Allen Baptist Church - Allen
Oct. 11, 1928
The Allen Baptist church will celebrate its fiftieth birthday this week, beginning with a sermon Thursday evening by Rev. H. E. Fowler of Dallas and climaxing Sunday with the anniversary sermon at 11 o'clock by Dr. M. McConnell, editor of the Baptist Standard. Dinner will be served on the church lawn and the services will be concluded with an ordination service at 3 o'clock when Ray Summers will be set apart to the fall work of the ministry. Evangelist K. O. Fugate, former pastor, will preach the ordination sermon.
A history of the church compiled from the original minutes by the present clerk, Mrs. L. Gosman, will read Friday and Saturday evenings and sermons will be delivered at those hours by Pastor F. G. Rogers of Spur, Texas, and Dean J. Wesley Smith of Marshall college, both of whom are former pastors of this church.
The former members and other friends are invited to be present and join in the celebration of church's fifty years of service in God and humanity in the county.
The celebration will be in charge of the new pastor, Scott W. Hinkey, who recently came to the church from the Walnut Street Baptist church at Abilene.
Daily Courier Gazette, October 25, 1928
The following interesting sketch of the history and organization of the Allen Baptist church was written for the Examiner by Mrs. L. Gorman, our faithful correspondent at Allen and was read at the "Home Coming" there last Sunday.
In 1876 the Wilson Creek Baptist church appointed a committee to confer with the Faulkner Prairie church asking them to co-operate in the building of a Baptist church together at Allen station.
In February 1876 the committee reported that Faulkner Prairie had agreed to unite with Wilson Creek at Gum Springs near Brother Sales Coffeys field and Wilson Creek agreed to go there.
The next meeting was to be held in the school house, near Allen station, and in May 1878 the name of the church was changed from Wilson Creek to Allen. At this time there was a difficulty within the church and help was asked from Faulkner Prairie, Rowlett and Bethel church to settle same.
On October 13, 1878, after preaching by Elder G. W. Rogers, there was a council organized with Elder Rogers acting as moderator and Elder J. M. Trotter as clerk. The council announced ready to proceed to the organization of those present from the old Allen church, those from Faulkner Prairie and all present-holding letters from sister churches of the same faith and order into a new Baptist church whereupon the following presented themselves for membership. Bro. Sales Coffey, R. R. Smart, R. R. Drake, J. C. Jones, B. D. Taylor, T. R. Merry, G. W. Shields, T. J. Fort, G. Wash Ford, R. B. Whisenant, James Whisenant, J. C. Turner, John Smallwood, __ Whisenant, J. M. Trotter, George C. Ford, J. D. Yeatts, J. M. Yeatts, C. C. Yeatts, G. W. Kidd, M. T. Gullidge, T. J. Lynn, W. M. Lynn, N. S. Clardy, T. M . Phelps, J. A. Phelps, Sisters J. A. Smart, M. E. Jones, Margaret Fort, Syntha Drake, M. E. Shields, S. J. McKnight, Rebecca Kidd, S. J. Yeatts, S. E. Lockhart, Easterly Yeatts, Permelie Ford, __ Whisenant, Harriett Whisenant, Mary A. Coffy, Jane McFarlin, M. Kerby, Josie Kerby, W. A. Clardy, M. A. Mountcastle, Mary Warrenton, ? Chapman, Caroline Ford and __ Turner.
On October 14 conference was called and Brother E. S. Haynes was picked as pastor and J. C. Jones as church clerk. A two week meeting was held closing. Oct. 20 during which 10 were added to the church by baptism and 8 by letter.
On November 3rd, Brother Coffy stated that he thought it best to call a conference for the purpose of considering the question of building a house of worship. This conference was called November 9, and a committee was appointed to ascertain if the church could secure a lot near the depot and on what terms. Brothers Ford, Coffy and J. C. Jones were the committee and they were also authorized to sell the lot owned by the church if they secured the new one. A soliciting committee was also appointed to secure funds for building as follows: Brothers S. Coffy, J. C. Jones, N. S. Clardy, R. R. Stuart, R. B. Whisenant, Lokey and E. s. Haynes. Sisters M. A. Clardy, M. A. Mountcastle and Emma Huguley.
At each conference held it was the custom to open the doors of the church for the reception of new members.
On November 30, 1878, Bro. Gulege called for a letter of dismission from the church as he was moving out of the bounds of the church. This was the first letter to be erased from the new church.
On Dec. 1 conference was called to elect another deacon and Bro. B. D. Tasher was elected to be ordained at the first meeting.
In April 1879 the committee previously organized reported a lot purchased 75 or 100 yards east of the school and the deeds made out to the trustees, viz: R. R. Smart, N. S. Clardy and R. B. Whisenant. The committee was retained until the old lot was sold.
