Mrs. Matt Brown Was 75 Years of Age At Death.
McKinney Courier-Gazette, November 7, 1922
Mrs. Matt Brown, 75 years old, died at her home in Wylie at 12 o’clock Monday night, according to word received in McKinney Tuesday morning. She was a daughter of the late Uncle Jake Housewright, pioneer Wylie citizen who died many years ago. She was born at the Housewright old homestead west of the town. She had continuously resided in the town of Wylie and near there ever since her birth. She was the widow of the late W. T. (Tom) Brown, an early citizen. She owned considerable town property and had many acres of farm land adjoining the town.
She was a member of the Wylie Christian church and was one of its organizers. She and her husband financially aided the building of the church and was perhaps its most liberal supporter in after years.
She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Sis Bowman and Mrs. Baby Brooks, both of Wylie. Mrs. G. C. Walters of McKinney is a niece of the deceased.
She is also survived by one brother, R. Housewright, also of Wylie.
Funeral services will be held at the Wylie Christian church at 2 p.m. Wednesday, to be conducted by the Rev. R. D. Shults of McKinney, for several years as pastor of the church there. Interment will be in the Wylie cemetery.