Forest Grove - Lucas
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, January 22, 1912
Personal mention of People You Know by Our Field Man.
A. H. Hartline of Red Oak, Ellis county has recently located near Renner, this county. We are glad to furnish him a first-class paper, and there is no better medium than the Democrat-Gazette for disseminating news, county and local and the dollar turned over to us will prove to be one of the best investments he never made.
R. L. Farrell lives in the Cotton Wood community and has been reading the Democrat-Gazette for ten years or more. Was married in 1902 to Miss Dicie Whisenant, daughter of the late Mrs. Lura B. Whisenant, whose demise occurred at her home near Parker one month ago. Three children are the fruits of this union. Miss Beulah Whisenant, sister to Mrs. Farrell, makes her home with them since the death of her mother. With a clean bank check, he renewed his subscription which we appreciate.
T. L. Moore a young and prosperous farmer of Lebanon renews for the Democrat-Gazette and Dallas News at our clubbing rate of $1.75 for both papers one year. Good friends make us happy.
T. E. Hogge lives half a mile west of the Stinson school house. His realty in Collin county consists of one hundred acres of black dirt, and mighty black at that, with improvements much better than usually found on our farms; another tract of eighty acres in Hall county and one mile north of Lake View, he considers on of the best farms in that section. In 1893, life by himself was a dull proposition and when he made love-signs to Miss Beulah Wallis she was eating bonbons and chocolates from a persistent rival. Eudathan couldn't sleep soundly but realized that if he didn't get busy the other fellow would, and the quickest way was too slow, requesting the parson to press the button. Five children, all boys, the youngest making his advent six weeks ago. The Democrat-Gazette has been going to the Hogge home for several years but it was quite natural for us to use our knife on a scalp that is so fresh from the west. The dollar will push his figures way up in '14.
R. L. Howard passes himself for a young man but it is a well known fact that he has lived near Harrington Chapel forty-five years, and then some, but he is such a good friend that we won't state his exact age. He married Miss Dora Angel who is a cousin of Mrs. Tom W. Perkins and the Senator has no truer friends than they. Mr. Howard's subscription goes back to the time when, over twenty years ago, Senator Perkins was editor and publisher of the Wylie Rustler. Thanks for the dollar on renewal.
J. H. Scroggins, principally reared in this community, ten years ago was fortunate in winning the heart and hand of Miss Fannie Dodd and the family has since been augmented by the advent of three boys. On the public highway and in the presence of G. F. Kirby our scalping knife removed the thin spot from the top of his head and our fee in such cases in only one dollar. Fifty-two applications of the Democrat-Gazette is guaranteed to cure with nothing refunded if the balm proves "faky."
(McKinney) Daily Courier Gazette, January 22, 1912
Personal mention of People You Know by Our Field Man.
A. H. Hartline of Red Oak, Ellis county has recently located near Renner, this county. We are glad to furnish him a first-class paper, and there is no better medium than the Democrat-Gazette for disseminating news, county and local and the dollar turned over to us will prove to be one of the best investments he never made.
R. L. Farrell lives in the Cotton Wood community and has been reading the Democrat-Gazette for ten years or more. Was married in 1902 to Miss Dicie Whisenant, daughter of the late Mrs. Lura B. Whisenant, whose demise occurred at her home near Parker one month ago. Three children are the fruits of this union. Miss Beulah Whisenant, sister to Mrs. Farrell, makes her home with them since the death of her mother. With a clean bank check, he renewed his subscription which we appreciate.
T. L. Moore a young and prosperous farmer of Lebanon renews for the Democrat-Gazette and Dallas News at our clubbing rate of $1.75 for both papers one year. Good friends make us happy.
T. E. Hogge lives half a mile west of the Stinson school house. His realty in Collin county consists of one hundred acres of black dirt, and mighty black at that, with improvements much better than usually found on our farms; another tract of eighty acres in Hall county and one mile north of Lake View, he considers on of the best farms in that section. In 1893, life by himself was a dull proposition and when he made love-signs to Miss Beulah Wallis she was eating bonbons and chocolates from a persistent rival. Eudathan couldn't sleep soundly but realized that if he didn't get busy the other fellow would, and the quickest way was too slow, requesting the parson to press the button. Five children, all boys, the youngest making his advent six weeks ago. The Democrat-Gazette has been going to the Hogge home for several years but it was quite natural for us to use our knife on a scalp that is so fresh from the west. The dollar will push his figures way up in '14.
R. L. Howard passes himself for a young man but it is a well known fact that he has lived near Harrington Chapel forty-five years, and then some, but he is such a good friend that we won't state his exact age. He married Miss Dora Angel who is a cousin of Mrs. Tom W. Perkins and the Senator has no truer friends than they. Mr. Howard's subscription goes back to the time when, over twenty years ago, Senator Perkins was editor and publisher of the Wylie Rustler. Thanks for the dollar on renewal.
J. H. Scroggins, principally reared in this community, ten years ago was fortunate in winning the heart and hand of Miss Fannie Dodd and the family has since been augmented by the advent of three boys. On the public highway and in the presence of G. F. Kirby our scalping knife removed the thin spot from the top of his head and our fee in such cases in only one dollar. Fifty-two applications of the Democrat-Gazette is guaranteed to cure with nothing refunded if the balm proves "faky."