At the June conference the articles of faith were read and four messengers were elected to attend the district meeting to be held at Antioch. On the 5th Sunday messengers were also elected to attend the Convention at Plano on Thursday before 1st Sunday in July. A letter from the General Sunday School convention was read asking permission to meet with Allen the 4th Sunday in June and permission was granted.
In July Messengers were duly elected to attend Elm Fork association to be held with Pleasant View church 1st Sunday in September and the church clerk instructed to prepare a petitionary letter for the same also an invitation sent for next meeting of the North Texas Missionary Convention to come to Allen.
In November 1879 Rev. Haynes resigned as pastor and Rev. I. E. Kimbrough was called. The committee to solicit funds for the new building reported it doubted if the Masons and Odd Follows would give assistance and it was decided to build alone. A building committee was then appointed of the five brethren as follows: S. Coffy, R. B. Whisenant, R. R. Drake, R. R. Smart, and J. C. Jones.
At the February meeting 1880 R. B. Whisenant was elected church treasurer. A committee from Rowlett Creek church, "Brethren Stanton Huguley [extended] an invitation for Allen to assist them in a camp meeting to be held in July or August by Bro. Penn, the great evangelist and the invitation was accepted.
In July 1880 messengers were elected to attend Elm Fork Association and carry an invitation for the next meeting to be in Allen also to do all they could to help the 1st church of Dallas to be seated in the association.
In November 1880 conference was held for the first time in the new church building and in January 1881 J. C. Jones concluded his service as Clerk, having served since the church was organized. Bro. D. B. Taylor was elected as his successor. At the April meeting, Bro. O. D. Leach was recognized as a regularly ordained deacon. At this meeting permission was granted the Methodist denomination to hold services in the church and at the May conference the Sabbath school that had been organized in the school house was permitted to meet in the church. In Sept. 1881 a sexton was hired and his salary set at $12 per year.
In July 1882 messengers were elected to the North Texas convention at Fort Worth and in August messengers elected to the Dallas county association and $3 sent as minute money. In Oct. 1882 Bro. Kimbrough resigned as pastor and B. D. Taylor as clerk. In December, Rev. C. A. Stanton became pastor, his salary to be paid quarterly and when it failed to be paid his time was to expire. H. M. Boyd was the new clerk. In March 1882 it was reported a debt of $169.11 still owing on the building and a committee appointed to collect same. A contribution of $4.50 was made to missions at the April meeting a leave of absence was granted Pastor Stanton to attend the Southern Baptist convention. In September it was decided to revise the church roll. The finance reported $76 still due on the building.
In Dec. Rev. E. W. Holman became pastor and R. B. Whisenant resigned as treasurer and O. D. Leach was elected to his position. At the February 1884 meeting following resolution of regret were ordered written concerning the death of the beloved former pastor Stanton and a copy of same sent his bereaved wife. In August 1884 the committee appointed to sell the old lot near Cottonwood Creek reported lot sold for $25, one-half in cash, the balance due when deed was signed. It was agreed the amount due was to be paid Bro. S. Coffy for money advanced on purchase of said lot and the rest to be invested in window blinds for the church.
At the September conference an aged member was reported in need and a committee was appointed to see after same. In February 1885 the pastor resigned and Bro. R. H. Love was selected to take his place till further arrangements could be made. At the May meeting the regular services were changed into prayer services. The business of the July meeting was the appointment of a committee to secure help for a revival. In August Brother J. W. Mitchell was called as pastor at a salary of $150 per year and railroad expenses. In January 1885 the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that we as a church will not tolerate dancing and drunkenness nor any plays that look like dancing and any one guilty of the above offense shall be subject to the discipline of the church.
In May 1886 a committee was appointed to revise the articles of faith, church covenant and decorum of the old Wilson Creek church and submit same to this church for approval. The committee reported in June and their report adopted. In June Bro. Morris was secured to assist the pastor in a revival. Bro. Leach resigned as treasurer.
In September 1886 Allen church made application for dismission from the Elm Fork association for the purpose of organizing a Collin County association and the church adopted a monthly system of raising money for missions. In October Brethren S. Coffy, J. W. Lokey, R. B. Whisnant, and J. A. Jones were sent as messengers to the convention to help organize said Collin County association. Bro. J. B. Cole was elected pastor and Bro. Boyd as treasurer.
At the November meeting the following resolution was adopted: whereas it is but a matter of simple justice to ourselves that other denominations using our house of worship should remunerate us reasonably for use of same, Be it therefore resolved that henceforth we require each denomination using it for public worship to pay us $2.50 per month for one Saturday and Sunday in each month with privilege of holding protracted meetings, when not in conflict with our services.
