyed during the day.
The following enjoyed that festive occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Flesher, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Flesher and son, Clay, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gregory, all of Van Alstyne.
Mrs. Freddie Harsh and daughter, Janet of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flesher of Denison; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuffee and daughters, Dianna and Brenda, of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Billy Allen and daughter, Glynda of Garland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flesher and children, Paul, Glen and Ann, of Belton; Mr. and Mrs. Myers Newman of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bryant of Dallas; Jerry Lynn Billups of Commerce; Don S. Flesher, Jr. of Longview; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Billups, Jr. and son Gregg of Commerce; Mrs. T. W. Klinge and sons, Paul, David, Freddie, Virgil and John of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Billups, Sr., and son, Bob of Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flesher of Lubbock.
Daily Courier-Gazette
The Flesher Family annual reunion was held the past weekend at Billups Lake near Anna. The family met Saturday night at the lakeside cabin for homemade ice cream and cake and on Sunday a bounteous picnic was served. Swimming and boating were enjoyed during the day.
The following enjoyed that festive occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Flesher, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Flesher and son, Clay, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gregory, all of Van Alstyne.
Mrs. Freddie Harsh and daughter, Janet of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flesher of Denison; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGuffee and daughters, Dianna and Brenda, of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Billy Allen and daughter, Glynda of Garland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flesher and children, Paul, Glen and Ann, of Belton; Mr. and Mrs. Myers Newman of Fort Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bryant of Dallas; Jerry Lynn Billups of Commerce; Don S. Flesher, Jr. of Longview; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Billups, Jr. and son Gregg of Commerce; Mrs. T. W. Klinge and sons, Paul, David, Freddie, Virgil and John of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Billups, Sr., and son, Bob of Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flesher of Lubbock.