Allen Brock
Plano Star Courier, June 6, 1922
The marriage, of which friends of the contracting parties have been happily expectant, was celebrated between Miss Mattie Shearer and Mr. Allen N. Brock at 7 o’clock Sunday morning, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Shearer, of South Elm Street. Rev. L. S. White of Walnut Street Church of Christ, officiated, employing the popular ring ritual.
There were no attendants and the ceremony was witnessed by only the families of the principals, and the family of the bride’s pastor.
Mrs. Brock is distinctively a Sherman girl, grown from childhood here, and was educated in the institutions of this city. She was for quite a time o the reportorial corps of The Democrat, where she did excellent service, and since that time has been identified with the Texas Electric Company in the important position of chief clerk to Supt. Loftus.
Her sunshiny temperament and general geniality made her a favorite with every acquaintance.
Mr. Brock has long held positions of trust and responsibility with the Texas Electric company, where his fidelity to duty and his splendid moral worth have commanded the confidence and respect of his employers, and drawn about him a host of friends.
Mrs. Brock was attired in a handmade blue Canton crepe suit and hat, wore a Colonial corsage of bride’s roses and valley lilies, in which she went away. The honeymoon trip began immediately after the marriage was consummated and will include the chief South Texas cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock will be at home in Denison on their return. – Sherman Democrat.
The above announcement from the Sherman newspaper, is of much local interest because of the numerous friends of the groom in this city Mr. Brock is a son of Mrs. E. R. Brock. He was reared at Plano, where he lived until he went to the Texas Electric Railroad service at Sherman.
Plano Star Courier, June 6, 1922
The marriage, of which friends of the contracting parties have been happily expectant, was celebrated between Miss Mattie Shearer and Mr. Allen N. Brock at 7 o’clock Sunday morning, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Shearer, of South Elm Street. Rev. L. S. White of Walnut Street Church of Christ, officiated, employing the popular ring ritual.
There were no attendants and the ceremony was witnessed by only the families of the principals, and the family of the bride’s pastor.
Mrs. Brock is distinctively a Sherman girl, grown from childhood here, and was educated in the institutions of this city. She was for quite a time o the reportorial corps of The Democrat, where she did excellent service, and since that time has been identified with the Texas Electric Company in the important position of chief clerk to Supt. Loftus.
Her sunshiny temperament and general geniality made her a favorite with every acquaintance.
Mr. Brock has long held positions of trust and responsibility with the Texas Electric company, where his fidelity to duty and his splendid moral worth have commanded the confidence and respect of his employers, and drawn about him a host of friends.
Mrs. Brock was attired in a handmade blue Canton crepe suit and hat, wore a Colonial corsage of bride’s roses and valley lilies, in which she went away. The honeymoon trip began immediately after the marriage was consummated and will include the chief South Texas cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock will be at home in Denison on their return. – Sherman Democrat.
The above announcement from the Sherman newspaper, is of much local interest because of the numerous friends of the groom in this city Mr. Brock is a son of Mrs. E. R. Brock. He was reared at Plano, where he lived until he went to the Texas Electric Railroad service at Sherman.