No meetings were held in Dec., Jan., and Feb. In April 1888 Bro. C. C. Morgan was elected as pastor as a salary of $12.50 per month to be paid monthly. On Saturday during the August revival, Bro. R. B. Whisenant was ordained as deacon.
In September 1888 $10 was sent to the association at Farmersville on missions and in Oct. the church went to halftime and the pastor's salary raised to $300 a year. AT the November conference the church roll was called and revised, some whose where abouts was unknown were dropped from the roll. Committees appointed to see some members no living satisfactory to the church and wrote to other counties to see why members of this church living there had not called for their letters.
In December 1888 the Hardshell Baptists asked permission to occupy the church once each month and organize a church. Permission was granted.
At the April conference 1889 it was decided to change meeting days from 3rd Sunday to 2nd Sunday for the convenience of Rowlett church. In July the church building was repainted and Bro. Coleman invited to assist the pastor in the August revival. In December it was decided to send $10 for Buckner Orphan Homes, $10 for Home Missions and $10 for Foreign Missions. In June 1890, Brother T. H. Coleman became pastor of the church and new hymn books purchased. In December, a Baptist Sunday school was organized with Bro. D. L. Carter as superintendent and O. D. Leach as assistant. Brother R. F. Butler was elected as pastor in February 1891 till the close of the associational year and a fun of $10 set aside for charity purposes.
In September 1891 Brother Levi Dunn became pastor and continued such till 1892 at which time Brother J. L. Simpson was elected. Again the church roll was revised. In December 1893, Brother Austin Crouch was elected pastor and A. H. M. Smith as church clerk. In April, Brother W. H. Johnson was recognized as a deacon and the pastor's salary set at $200 per year. In June the Methodist brethren challenged the Baptist to debate on doctrines and denominational differences and a committee was appointed to set time for same.
In April 1894 an organ was purchased for the church and June 22, 1895, Brother Sam Finley was elected as deacon and Bro. H. D. Leach was hired to ring the church bell for Sunday school and prayer meeting. On July 28, Brother Finley was duly ordained.
In November 1897 Rev. Crouch resigned as pastor and the church adopted resolutions of appreciation for her services as pastor. In March 1898 Pro. D. E. Gambrell became the pastor and Sam Finley, clerk. In Nov. 1899 Bro. J. A. Moore was elected as pastor and continued as such till 1890 [sic] at which time Rev. J. W. Foster was called to the care of the church. In Dec. 1890 [sic] Brethren Jonathan Spurgeon and J. P. Watson were elected as deacons and in offering of $35 sent to Buckner Orphans Home. In February 1901 the new deacons were ordained.
In September new lights were placed in the church and in Oct. 1902 the church roll was again revised. Members who had walked disorderly having been excluded also some for heresy and others for drunkenness, dancing, and swearing. At this time Bro. J. M. Roden was called as pastor remained such till January 1903. Following his resignation Bro. R. L. Fletcher was called for half time and his salary set AT $300 and a home provided. Meeting days were changed to 2nd and 4th Sundays. A committee was appointed to purchase a pastors home and in November the same was bought and paid for in full. The purchase price being $475. In June 1906 the deacons were instructed to buy 4 lots in front of the church. At the August conference Bro. Fletcher was called for three-fourth time at a salary of $500.00 and continued such till the following June when he resigned.
In June 1907 Brother Griffin was called for the rest of the associational year with J. M. Huguley as clerk. In September Bro. J. W. Hollums became pastor for half time and continued his service until February 1908. The following July Brother D. B. Allen was called. On Dec. 11, 1909 Brethren A. W. Richards and Wade Angel were ordained as deacons.
In July 1912 the church was again without a pastor and Bro. J. A. Caraway was chosen and Cecil Richards as clerk. AT this time new forms for church letters were ordered and the the March conference W. T . Poole was recognized as a regular deacon. Conference days were changed to 3rd Saturday in May. Brother Caraway resigned to go to the Anna church and Bro. T. C. Jester was called for an indefinite time. During his pastorate the new brick church was built and in Sept. 1911 the Collin County association was held with the Allen church. At the completion of the church every dollar on the church was paid and Bro. Lee Scarbrough preached the dedicatory sermon, making mention that this was the first Baptist church he had even known being paid for in full at its completion. In May 1914 Bro. Jester resigned.
In May 1914 Bro. J. Wesley Smith was called to the care of the church and in October new stoves were placed in the building and in June the old seats were donated to the tabernacle. In March 1916 a Men's Council was organized to work for the betterment of the church. On Sept. 11, 1917 the pastor's salary was raised to $600 and Bro. Dudley Grantham was elected as deacon. In Jan. 1919 Bro. Smith resigned as pastor.
