Old Mill Road N33.1745 W96.6159
Old Mill Road N33.1745 W96.6159
There are 3 cemeteries together here: Pecan Grove, Potters' Field, and Ross. The Ross Cemetery is shown in Mapsco as being part of Pecan Grove Memorial Park. It has a separate deed and is separated from Pecan Grove Memorial Park by trees. It is not visible from Pecan Grove or Potters' Field Cemeteries.
This cemetery is large with several acres. There seems to be relatively few graves, unless there are some without markers. There is a chain-link fenced family area near the back of the cemetery.
The cemetery itself it not fenced. It is not as well maintained as Pecan Grove Memorial Park, but it is not as neglected as the Potters' Field Cemetery, which is just south of Ross. There are several low areas where the water stands. The cemetery is on the side of a hill.
The deed is listed in Vol. 69, p 27, under Colored People Cemetery. It is for 3 acres of land and was made by some of the same people who made the deed for Pecan Grove Memorial Park. The cemetery looks as if it covers more than 3 acres. I do not know where the name "Ross" came from.
Even though this is called the Ross Colored Cemetery, there are white people buried here. The white people buried here were those who were deemed unfit to be buried in Pecan Grove Memorial Park. Sometimes that just meant that they were newcomers to the area and no one knew them.
Cemeteries of Collin County, Texas, by Joy Gough
This cemetery is large with several acres. There seems to be relatively few graves, unless there are some without markers. There is a chain-link fenced family area near the back of the cemetery.
The cemetery itself it not fenced. It is not as well maintained as Pecan Grove Memorial Park, but it is not as neglected as the Potters' Field Cemetery, which is just south of Ross. There are several low areas where the water stands. The cemetery is on the side of a hill.
The deed is listed in Vol. 69, p 27, under Colored People Cemetery. It is for 3 acres of land and was made by some of the same people who made the deed for Pecan Grove Memorial Park. The cemetery looks as if it covers more than 3 acres. I do not know where the name "Ross" came from.
Even though this is called the Ross Colored Cemetery, there are white people buried here. The white people buried here were those who were deemed unfit to be buried in Pecan Grove Memorial Park. Sometimes that just meant that they were newcomers to the area and no one knew them.
Cemeteries of Collin County, Texas, by Joy Gough