Harrington, J. F. (Frank)
To the Democratic Voters of Collin County –
After receiving many requests, and much encouragement from friends and acquaintances over Collin county and in line with the statement given to the newspapers a few weeks ago I here now announce as a candidate for the office of County Judge of Collin county, subject to the action of the democratic primary July 28.
While I am not personally known to all the voters of Collin county, there are hundreds of good citizens who have known me from infancy, and my parents before me, as we have been closely identified with Collin county since before the Civil War. My parents, J. H. Harrington and Fannie Matthews Harrington, were each born a few miles northwest of Plano, Texas, and attended together the Old Spring Creek school a few miles northwest of Plano, and have been moving down the path of life side by side, arm in arm, for almost half a century; and are now living in the family home where I was born, and almost the identical spot where they began life together almost 50 years ago. I am 40 years old and received my education in the Bethany school, the Plano high school, and the University of Texas, have been practicing law at Plano the last 17 years. I am married, my wife being the daughter of the late Rev. M. C. Harris, who formerly lived and owned a farm near Meritt, in this county, and later was pastor of the Walnut grove Presbyterian church. Four fine little boys are now permanent members of our home, an inspiration and incentive to all our efforts. I am past mayor, and city attorney of Plano; a charter member of the Plano Lions club; a member of the church and teacher of the Men’s Bible Class for the past six years. I sincerely trust that you will see the necessity for the above statement, and will pardon the personal element therein.
I am a democrat, all my people are democrats. We have kept the faith, we have made the fight, and under the banner of Jeffersonian democracy we will rise or fall together. I have never failed to support the nominees of our party from constable to president, and so long as the primary pledge, placed there under a democratic rule of majority, is on the ballot, I shall always bow to the majority....
Very respectfully,
J. F. (Frank) Harrington
To the Democratic Voters of Collin County –
After receiving many requests, and much encouragement from friends and acquaintances over Collin county and in line with the statement given to the newspapers a few weeks ago I here now announce as a candidate for the office of County Judge of Collin county, subject to the action of the democratic primary July 28.
While I am not personally known to all the voters of Collin county, there are hundreds of good citizens who have known me from infancy, and my parents before me, as we have been closely identified with Collin county since before the Civil War. My parents, J. H. Harrington and Fannie Matthews Harrington, were each born a few miles northwest of Plano, Texas, and attended together the Old Spring Creek school a few miles northwest of Plano, and have been moving down the path of life side by side, arm in arm, for almost half a century; and are now living in the family home where I was born, and almost the identical spot where they began life together almost 50 years ago. I am 40 years old and received my education in the Bethany school, the Plano high school, and the University of Texas, have been practicing law at Plano the last 17 years. I am married, my wife being the daughter of the late Rev. M. C. Harris, who formerly lived and owned a farm near Meritt, in this county, and later was pastor of the Walnut grove Presbyterian church. Four fine little boys are now permanent members of our home, an inspiration and incentive to all our efforts. I am past mayor, and city attorney of Plano; a charter member of the Plano Lions club; a member of the church and teacher of the Men’s Bible Class for the past six years. I sincerely trust that you will see the necessity for the above statement, and will pardon the personal element therein.
I am a democrat, all my people are democrats. We have kept the faith, we have made the fight, and under the banner of Jeffersonian democracy we will rise or fall together. I have never failed to support the nominees of our party from constable to president, and so long as the primary pledge, placed there under a democratic rule of majority, is on the ballot, I shall always bow to the majority....
Very respectfully,
J. F. (Frank) Harrington