In Jan. 1919 Bro. H. E. Fowler was elected as pastor for an indefinite time. He served until the later part of the year. After his resignation to become pastor of the Grand Avenue church in Dallas, Rev. M. H. Godfrey became pastor. The World War was now on and a service flag was placed in the church with stars on it for each of our members in Service and a page set aside in the minute book in memory of the two who gave their lives for their country, Miss Aenard Compton and Mr. Robert Cuffman.
In April 1919 the pastors home was repaired and painted and a bath-tub installed. This work was financed by the Ladies Aid of the church and 25 new chairs were purchased for use in the Sunday school rooms of the church. In May Bro. J. Floyd Jones was licensed to preach the Gospel by the church.
In January 1921, the church voted to go back to halftime so that pastor Godfrey could serve the Murphy church and the salary was set at $300. In April Bro. Godfrey resigned and Bro. W. H. Carder was called. Time of meeting was now changed to 1st and 3rd Sunday. Bro. Carder resigned Sept. 3, 1922 to go to Grand Saline and Rev. F. G. Rogers was called at a salary of $900. In Sept. the Y. W. A. were given permission to have electric fans installed in the church and it was decided to use the parsonage as Sunday school rooms. In May 1924 J. M. Angel, Cecil Richards and Curtis Leach ordained as deacons. Pastor Rodgers resigned the care of the church June 1926.
In August 1926 the budget system was discussed and a number began to pay weekly into the church treasury, the budget not being accepted by the entire church. Bro. K. O. Fugate was now called as pastor and remained such until June 1933 when he resigned to take up evangelistic work on the State Board. During his ministry seven of our finest young people surrendered their lives for special service and Bro. Ray Summers was licensed by the church to preach the Gospel on Dec. 4, 1927. In August the revival meeting which was held by Bro. G. O. Key resulting in 25 additions to church. Rev. Key was voted permission to baptize same Aug 26. W. Hickey was called as pastor and arrangements were made for the Collin County Association to be held Sept 19th and 20th it being just 15 years since it had met with the Allen church. Plans were also made for a fitting celebration of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the church on Oct. 12, 1928.
The present enrollment at the church is 457 of which 132 are non-resident. The church now has a live Sunday school with an average attendance of 256, three good B. Y. P. U.'s, one G. A., one W. M. S. and regular prayer service each Wednesday evening.
The roll of all former pastors and church clerks are as follows:
Pastor E. S. Haynes, 1878-79 with J. C. Jones as clerk.
Pastor I. B. Kimbrough, 1879-1882, D. D. Taylor, clerk.
Pastor C. A. Stinson, 1882-1883, B. M. Boyd, clerk.
Pastor R. W. Holman, 1883-1885, J. W. Lokey, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Mitchell, 1885-86, J. W. Lokey, clerk.
Pastor J. B. Cole, 1886-87, J. W. Lokey, clerk and James Chestnut, clerk.
Pastor C. C. Morgan, 1888-89, G. W. Shields, clerk.
Pastor T. H. Coleman, 1890-91, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor Levi Dunn, 1891-92, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor J. L. Simpson, 1892-93, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor Austin Crouch, 1893-97, A. H. M. Smith, clerk.
Pastor D. E. Gambrell, 1898-1899, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. A. Moore, 1899-1890 [sic], Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Foster, 1890-1902, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. M. Rowden, 1902-1903, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor R. J. Fletcher, 1902-1907, Homer Hendrson, clerk, M. Whisnant, clerk, and J. M. Huguley.
Pastor Griffin, 1907-1907, J. M. Huguley, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Hollums, 1907-1909, J. M. Huguley, clerk.
Pastor D. B. Allen, 1908-1912, Miss Lizzie Melton and Cecil Richards, clerks.
Pastor J. A. Caraway, Jan 1912, May 1912, Cecil Richards, clerk.
Pastor T. C. Jester, 1912-1914, W. T. Poole, clerk.
Pastor J. Wesley Smith, 1914-1919, W. C. Hagy and Miss Mattie Green, clerks.
Pastor H. E. Fowler, 1919-1919, Miss Mattie Green, clerk.
Pastor M. H. Godfrey, 1919-1921, Mrs. J. A. Clarke, clerk.
Pastor W. H. Carder, 1921-1922, Mrs. J. A. Clarke, clerk.
Pastor F. G. Rodgers, 1922-1926, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
Pastor K. G. Fugate, 1926-1928, August, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
Pastor Scott W. Hickey, Aug. 1928 ---, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
The present Board of Deacons:
R. B. Whisnant, Jonathan Spurgeon, A. W. Richards, G. A. Gilliland, N. R. Beene, J. M. Angel, I C. Richards, W. C. Leach and R. T. Beene.
Oct. 11, 1928
The Allen Baptist church will celebrate its fiftieth birthday this week, beginning with a sermon Thursday evening by Rev. H. E. Fowler of Dallas and climaxing Sunday with the anniversary sermon at 11 o'clock by Dr. M. McConnell, editor of the Baptist Standard. Dinner will be served on the church lawn and the services will be concluded with an ordination service at 3 o'clock when Ray Summers will be set apart to the fall work of the ministry. Evangelist K. O. Fugate, former pastor, will preach the ordination sermon.
A history of the church compiled from the original minutes by the present clerk, Mrs. L. Gosman, will read Friday and Saturday evenings and sermons will be delivered at those hours by Pastor F. G. Rogers of Spur, Texas, and Dean J. Wesley Smith of Marshall college, both of whom are former pastors of this church.
The former members and other friends are invited to be present and join in the celebration of church's fifty years of service in God and humanity in the county.
The celebration will be in charge of the new pastor, Scott W. Hinkey, who recently came to the church from the Walnut Street Baptist church at Abilene.
Daily Courier Gazette, October 25, 1928
The following interesting sketch of the history and organization of the Allen Baptist church was written for the Examiner by Mrs. L. Gorman, our faithful correspondent at Allen and was read at the "Home Coming" there last Sunday.
In 1876 the Wilson Creek Baptist church appointed a committee to confer with the Faulkner Prairie church asking them to co-operate in the building of a Baptist church together at Allen station.
In February 1876 the committee reported that Faulkner Prairie had agreed to unite with Wilson Creek at Gum Springs near Brother Sales Coffeys field and Wilson Creek agreed to go there.
The next meeting was to be held in the school house, near Allen station, and in May 1878 the name of the church was changed from Wilson Creek to Allen. At this time there was a difficulty within the church and help was asked from Faulkner Prairie, Rowlett and Bethel church to settle same.
On October 13, 1878, after preaching by Elder G. W. Rogers, there was a council organized with Elder Rogers acting as moderator and Elder J. M. Trotter as clerk. The council announced ready to proceed to the organization of those present from the old Allen church, those from Faulkner Prairie and all present-holding letters from sister churches of the same faith and order into a new Baptist church whereupon the following presented themselves for membership. Bro. Sales Coffey, R. R. Smart, R. R. Drake, J. C. Jones, B. D. Taylor, T. R. Merry, G. W. Shields, T. J. Fort, G. Wash Ford, R. B. Whisenant, James Whisenant, J. C. Turner, John Smallwood, __ Whisenant, J. M. Trotter, George C. Ford, J. D. Yeatts, J. M. Yeatts, C. C. Yeatts, G. W. Kidd, M. T. Gullidge, T. J. Lynn, W. M. Lynn, N. S. Clardy, T. M . Phelps, J. A. Phelps, Sisters J. A. Smart, M. E. Jones, Margaret Fort, Syntha Drake, M. E. Shields, S. J. McKnight, Rebecca Kidd, S. J. Yeatts, S. E. Lockhart, Easterly Yeatts, Permelie Ford, __ Whisenant, Harriett Whisenant, Mary A. Coffy, Jane McFarlin, M. Kerby, Josie Kerby, W. A. Clardy, M. A. Mountcastle, Mary Warrenton, ? Chapman, Caroline Ford and __ Turner.
On October 14 conference was called and Brother E. S. Haynes was picked as pastor and J. C. Jones as church clerk. A two week meeting was held closing. Oct. 20 during which 10 were added to the church by baptism and 8 by letter.
On November 3rd, Brother Coffy stated that he thought it best to call a conference for the purpose of considering the question of building a house of worship. This conference was called November 9, and a committee was appointed to ascertain if the church could secure a lot near the depot and on what terms. Brothers Ford, Coffy and J. C. Jones were the committee and they were also authorized to sell the lot owned by the church if they secured the new one. A soliciting committee was also appointed to secure funds for building as follows: Brothers S. Coffy, J. C. Jones, N. S. Clardy, R. R. Stuart, R. B. Whisenant, Lokey and E. s. Haynes. Sisters M. A. Clardy, M. A. Mountcastle and Emma Huguley.
At each conference held it was the custom to open the doors of the church for the reception of new members.
On November 30, 1878, Bro. Gulege called for a letter of dismission from the church as he was moving out of the bounds of the church. This was the first letter to be erased from the new church.
On Dec. 1 conference was called to elect another deacon and Bro. B. D. Tasher was elected to be ordained at the first meeting.
In April 1879 the committee previously organized reported a lot purchased 75 or 100 yards east of the school and the deeds made out to the trustees, viz: R. R. Smart, N. S. Clardy and R. B. Whisenant. The committee was retained until the old lot was sold.
At the June conference the articles of faith were read and four messengers were elected to attend the district meeting to be held at Antioch. On the 5th Sunday messengers were also elected to attend the Convention at Plano on Thursday before 1st Sunday in July. A letter from the General Sunday School convention was read asking permission to meet with Allen the 4th Sunday in June and permission was granted.
In July Messengers were duly elected to attend Elm Fork association to be held with Pleasant View church 1st Sunday in September and the church clerk instructed to prepare a petitionary letter for the same also an invitation sent for next meeting of the North Texas Missionary Convention to come to Allen.
In November 1879 Rev. Haynes resigned as pastor and Rev. I. E. Kimbrough was called. The committee to solicit funds for the new building reported it doubted if the Masons and Odd Follows would give assistance and it was decided to build alone. A building committee was then appointed of the five brethren as follows: S. Coffy, R. B. Whisenant, R. R. Drake, R. R. Smart, and J. C. Jones.
At the February meeting 1880 R. B. Whisenant was elected church treasurer. A committee from Rowlett Creek church, "Brethren Stanton Huguley [extended] an invitation for Allen to assist them in a camp meeting to be held in July or August by Bro. Penn, the great evangelist and the invitation was accepted.
In July 1880 messengers were elected to attend Elm Fork Association and carry an invitation for the next meeting to be in Allen also to do all they could to help the 1st church of Dallas to be seated in the association.
In November 1880 conference was held for the first time in the new church building and in January 1881 J. C. Jones concluded his service as Clerk, having served since the church was organized. Bro. D. B. Taylor was elected as his successor. At the April meeting, Bro. O. D. Leach was recognized as a regularly ordained deacon. At this meeting permission was granted the Methodist denomination to hold services in the church and at the May conference the Sabbath school that had been organized in the school house was permitted to meet in the church. In Sept. 1881 a sexton was hired and his salary set at $12 per year.
In July 1882 messengers were elected to the North Texas convention at Fort Worth and in August messengers elected to the Dallas county association and $3 sent as minute money. In Oct. 1882 Bro. Kimbrough resigned as pastor and B. D. Taylor as clerk. In December, Rev. C. A. Stanton became pastor, his salary to be paid quarterly and when it failed to be paid his time was to expire. H. M. Boyd was the new clerk. In March 1882 it was reported a debt of $169.11 still owing on the building and a committee appointed to collect same. A contribution of $4.50 was made to missions at the April meeting a leave of absence was granted Pastor Stanton to attend the Southern Baptist convention. In September it was decided to revise the church roll. The finance reported $76 still due on the building.
In Dec. Rev. E. W. Holman became pastor and R. B. Whisenant resigned as treasurer and O. D. Leach was elected to his position. At the February 1884 meeting following resolution of regret were ordered written concerning the death of the beloved former pastor Stanton and a copy of same sent his bereaved wife. In August 1884 the committee appointed to sell the old lot near Cottonwood Creek reported lot sold for $25, one-half in cash, the balance due when deed was signed. It was agreed the amount due was to be paid Bro. S. Coffy for money advanced on purchase of said lot and the rest to be invested in window blinds for the church.
At the September conference an aged member was reported in need and a committee was appointed to see after same. In February 1885 the pastor resigned and Bro. R. H. Love was selected to take his place till further arrangements could be made. At the May meeting the regular services were changed into prayer services. The business of the July meeting was the appointment of a committee to secure help for a revival. In August Brother J. W. Mitchell was called as pastor at a salary of $150 per year and railroad expenses. In January 1885 the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that we as a church will not tolerate dancing and drunkenness nor any plays that look like dancing and any one guilty of the above offense shall be subject to the discipline of the church.
In May 1886 a committee was appointed to revise the articles of faith, church covenant and decorum of the old Wilson Creek church and submit same to this church for approval. The committee reported in June and their report adopted. In June Bro. Morris was secured to assist the pastor in a revival. Bro. Leach resigned as treasurer.
In September 1886 Allen church made application for dismission from the Elm Fork association for the purpose of organizing a Collin County association and the church adopted a monthly system of raising money for missions. In October Brethren S. Coffy, J. W. Lokey, R. B. Whisnant, and J. A. Jones were sent as messengers to the convention to help organize said Collin County association. Bro. J. B. Cole was elected pastor and Bro. Boyd as treasurer.
At the November meeting the following resolution was adopted: whereas it is but a matter of simple justice to ourselves that other denominations using our house of worship should remunerate us reasonably for use of same, Be it therefore resolved that henceforth we require each denomination using it for public worship to pay us $2.50 per month for one Saturday and Sunday in each month with privilege of holding protracted meetings, when not in conflict with our services.
No meetings were held in Dec., Jan., and Feb. In April 1888 Bro. C. C. Morgan was elected as pastor as a salary of $12.50 per month to be paid monthly. On Saturday during the August revival, Bro. R. B. Whisenant was ordained as deacon.
In September 1888 $10 was sent to the association at Farmersville on missions and in Oct. the church went to halftime and the pastor's salary raised to $300 a year. AT the November conference the church roll was called and revised, some whose where abouts was unknown were dropped from the roll. Committees appointed to see some members no living satisfactory to the church and wrote to other counties to see why members of this church living there had not called for their letters.
In December 1888 the Hardshell Baptists asked permission to occupy the church once each month and organize a church. Permission was granted.
At the April conference 1889 it was decided to change meeting days from 3rd Sunday to 2nd Sunday for the convenience of Rowlett church. In July the church building was repainted and Bro. Coleman invited to assist the pastor in the August revival. In December it was decided to send $10 for Buckner Orphan Homes, $10 for Home Missions and $10 for Foreign Missions. In June 1890, Brother T. H. Coleman became pastor of the church and new hymn books purchased. In December, a Baptist Sunday school was organized with Bro. D. L. Carter as superintendent and O. D. Leach as assistant. Brother R. F. Butler was elected as pastor in February 1891 till the close of the associational year and a fun of $10 set aside for charity purposes.
In September 1891 Brother Levi Dunn became pastor and continued such till 1892 at which time Brother J. L. Simpson was elected. Again the church roll was revised. In December 1893, Brother Austin Crouch was elected pastor and A. H. M. Smith as church clerk. In April, Brother W. H. Johnson was recognized as a deacon and the pastor's salary set at $200 per year. In June the Methodist brethren challenged the Baptist to debate on doctrines and denominational differences and a committee was appointed to set time for same.
In April 1894 an organ was purchased for the church and June 22, 1895, Brother Sam Finley was elected as deacon and Bro. H. D. Leach was hired to ring the church bell for Sunday school and prayer meeting. On July 28, Brother Finley was duly ordained.
In November 1897 Rev. Crouch resigned as pastor and the church adopted resolutions of appreciation for her services as pastor. In March 1898 Pro. D. E. Gambrell became the pastor and Sam Finley, clerk. In Nov. 1899 Bro. J. A. Moore was elected as pastor and continued as such till 1890 [sic] at which time Rev. J. W. Foster was called to the care of the church. In Dec. 1890 [sic] Brethren Jonathan Spurgeon and J. P. Watson were elected as deacons and in offering of $35 sent to Buckner Orphans Home. In February 1901 the new deacons were ordained.
In September new lights were placed in the church and in Oct. 1902 the church roll was again revised. Members who had walked disorderly having been excluded also some for heresy and others for drunkenness, dancing, and swearing. At this time Bro. J. M. Roden was called as pastor remained such till January 1903. Following his resignation Bro. R. L. Fletcher was called for half time and his salary set AT $300 and a home provided. Meeting days were changed to 2nd and 4th Sundays. A committee was appointed to purchase a pastors home and in November the same was bought and paid for in full. The purchase price being $475. In June 1906 the deacons were instructed to buy 4 lots in front of the church. At the August conference Bro. Fletcher was called for three-fourth time at a salary of $500.00 and continued such till the following June when he resigned.
In June 1907 Brother Griffin was called for the rest of the associational year with J. M. Huguley as clerk. In September Bro. J. W. Hollums became pastor for half time and continued his service until February 1908. The following July Brother D. B. Allen was called. On Dec. 11, 1909 Brethren A. W. Richards and Wade Angel were ordained as deacons.
In July 1912 the church was again without a pastor and Bro. J. A. Caraway was chosen and Cecil Richards as clerk. AT this time new forms for church letters were ordered and the the March conference W. T . Poole was recognized as a regular deacon. Conference days were changed to 3rd Saturday in May. Brother Caraway resigned to go to the Anna church and Bro. T. C. Jester was called for an indefinite time. During his pastorate the new brick church was built and in Sept. 1911 the Collin County association was held with the Allen church. At the completion of the church every dollar on the church was paid and Bro. Lee Scarbrough preached the dedicatory sermon, making mention that this was the first Baptist church he had even known being paid for in full at its completion. In May 1914 Bro. Jester resigned.
In May 1914 Bro. J. Wesley Smith was called to the care of the church and in October new stoves were placed in the building and in June the old seats were donated to the tabernacle. In March 1916 a Men's Council was organized to work for the betterment of the church. On Sept. 11, 1917 the pastor's salary was raised to $600 and Bro. Dudley Grantham was elected as deacon. In Jan. 1919 Bro. Smith resigned as pastor.
In Jan. 1919 Bro. H. E. Fowler was elected as pastor for an indefinite time. He served until the later part of the year. After his resignation to become pastor of the Grand Avenue church in Dallas, Rev. M. H. Godfrey became pastor. The World War was now on and a service flag was placed in the church with stars on it for each of our members in Service and a page set aside in the minute book in memory of the two who gave their lives for their country, Miss Aenard Compton and Mr. Robert Cuffman.
In April 1919 the pastors home was repaired and painted and a bath-tub installed. This work was financed by the Ladies Aid of the church and 25 new chairs were purchased for use in the Sunday school rooms of the church. In May Bro. J. Floyd Jones was licensed to preach the Gospel by the church.
In January 1921, the church voted to go back to halftime so that pastor Godfrey could serve the Murphy church and the salary was set at $300. In April Bro. Godfrey resigned and Bro. W. H. Carder was called. Time of meeting was now changed to 1st and 3rd Sunday. Bro. Carder resigned Sept. 3, 1922 to go to Grand Saline and Rev. F. G. Rogers was called at a salary of $900. In Sept. the Y. W. A. were given permission to have electric fans installed in the church and it was decided to use the parsonage as Sunday school rooms. In May 1924 J. M. Angel, Cecil Richards and Curtis Leach ordained as deacons. Pastor Rodgers resigned the care of the church June 1926.
In August 1926 the budget system was discussed and a number began to pay weekly into the church treasury, the budget not being accepted by the entire church. Bro. K. O. Fugate was now called as pastor and remained such until June 1933 when he resigned to take up evangelistic work on the State Board. During his ministry seven of our finest young people surrendered their lives for special service and Bro. Ray Summers was licensed by the church to preach the Gospel on Dec. 4, 1927. In August the revival meeting which was held by Bro. G. O. Key resulting in 25 additions to church. Rev. Key was voted permission to baptize same Aug 26. W. Hickey was called as pastor and arrangements were made for the Collin County Association to be held Sept 19th and 20th it being just 15 years since it had met with the Allen church. Plans were also made for a fitting celebration of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the church on Oct. 12, 1928.
The present enrollment at the church is 457 of which 132 are non-resident. The church now has a live Sunday school with an average attendance of 256, three good B. Y. P. U.'s, one G. A., one W. M. S. and regular prayer service each Wednesday evening.
The roll of all former pastors and church clerks are as follows:
Pastor E. S. Haynes, 1878-79 with J. C. Jones as clerk.
Pastor I. B. Kimbrough, 1879-1882, D. D. Taylor, clerk.
Pastor C. A. Stinson, 1882-1883, B. M. Boyd, clerk.
Pastor R. W. Holman, 1883-1885, J. W. Lokey, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Mitchell, 1885-86, J. W. Lokey, clerk.
Pastor J. B. Cole, 1886-87, J. W. Lokey, clerk and James Chestnut, clerk.
Pastor C. C. Morgan, 1888-89, G. W. Shields, clerk.
Pastor T. H. Coleman, 1890-91, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor Levi Dunn, 1891-92, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor J. L. Simpson, 1892-93, R. H. Love, clerk.
Pastor Austin Crouch, 1893-97, A. H. M. Smith, clerk.
Pastor D. E. Gambrell, 1898-1899, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. A. Moore, 1899-1890 [sic], Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Foster, 1890-1902, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor J. M. Rowden, 1902-1903, Sam H. Finley, clerk.
Pastor R. J. Fletcher, 1902-1907, Homer Hendrson, clerk, M. Whisnant, clerk, and J. M. Huguley.
Pastor Griffin, 1907-1907, J. M. Huguley, clerk.
Pastor J. W. Hollums, 1907-1909, J. M. Huguley, clerk.
Pastor D. B. Allen, 1908-1912, Miss Lizzie Melton and Cecil Richards, clerks.
Pastor J. A. Caraway, Jan 1912, May 1912, Cecil Richards, clerk.
Pastor T. C. Jester, 1912-1914, W. T. Poole, clerk.
Pastor J. Wesley Smith, 1914-1919, W. C. Hagy and Miss Mattie Green, clerks.
Pastor H. E. Fowler, 1919-1919, Miss Mattie Green, clerk.
Pastor M. H. Godfrey, 1919-1921, Mrs. J. A. Clarke, clerk.
Pastor W. H. Carder, 1921-1922, Mrs. J. A. Clarke, clerk.
Pastor F. G. Rodgers, 1922-1926, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
Pastor K. G. Fugate, 1926-1928, August, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
Pastor Scott W. Hickey, Aug. 1928 ---, Mrs. L. Gorman, clerk.
The present Board of Deacons:
R. B. Whisnant, Jonathan Spurgeon, A. W. Richards, G. A. Gilliland, N. R. Beene, J. M. Angel, I C. Richards, W. C. Leach and R. T. Beene.